Njorish Exploitation Of Assumptaria

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Assumptaria in the colonial era was heavily influenced by Njordrlann and was considered a satelite state by most modern scholars. This satelite state status was abused by Njordrlann and led to the 1643 Civil War between assumptarian unionists and loyalists as well as The 1762 Revolution which led to the removal of njorish influence in assumptarian politics.

These policies were willingly accepted by the assumptarian populace due to the high reverence of old-world ilaneans. They were seen as Oatheir sent saviors due to their blonde hair (which many assumptarians had never seen before),their similiar culture, language and the fact they were assisting the assumptarians in many of their goals such as converting the natives.


The njorish empire had enforced a policy on Assumptaria where they were forced to trade only inside of the njorish and lethian empire. This economic policy greatly diminished thr assumptarian economy due to the size of the njorish and lethian empires. Their consumer market was remarkably lower than the wider consumer markets that Assumptaria had previously enjoyed before the policy