Monarchy of Cavarzere

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Doge of the Most Serene and Auspicious Republic of Cavarzere
Coat of Arms of Cavarzere.png
Coat of arms of the Doge
Presidente Sergio Mattarella.jpg
Leonardo III Dondorana
StyleHis Serenity
His Most Serene
ResidencePałaso Dogal
AppointerCouncil of Thirteen
Formation1062 (historical)
1867 (reformed)
First holderOrdelafo I Cavarzeran

The Doge of the Most Serene and Auspicious Republic (Cavarzerian: Doxe de Serenìsima è Auspixio Repùblica) is the head of state and chief executive of Cavarzere. The first Doge was Dioclexiano Cavarseran in 1062, after securing the city its independence. From 1062 until 1867, the Doge was democratically elected by the inhabitants of city and held for life, in line with the city's history as a maritime republic. However, political instability led to the patrician House of Dandorana securing the position in perpetuity. The rule in perpetuity has led many to consider Cavarzere a monarchical state. The Dandorana family have held the office uninterrupted since 1867. The current monarch is Doge Leonardo.

The monarchy is typically composed of the reigning doge and his spouse and children, and the entire ducal household which is comprised of staff and those who assist the doge in carrying out their constitutional duties. The monarchy is always represented by the reigning doge, his spouse and eldest children. Since December 2017, the monarchy is represented by Doge Leonardo, his younger brother, Duke Bartolomeo II Dondorana, the doge's children, Serene Prince Tranquilo, Serene Princess Giovanna, Serene Princess Dianora and Serene Prince Enrico.

The current system finds its roots decades prior to independence, with the Duchy of Cavarzere, also known as the Duchy of the Lagoon, under the Latin Empire. However, the collapse of the empire in 1060, saw Dioclexiano Cavarseran secure the city's independence, assuming the title of Doge (Doxe from the Latin for Duke). Throughout much of the city's history, no family could hold the post for more than one consecutive reign, ensuring the republic's quasi-republican and democratic nature. The Devotion of Cavarzere to the Dandorana, ensured that the post would only be held by one patrician family, establishing the city's first true dynasty.


The position of Doge was formally created in 1062, in the immediate aftermath of Cavarzerian independence from Latium. It's founding father, Ordelafo I Cavarzeran, who prior to independence held the title of Duke of Cavarzere, transitioned the title to the local dialect, producing the title Doge (Doxe). The position was not much different from other absolute monarchs of time, with the Doge only taking the advice and interjections of the city's patrician families through the Council of the Lagoon. However, until 1135, the Doge was elected by and from within the Council of the Lagoon, ensuring the wealthiest families held power.

A fictional portrait of Ordelafo I Cavarzeran, the first Doge of the republic.

In 1135, the Council of Seven established numerous assemblies and bodies, directly elected by the patrician class. These included the Signoria, Council of Judges (Conséjo Xudegar) and the Concio, all three bodies would elect a Doge from pre-selected families. Over time, the powers of the Doge declined to that a ceremonial head, who'd be granted extensive powers in times of crisis.

In 1200, the Council of Ten (the body of the ten leading families) established laws denying the Doge's the ability to influence the selection of candidates, to deter the creation of dynasties, while further laws were introduced limiting the Doge's use of office to enrich themselves, such as the ban on the Doge granting special rights and dispensations to family members or associates, as well as requiring a Doge to relinquish all personally owned businesses and assets.

From 1200 until 1867, virtually no changes would be made to the Doge's powers, titles or rights. However, the civil strife of the mid-19th century saw the rise of the Dondorana family from an already wealthy and powerful position to complete domination. The Sorellan Crisis (1864-1867) resulted in Viadro Dondorana defeating a peasant rebellion led by Emmanuele da Frixaturo at the Battle of Sant'Marco par Àdexe. Viadro led his forces in a march on Cavarzere itself, overthrowing the Doge and proclaiming himself Doge, this was followed by the Devotion of Cavarzere to the Dondorana, where the republic declared the Dondorana family as rulers in perpetuity, effectively turning Cavarzere into a monarchy.

From 1867 until 1869, the entire constitutional framework of Cavarzere was overhauled. Numerous bodies having existing for centuries were abolished or merged. The Council of Judges and Concio were abolished and the Signoria became the lower-house of a new Great Council of Cavarzere, while the Council of Ten was expanded to become the Council of Thirteen. Powers were centralised around both the Doge and Council of Thirteen, reinforcing the oligarchic rule of the country.

Viadro Dondorana, led patrician forces against the peasant rebellion, staging a coup in aftermath and establishing his family's rule in perpetuity.

Today, the Doge of Cavarzere enjoys powers on par with some of the most powerful monarchs in Belisaria. The Doge holds significant powers over executive, legislative and diplomatic matters and possesses a veto that cannot be overturned by any legislative body.

Role in government

Today the Doge acts as the head of state and and nominal head of government. His many constitutional powers were taken from the numerous bodies and assemblies of pre-Devotion Cavarzere, with numerous powers over the executive and legislature, along with his role as chief executive and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Executive powers

Legislative powers

Military and diplomatic powers

Titles, Styles and Honors

Succession laws

Estates and residences

The Doge's official residence in Cavarzere is Pałaso Dogal, on the Great Square of Saint Mark. It is the site of most state banquets, investitures and other ceremonies, Doge Leonardo has take up full residence here. The other official residence bequeathed by the state is the Caxa de Łaguna, this is used as a private residence for the Doge's children.