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Novorussian Potentate
Official languagesNovorus
Recognised national languagesNovorus
Recognised regional languagesNovorus
Ethnic groups
85% Novorus

8% Pantorran

7% other
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Tsar
Konstantin Cherkesonov
• Kingdom of Novorossiysk
382 CE
• Pantorran rule
886 CE
• Independence from Pantorrum
1952 CE
• 2018 estimate
GDP (PPP)2018 estimate
• Total
$7.006 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2018 estimate
• Total
$2.89 Billion
• Per capita
Gini (2016)Positive decrease 37.7
CurrencyNovorussian Sovereign (NOV)
Calling code+7 8617

Novorossiysk (Novorus: Новороссийск), better known as the Potentate of Novorossiysk (Novorus: Самодержавие Новороссийска) or Novorussian Potentate, is a city state located in western Ventismar. It is inhabited by the Novorus, a people originally from Ophion who migrated westward. The city is home to just under a quarter million people and is classified by many as a regional trading hub. Novorossiysk is also known for it’s rivalry with Pantorrum with frequent tensions arising fear of armed conflict between the two, although it seems that the two sides are working together to put past differences aside and become close allies.

Novorossiysk is a developed nation and is a global commercial hub. It has a nominal GDP of $2.89 Billion and a GDP per capita of $11,946. Novorossiysk ranks highly in economic liberties. The nation also has a notably large military for it's size built primarily to defend the city from threatening neighbors. Novorossiysk has been identified as one of the largest trade hubs in the Ventismar,, one of the largest oil refining and trading centers in Ventismar, and as one of the busiest port cities in Ventismar.

Novorossiysk was founded as a kingdom in the Middle Ages. After experiencing some success and growing into a local commercial hub Pantorrum launched an invasion of the city. Novorossiysk remained in Pantorran control until the early 1950s where the city won independence from its foreign overlords. The official language of Novorossiysk is Novorus although many citizens, especially those who work in the port, speak a variety of other languages especially those of the nations they conduct trade with.



Novorussian history begins with the nomadic Azov Rus. The Azov Rus were a group of Slavic people who emerged in central Ophion around 1000 BCE. The nomads lives in smaller societies, roaming and hunting for food. In 800 BCE the Azov Rus finally settled in what is modern day Ophioneus, building several towns and cities and founding Rossiya. The new kingdom flourished, growing exponentially in the coming decades and centuries. By 400 BCE the kingdom had fragmented into several city states, although was still intact through a loose confederation. The Azov Rus became expert horsemen and learned the art of mounted combat. The kingdom continued to prosper until 376 CE when invaders from eastern Ophion conquered and destroyed the kingdom. The Azov Rus, now left without a home, set out on a voyage to find a new place to live. The leaders of the group could not decide where they wanted to settle, so the two split up following a long and bloody conflict known as The Decision. The first group went north and founded Azovskaya, the second, lead by Sasha the Great, set out westward.

The Great Journey

Sasha lead his people westward towards present day Rezua. Through most of Ophion the Azov Rus travelled across kingdoms that Rossiya had already established good relations with- however, the further west Sasha lead his people, the less they knew about the political entities enhaniting the land. It did not take long for the Azov Rus to reachand not yet discovered. Many of these kingdoms, specifically those through modern day Kiez and Rezua, were hostile to the nomadic Azov Rus.

Sasha utilized his people’s proficiency is mounted combat to defeat the hostile kingdoms, sometimes sacking cities and taking food and resources before continuing onward in his journey. Sasha began his conquest into Ventismar, leading his nomadic army through the continent and plundering kingdoms on his way there. In 382 CE Sasha and his people found a bay along the southern coast of Ventismar. Surrounding the bay were several great mountains. Sasha and his people set up camp atop the tallest of the two mountains, where his wife gave birth that night to his son. Sasha named the mountain after him, dubbing it Mount Nikolai, and declared that his people should settle here. The people agreed, and settled the city of Novorossiysk, or New Rossiya.

