National Parks Board Act, 2023

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National Parks Board Act, 2023
Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland
An Act to create and fund National Parks.
CitationOriginal Text
Enacted byHouse of Commons
Date enacted03 January, 2023
Enacted byHouse of Lords
Date enacted24 January, 2023
Date of Royal Assent24 January, 2023
Signed by HM Queen Elizabeth III
Introduced by Hon Asce de Vitre MP (BFL)
Repealing legislation
Status: In force

Content of the Act

Article I || Titles

1.00 || This Act may be cited and referred to in short as the National Parks Board Act 2022.

1.01 || This Act may be referred to in full as National Parks Board Establishment and Funding Act 2022.

Article II || Definitions

2.00 || A National Park shall be a designated tract of land, water, or a mixture of both which is set aside for the act of conservation and ecological tourism.

2.01 || An admission fee shall be a fee levied for access into a recognized National Park.

Article III || Board Establishment and Protocol

3.00 || The National Parks Board shall be a group comprised of no more than seven and no less than three members of the Home Office.

3.01 || The National Parks Board shall be given the power to consider, approve, deny, and revoke National Park Charters.

3.02 || The National Parks Board shall be given the power to raise or lower admission fees.

Article IV || Admission Fees

4.00 || Admission Fees shall be collected by Home Office employees.

4.01 || Collected admission Fees may only be used for the maintenance, conservation, and creation of National Parks.

4.02 || Citizens of the Empire of Great Britian that have a primary residence within 160km of the border of a National Park shall be exempt from admission Fees at said park only.

Article V || Ratification

5.00 || This Non-Standard Act shall come into effect upon passage by both Houses of Parliament a simple majority and assent by the Sovereign or other authority as established under the Monarchy Act of 2021.