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Narra Mithology- Gods & Demigods

Lucius-God of time

Akir-God of the elements

Narra-Goddess of Nature


Atlea-Goddess of wars

Junlin-God of creation

Akrus-God of darkness (Modification made by the hidden brotherhood)

Jhalu-God of emotions

Eco-Goddess of Chaos

Jug-God of Peace

Hon-god of hope

Narra Mithology BOOK 1

One day on earth, a great eclipse occurred, the humans surprised by such an event believed that the end was near and began to cause chaos in the world. After these events, Okiri, father of existence, decided to send 3 stones in which there would be souls that would develop and help humanity prevent chaos. So, Okiri sent the stones to earth, landing the first one in Jhul, La second at Afrwiild and third at Hoppe.

These 3 elemental stones developed and in a year, they came out of their corresponding stones and thus the 3 great ones were born, Lucius, Akir and Narra, who quickly began to sow seeds of the trees of hope (Hon Trees) and explained to humanity how to avoid the chaos.

Over time, humanity was accepting the 3 great ones and they were forming empires planting peace and the Hon tree, In addition, The 3 brothers did not fall short and had sons and daughters with other gods from the other world, This is how some like :Atlea, JunLin, Akrus, Echo, Jug, Hon and Jhalu.

Lucius was a gray skinned elf with a skull mask and long white hair, his character was cute but very corruptible, his soul level was 3, also he is the god of time being the most patient and using time as wisdom to see the future, he used two weapons, the Travelit dagger and the spear forged by Brajhir

"Lucius, my brother is a nice boy but very hypocritical and corruptible sometimes" -Akir, God of the elements and brother of Lucius

"My father is an idiot who can be very affectionate sometimes" -Akrus, God of eternity and 2 son of Lucius

"I love him a lot! He's a good guy, I don't know why people complain so much about him!" -Narra, goddess of nature and sister of Lucius

Akir is a pale white dwarf with a shape similar to that of a white cat with pink ears, He wears a helmet in the shape of a mushroom and is the youngest of all the brothers, His soul level is 9 and he is the one who He has the highest soul level of the brothers, He is the god of the elements, Water, Earth, Air, Fire and the 5 forgotten element, Magic, He controls the environment at will and can make a tree or any tree grow thing to your liking, this applies to the texture, shape or even existence of that thing, Its weapons are: The orb of truth and the bow of the 5 elements

"So cute and gentle!!" -Says Narra while she was drunk from eating a leaf from the tree of Hon, Sister of Akir and Lucius

"He is somewhat weak in my opinion but he is still gentle and affectionate" Says Lucius while battling with an Ageir, Brother of Narra and Akir

"My father?...uh...he doesn't pay much attention to me...he's very careless with his children/He could cause a cataclysm and gather all the souls in the world if my father dies"

-Say Atlea and Eco while exploring a cave, Goddess of wars and goddess of chaos, Daughters of Akir

Lastly, there is Narra, she is a human with short but long red hair on her forehead who wears a tree leaf in her hair, she is very affectionate and innocent but when she gets angry or sad it is very stressful, her level of soul is 7, she is the goddess of nature and was the one who helped humans the most, her weapons are: The scythe of the roots and the sword of cataclysm that Echo, Goddess of chaos, gave him.

"I love her very much, she is innocent and very silly and that is her charm" Says Akir while he was hunting a Jolhold, Brother of Narra

"Heh...he de-stresses me with his jokes and stories" Says Lucius in his room, Brother of Narra

"So affectionate, gentle and honorable, she is very strong and will sow the true beginning of this world! / I love my mother, I love her so much that I would kill anyone just for her / My father told me that my aunt was gentle, I think it is very weak when angry" -They say Jarra, Hon and Junlin at a meeting in the town of Ponki, Sons of Narra and son of Lucius

After many years, JunLin (1 Son of Lucius and god of creation) faced Kane the hunter of gods, and was defeated, after this vulgar and horrible act the people of Ponki were outraged and made a revolt against Kane, Lucius Narra, Akir and the children of the latter found out about this event and armed and bravely faced Kane and his group of rebels.

The war began to corrupt the souls of the gods, so Lucius withdrew from the battle because his soul was only one level away from being corrupted and if you corrupt yourself, you become a Yughar, a hunter of humanity and a wanderer of nothingness, Narra faced Kane face to face and with the sword of cataclysm put an end to the hunter of gods but made a revolt in the other empires, which were confused and intrigued if Narra was really a sealer of peace or a simple warrior with a name of God This is how "The Gem of Light" was formed, formed by: Khulan the blacksmith, Uiko the hunter, Pote the wise and Anika the immortal warrior and together with all the people they armed a rebellion against the 3 greats of Narra.


Narra Mithology BOOK 2

Narra Mythology Book 2 Before we begin, let's explain some things about narrated mythology.

Soul level: The level of the soul is determined by your actions, the more good actions you do, the less corruptible you will be but more sentimental and worried as you do more evil and merciless deeds your soul will be more corruptible but less sentimental or worried

When your soul reaches -0 or +10 you will become corrupted and become a lost soul, you will lose all your knowledge and skills and become a Yughar, hunter of humanity and wanderer of nothingness


-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +10

It is important to have a soul in an average of 4 or above but without reaching +10, at most up to 8

Gods and demigods: Soul level of each

Narra: 7-Incorruptible

Akir: 9-Almost incorruptible

Lucius: 3-1-Dangerous/Too corruptible








Now yes, let's start

The gem of light, an alliance made in order to exterminate the gods, for many years this alliance caused problems, after which the architects of time decided to end each of its members, thus, the extermination began Of the Light Gems, anyone related to or in that group would be mercilessly annihilated. Furthermore, the Architects of Time have no souls, so they cannot be corrupted.

Narra, Hon and Jug did not agree with this and this generated a bad communication from the gods to the architects of time

Lucius began to do good deeds and show more mercy to increase his soul level, but it was all in vain as it turned out that his soul could no longer level up, so Lucius embarked on a search for a powerful sorceress who He hid behind the branches of the Narra forest where Akrus was born, upon reaching the forest he met different Yughar who were out there, humans and animals corrupted by a world that treated them badly, Lucius kept looking for said witch who would help him purify his sins and finally free his soul, on the way he met Burkzak, an ancient sage made of stone and the remains of a decaying forest, he told him that such a sorceress he was looking for had died years ago by the war of gods and that he was his substitute, so, Lucius began to train and meditate with Burkzak who had a unique vision of life

"Life goes and flies, the bad ones are eternal and the good ones are few, therefore there is no true balance in this world, my vision is that to purify the sins caused by such bad people you have to get the truth of the Shin-Zak in your body"

The Shin-Zak is an internal power of the body, when fighting your body will do damage similar to that of an animal, this power also facilitates the internal respiration of the body and accelerates internal blood flow, in addition to causing the symptom of "Shin -Zuack" or as it is called today..."Adrenaline"

So after 3 months of hard training and meditation, Lucius finally got his Shin-Zak and his soul had finally been purified now his soul level was as before, 3.

Meanwhile Narra, Hon and Jog got fed up with the acts of the architects after a brutal massacre in a small village thinking that its inhabitants were part of the gem of light, so the war of gods against the architects began.

Led by Narra and Jog

Akrus did not agree with this war, so after an act of brutal rebellion, he decided to kill his father, Lucius.

Armed with the scythe of the possessed Yughar and the daggers of Eco, he decided to battle against his father but his father emerged victorious, that is how Akrus formed a war against his father and therefore against the gods, the cataclysm of the