Tsarsom of Novorossiysk

As Sasha's people built Novorossiysk he and his council set out to establish diplomatic relations in the area. As Sasha and his army went from village to village and demanded tribute in the form of supplies from the local people. Those who didn’t comply had their village burnt down. Sasha soon created a system of vassals across the southern coast, sending soldiers to take the tribute back to Novorossiysk. This created a surplus of food and resources, allowing for Novorossiysk to be built quickly. By Sasha's death in 437 CE Novorossiysk has become a bustling city with city walls in construction. Nikolai, Sasha's son, assumed the throne and began to subjugate local towns and villages, integrating them into Novorussian society. People from Novorossiysk began to move outside the bay and settle new towns and cities to the north and west.

By 450 CE Novorossiysk had become a dominant force in the Centismar both politically and commercially. Novorussian trade ships traveled all across Ventismar and transported many valuable goods. This began the Novorussian Golden Age, a time of peace and prosperity for Novorossiysk. During this time Novorossiysk saw exponential growth in population, wealth, technology, art, and literature. The Iva Palace, named after the willow trees along the lake Abrau Dyurso, was built in the center of the city and became the Tsar’s place of residence. Novorussian architecture flourished, with architects creating new and intuitive designs. Buildings in the city were built with a distinct style that became famous across the world. The style became known as Iva Architecture, and has influenced architectural techniques and designs across the globe.

By the early 800s CE Novorossiysk has become a world renowned city, known for its beautiful scenery, architecture, wealth, and high standard of living. Travelers came from across Ventismar and parts of Ophion to view the city. In 812 Novorossiysk split from the church and created Novorussian Orthodoxy, the current state religion of Novorossiysk to this day. Huge cathedrals and monasteries were built in the city, utilizing the beautiful Iva architecture and the wealth of the Tsardom to give these buildings intricate and ornate designs.

As Novorossiysk’s prosperity continued to grow, so did it’s number of enemies. The Union of the Centismar, which would become modern day Pantorrum, had set its sights on the prominent Tsardom. In 882 CE, the Union of the Centismar launched an invasion of Novorossiysk, starting a bloody four year war. Novorossiysk withheld the initial onslaught, defeating the Union army at the Battle of Tears. Pantorran Forces regrouped and launched another attack on the kingdom, this time targeting cities other than Novorossiysk. The Novorussian leadership tried to seek out the Pantorran army, but with some deception from Pantorran Forces, the Novorussian army was tricked into believing that the Pantorran army had split into two smaller groups. The Novorussian force split in two, one heading north to Gatchina and the other remaining in Novorossiysk. The entire Pantorran force attacked Gatchina, winning and destroying the city in the Siege of Gatchina. Union Forces then continued south to Novorossiysk, where they crushed the small army with ease.

World War II

As Pantorrum became embroiled in the second world war so did Novorossiysk. Large numbers of Novorussian men were called into combat by the Pantorran government, sending these men across the globe to fight enemy forces. Thousands of Novorussians were killed in fighting in foreign territory, and even more at home. Soon heavy fighting reached the city of Novorossiysk with citizens having nowhere to flee to. Most Novorussian soldiers had been deployed elsewhere across the globe, so local militias took up arms and began to fight enemy forces. The Battle of Novorossiysk lasted almost a year, taking the lives of almost 140,000 soldiers and citizens within the city.

Novorussian War of Independence

Following the conclusion of the war the city was left in absolute ruin. Much of it was left in rubble, many people had lost their homes,

Geography and climate

Novorossiysk is located on the Chernoye Sea (Novorus: Чёрный Море) and is surrounded by the Nevsky mountains. Novorossiysk experiences a warm, subtropical climate, with the Nevsky Mountains blocking much of the cold air from the north. The tallest peak, Mt. Sasha, stands at 3,346 meters tall and towers along the eastern edge of the city. Novorossiysk has a humid subtropical climate and experiences warm summers and mild winters.

Politics and Government

The Potentate is ruled by Tsar Konstantin Cherkesonov. The Tsar is the sole ruler for life of Novorossiysk and rules among an elder council of 5 appointed officials. The legislative branch of Novorossiysk is the Senate, a house of 50 elected officials, each representing one of 50 districts within the city. The council has the power to declare war, sign treaties, and veto legislation. The Senate has the power to approve treaties, conduct trade, and create and debate various legislation. Any piece of legislation that passes through the senate must then be approved by the elder council.


