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Name: Mirviva
Other names:
World: Gyllenheim
parents : Rasmer
siblings : Lif
several demigods
Consorts : Falnvir
Several mortal women and men.
Children: Lots

Mirviva is the goddess of fertility in the chronological faith and as such does she give life to both the fields but also the wombs of women and is often seen in the sagas to take women and men alike to her bed. Most noteworthy is she known to be a lover of both Falnvir and Falnmar the goddess of sowing and the god of harvest. It is said that when Falnmar was demanded to show his greatness as a farmer so did he first take both his wife Falnvir but also the goddesses Mirviva and her sister Lif to bed in an open field to make it rich and fertile. He did then plough for nine days and nine nights and each sunrise did he sacrifice a goat to great Rasmer. On the ninth day did he make the harvest and presented it to Rasmer as fealty. Even today so is said that this was how Süderlandet and Söderang is so fertile.


Both Lif and Mirviva was created by Rasmer as he first made two dolls out of flowers that he during three days and three nights twined together. According to the legends were there eight kings that all fell in love with the dolls that Rasmer made and each promised to bring him gifts and tribute aplenty if he would give them life and allow the kings to marry them. Each brought him gold, the heads of Wharen, massive herds of sacrifices, tales of how they tracked down the most powerful demons roaming the world and the largest of dragons. However there was also a young lardin, the youngest son of a chieftain belonging to a small tribe that promised the god that he would make a sacrifice so massive that he could cover enough land with the skin of the animals that one could ride for nine days straight before reaching the end of the skin.

To this did Rasmer agree and granted the young man three days to gather the herd required for this massive sacrifice. The young lardin raided a village where it was rumoured that the greatest mammoth in all the land could be found. He took the mammoth and sacrificed it to Rasmer as he had promised and cut it's skin into a thin thread and stretchered it out in a circle over the land and indeed did it take nine days to ride from end to end of the thread.

Rasmer laughed at this and spat his seed into the dolls and immediately did they spring to life holy and divine and married the young lardin. When the lardin died two centuries later were he pulled off to the heavens and were made into a star consultation to forever be an example for young warriors.

Mirviva in the sagas

Mirviva is often mentioned in the sagas and is constantly visited by women, both old and young that want children and she often bless them with children. She is also seen as a powerful enchantress and rather wise and kind.

However she is most importantly known amongst the gods as the one that keeps the garden where the golden apples that gives the gods eternal life are grown and several stories mentions foolish kings, drotins, jarls and Lardins that have asked for her hand.

She once had a twin sister as well that she shared everything with named Lif and the two more than once danced over the large planes and in the mountains valleys of the north with one another. However did one day a greedy elven prince see the pair and fell in love with Lif. So he ambushed the pair and took Lif as his wife despite the pairs protests.

In the end did a hero named Ildrik ride forward dressed in bronze and with heads aplenty hanging from his belt and woved to bring Mirviva her sister back. Quickly did the raider ride down to the south where he stormed the prince castle but the prince with his final breath mortally wound Lif with a poisoned dagger. Griefsturken did Ildrik ride home with Lif's body to the gods in the north, he was however given a new duty there as Silmir, the first god of the moon, took the pair on his chariot and rode up to the sky where he placed them on the heavens where Ildrik could forever guard dying Lif in the hope that she would get better.

Mirviva and her sister were also known as rivals of both Helia and Bel and the four often clashed with one another. Often did even Arkar the god of mischief join the feuds even if he did not do so directly but often played both sides against one another.


Mirva is described in the sagas as having been the mother of several rose touched demigods, amongst others did she give birth to eternally young Iliga that is the guardians of maidens and maidenhood, and Laga the guardian of mothers and motherhood. She also gave birth to the large wolf Rilmir that she gave to Bel as his personal mount to ride into combat on.

Worship of Mirviva

In the days of old so were Mirviva often worshipped in huge rites where practitioners were painted with runes and made to resemble the goddess as close as possible danced naked around bonefires that ended in sexual acts with the male practitioners under the full moon. Mirvia was one of the few gods that did not demand blood sacrifices but instead so were flowers and plants burnt next to the couples involved in the ceremony while chants to her glory was made by the couples. However during the Purification era during the 17th century so did this rite lose it's popularity and were used less and less. Finally at the end of the 17th century was the rite entirely removed from official chronological doctrine. Instead so was the rite replaced with the modern rite that while similar in nature to the original one removed all sexual acts and banned male participants, instead so do priestesses dance under the moonlight while doing chants even if the modern ones do so fully dressed in chronological robes.

However despite that so is the original rites still practised in the more conservative sects amongst the chronologically but those are rare and generally frowned upon by the arch cleric. Another ritual that is common is that young maidens before their wedding night burns their childhood dolls to signify that their childhood is over and that they are asking for Mirvivas blessing for their future lives ans wives and women. Template:Chronological gods