OOC:The Disputed States of America

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The Disputed States of America is an alternate history made by MajorBulletMagnet and Potatoduck set in 1983 themed around the Three Mile Island incident going south. Walter Mondale rising to power as a dictator in the West after the death of the president and annialation of most of the East Coast. The Midwest seceeding and working with the Soviets. The West Coast working with China. The Sons of Colonel Sanders becoming a nation for some God forsaken reason. New England doing its own thing, being the only surviving area in the East thanks to their British and NATO aid, albeit having some funky birth defects. Charlie Berens, born way too early, is the leader of the Midwest.

All around a cooky story.

Linked Articals

(Soon to be an artical for each nation and alliance.) The United Commonweath of New England The Midwest Seperation Union