The Novorossiysk Military is designed to be able to protect both the city of Novorossiysk and ensure the economic and political stability of the region. It is comprised of the Novorossiysk Ground Forces, Novorossiysk Navy, and the Novorossiysk Air Force. Much of the equipment used comes from Novorussian companies like Chernoye More Weaponry. Novorossiysk has a very technologically advanced military that is quite large for the city's size due to the constant threat of an invasion from Pantorrum. The government's military expenditure is $153.189 million dollars, 5.3% of their GDP.

Technological advancements in military equipment cane after assistance from PLACEHOLDER in the mid 20th century. The military underwent huge reforms in the early 2000s, most notably its organization and the shift from a division to brigade system. Most weaponry and equipment used in the Novorossiysk Military comes from PLACEHOLDER, although most of the nation’s small arms are produced in Novorossiysk.

Novorossiysk is best known for its elite special forces unit Novorossiysk Special Operations, better known worldwide as the NVRSKSO. The NVRSKSO are known for their elite training and and success in conflicts across the world.

Foreign Relations

Novorossiysk’s foreign policy is about protecting Novorossiysk from threatening neighbors and ensuring the security of it’s people and commerce. Novorossiysk has developed relations with many nations across the globe and continues to use diplomacy to ensure peace and prosperity in the region.

Novorossiysk is allied to North Rukonia. The two nations maintain very close relations and are tied together through a free trade agreement and a defensive pact.

Novorossiysk has historically had very poor relations with Pantorrum and has had numerous clashes between the two nations. Since the 1950s both nations have continuously impeded on one another’s airspace and territorial waters, leading to fierce debate and fears of war in the Centismar. The closest the two sides came to war was in 2017 when a Pantorran aircraft was shot down by Novorussian forces, resulting in two Novorussian aircraft being shot down and two lives lost. Since then tensions how slowly declined but still remain high between the two sides.

Nokglatia remains a close friend of Novorossiysk due to cooperation between the two following Novorossiysk’s independence. The people of the two nations share a mutual friendship and conduct frequent trade with one another. Nokglatia is a common tourist destination for many Novorussians.



Some of Novorossiysk's largest companies are the Bank of Novorossiysk, Chernobank, Novorossiysk Development Bank, Novorossiysk Telecommunications (NovTel), Port of Novorossiysk, Iva Engineering, Novorossiysk Airlines, NovTech, Chernoarms, and the Novorus Airport.

Novorossiysk also has a large tourism industry bolstered by several large and popular casinos across the city. Novorossiysk is also a center for international medical care which accumulates a large amount of revenue each year. It is also an education hub with many foreign students coming to study in Novorussian universities.

Information and Communications

Information and communications technologies is a large part of Novorossiysk's economic success.


Due to the high population density of Novorossiysk restrictions on the number of private vehicles in the city have been placed in order to curb pollution. Citizens interested in purchasing a car must apply for a Novorossiysk Driver's Certificate (NDC) which allows drivers to own and drive a car for the next decade. The certificate is very costly and cars are generally more expensive in Novorossiysk than around the world. Cars drive on the right side of the road. Many citizens travel by bus, taxi, trolley, train, and subway systems.

The Port of Novorossiysk which is managed by Novotorg and the Novorossiysk Trade Company (NovTC) is one of the busiest ports in the world. It is also one of the largest ship refueling centers which is a major industry in Novorossiysk.



Novorossiysk has a total of 7 gymnasiums (secondary schools), 4 colleges, 67 schools of general education and 13 specialized schools, as well as 4 non-state colleges and schools.

Academically Novorossiysk secondary schools rank average across the board, both internationally and compared to the rest of Ventismar. The government does not prioritize funding education first but it does ensure that the education system receives adequate funds for paying teachers, buying new books, equipment, and other classroom supplies necessary to have class and teach students.

Novorossiysk's universities rank highly both internationally and in Ventismar. The Chernaya More University is home to an estimated 20,000 students, many coming from abroad to learn a wide variety of crafts. The school specializes in engineering, astrophysics, and business. Many students go on to work for Novorussian companies like Chernoarms and Iva Engineering or they go to work for various companies in the city's port. CMU attracts many international students and has a wide variety of cultural organizations lead by students.


Novorossiysk has practiced Orthodox Christianity since it's creation. Despite Pantorran rule and it's best efforts to convert the population, many in Novorossiysk resisted Pantorrum and continued to follow their beliefs, eventually prompting the Pantorrans to allow freedom of religion in the city. An estimated 76% of Novorussians identify as Orthodox Christians, with 13% being athiests, 6% of other various branches of Christianity, and the remaining 5% to be various religions across the world.

Novorossiysk has a large number of churches and several cathedrals. Some of the most notable buildings in the city are the Aleksandr Nevsky Monastery and the Iva Cathedral. These buildings are hundreds of years old and Orthodox Christians from around the world come to Novorossiysk to visit these sights.

The Novorussian Orthodox Church has come under scrutiny after several attempts to suppress homosexuality surfaced across the world in international news reports. The Novorussian government has also been accused of not being entirely secular with laws that prohibit homosexuality and reported cases of discrimination based on religious beliefs.


There are several dozen ethnic groups in Novorossiysk, most notably the Azov Rus, Pantorrans, the Iva, and Julii. The culture of Novorossiysk is a blend of all of these, with the Azov Rus heavily influencing it with their eastern traditions, the Iva and Julii with Centismarian beliefs, and the Pantorrans, playing a huge role in the culture of Novorossiysk.

Music and Art

Novorussian art began with the painting of religious icons. Early paintings, murals, sculptures, and other pieces of art were all depicted around religious figures. Following Pantorran occupation of the city, many Novorussian artists took to making art depicting the great heroes of independent Novorossiysk. This began the Resistance era of art in Novorossiysk. Writers depicted tales of Nikolai's conquests through epics, poems, and other forms of storytelling. Paintings of Sasha and the warriors of Novorossiysk became widespread throughout the city, as well as many statues and sculptures built to recognize and remember the men who lead the early Azov Rus.

The mid 19th century saw the rise of realist art, with many artists painting pictures of everyday scenes. Artists like Roman Golivov and Yuri Telchenko are famed for their artwork of the surrounding mountains and the palaces within the city. Alone, a priceless piece by Telchenko, shows a lone trade ships in the bay with the mountains and a beautiful sunset surrounding it. This art also shifted writing and poetry into a more romantic style, with an emphasis on freedom from civilization. The Iva (willow) tree became a popular symbol of Novorossiysk.

Following the second world war Novorossiysk was devastated from the fighting. The city was left in ruins and many people had died. Following the war was the Novorussian War of Independence, further weakening the city. This prompted the post-war era, one of strong Novorussian nationalism through art. Many poems, stories, and artwork commemorating the brave soldiers in the war became popular across the nation and world. During this time many monuments and memorials were constructed, one of the most popular being the Malaya Zemlya memorial.

Early Novorussian music revolved around stringed instruments, specifically the guitar. Many old Novorussian folk songs can still be heard today as they are still commonly used in nursery rhymes, cartoons, or even in restaurants across the city.

The Classical genre dominated Novorossiysk until the city's independence, where rock became the popular genre. Bands like Lyube and Zemylane became very popular in the city and some other parts of Ventismar. Disco also saw a small period where it was the dominant genre.

Hip hop/rap emerged in the early 2010s due to the widespread poverty in the city. By 2017 it had become the most popular genre in the city. Novorussian rapper Stas is the most well known Novorussian musician to date, with his album 8617 topping global charts and breaking several records. The album is a chilling and shocking tale of life in the city and a push for change.


Novorussian cuisine widely uses fish, poultry, mushrooms, berries, and honey. Many grains are used for kvass, beer, vodka, and other beverages. Soups, salads, and porridges are the most common types of Novorussian dishes. Caviar, pancakes, and hazelnut spread are most commonly ate for breakfast. Novorussian cuisine also has mane types of desserts, most notably cheesecale and honey cakes.


Sports in Novorossiysk are dominated by football/soccer. The Novorussian national team has won the world cup three times and consistently remains one of the top ranking teams in the world. Players like Danya Grabovsky and Peter Glushinokov are respected worldwide as two of the best in the world. The local club, Chernomorets Novorossiysk, has also seen consistent success and is renowned as one of the world's top clubs.

Novorossiysk is packed with football fields and street courts, many built wherever people can find room. Street football can be found throughout the city and people of all ages play. Novorossiysk is sometimes called the "footballing capital of the world" due to the great emphasis the game has on the lives of it's people.