Otaran Congressional Republic

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Otaran Congressional Republic
オたら リパブリックく
Matela Konekara a Otara
Flag of
The OCR within the Pacific Ocean
CapitalHono CD
Largest cityKiribaya
Official languagesOtaran English
Recognised national languagesLua Otara
Ethnic groups
51% Otaran
27% mixed/multiracial
12% Anglo Otaran
10% Asian Otaran
61% Irreligious
34% Indigenous folk religions
5% Shinto
GovernmentTotalitarian democracy
• President
Puleleiite Kalua
• Treasurer
Josh Maruyama
Loto Tupuola
LegislatureOtaran Congress
• Tribal unification
• 2020 census
GDP (PPP)2020 estimate
• Total
$4.09 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
$4.19 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2020)34.1
HDI (2020)0.935
very high
CurrencyOtaran Credit (¢) (OTC)
Time zoneUTC+8; +9.5; +10
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+72

Otara, formally known as the Otaran Congressional Republic (Japanese: オたら リパブリックく, Lua Otara: Matela Konekara a Otara) is a congressional totalitarian democracy headed up by a President. The state of over 74 million people consists of 12 provinces, 5 metropolitan districts (Kiribaya, Ohalua, Nukuvai, Palm Coast, Akarua), one capital district (Hono CD), and 2 special overseas administrations. Spanning over 3 million kilometers in size, Otara is situated in the southern hemisphere. Lua Otara is the indigenous and closely the second most widely informally spoken language in the nation, but Otaran English (American English in some areas) is formally recognised as the official language of the nation, and is the most widely spoken language both informally and to conduct business. It is also widely spoken in Otara, taught in schools in tandem with Lua Otara. A large number of Otarans also speak various Asian and other indigenous dialects.

After immediately rescinding all overseas claims aside from their two special overseas administrations, the Otaran Congressional Republic was formed as the eight tribesmen voted on a system of government, the Congressional Republic proposal winning with a total of 7 votes out of the 8. The idea behind the Congressional Republic, as officially written by the Council of Eight, is to "maintain the integral ancestral value of unified state guidance" while "enabling the common populace to elect exactly who they wanted to guide their part of the sacred union." The Congress of Otara, consisting of 48 congressmen (4 per province) as elected by the people, is the legislative body of Otara. Every four years, the congressmen vote upon a President, who then selects Congress-vetted cabinet members, which then exercise executive power. Judicial power is held by the Congressional Court, comprising of 13 total people, 12 justices as elected by the people of each province, and headed up by the "extra member," the President.

The Otaran Congressional Republic is a highly developed country, with high GDP and GDP per capita ratings both nominally and in purchasing power parity. It is often known for its highly efficient state-run social welfare system, including one of the best healthcare systems in the world, this being a major contributing factor to the proportionally high life expectancy among Otarans. Otara is a global leader in technological and industrial innovation, with a significant global market presence in automation, aerospace, telecommunications, electronics, transportation, and shipbuilding.


The word ota in Lua Otara literally means "together," while the word ra'mau is translated as "strength." When combined into otara, the word forms what is literally translated as "Strength of Togetherness," which is the meaning behind the nation's official name as written by the eight councilmen in 1707. While various, mostly convoluted tribe-based names were proposed, the council ultimately decided to disparage with such complications and decided upon a simple name which would indicate the final unity of the tribes and their people as one.



Colonial era

Modern Otara

Geography, climate, and environment






Law enforcement

Foreign relations


Otaran Congressional Marines respond to gunfire in Afghanistan


Administative Divisions

The Otaran Congressional Republic is divided into 12 provinces, with five metropolitan districts, one capital district, and two special overseas administrations. The provinces are largely divided by island, with each island possessing a north/south or east/west denotation line marking provincial borders. The capital district is located in the less populous and less economically powerful north, which was a decision made by the OCR founders in an effort to balance out the political power of the south.

Population and Ethnicity

Historical Population of Otara over the last century
1920 11,052,627—    
1930 15,827,423+43.2%
1940 18,682,539+18.0%
1950 24,226,972+29.7%
1960 31,273,872+29.1%
1970 35,153,297+12.4%
1980 40,527,841+15.3%
1990 48,775,238+20.3%
2000 56,632,053+16.1%
2010 66,629,992+17.7%
2020 74,532,958+11.9%

As of 2020, the Congressional Institute of Statistics put Otara's population at 74,532,958 people total. Within the last century, the Otaran population has more than sextupled, and has seen growth figures with rapidity the likes of which have never been seen before in the history of the islands. The Otaran Congressional Republic boasts a massive and highly diverse population, with over 20 separate ethnic ancestral groups being reported amongst 4 wider racial groups. It also has a a very high population of ethnically/racially mixed individuals, accounting for over 27% of the population.

The largest population group in the Otaran Congressional Republic are the Otarans, the native population to Otara. Accounting for over 41% of the total population, they have also observed the highest birth rates and proportional growth amonst the separate ethnic groups, rivaled only by population growth amongst ethnically mixed individuals. It is also estimated that over 70% of individuals who identify as mixed have part Otaran ancestry, thereby increasing the Otaran native diaspora amongst the nation's total population to an estimate of 78%, accounting for just over 58 million people.

Individuals who identify as mixed make up a total of 27% percent of the population, a massive portion in comparison to other countries. Mixed people have seen a massive increase in birth rate since the 1970s, and have been rivaling the birth rate of native Otarans for those decades, at some times surpassing it. Though the majority of the mixed-race people in the OCR are of at least half Otaran ancestry, there are also a significant number of non-Otaran mixed race people, accounting for about 1/3 of all mixed race people in the OCR.

Anglo and Asian Otarans make up 12% and 10% of the population respectively, together accounting for nearly a quarters of the Congressional Republic's total population. While these groups are significantly smaller in proportion and in birth rate than their larger counterparts, they do exert a decent amount of cultural power among the population. Otaran English is the mainstay national language of the Otaran Congressional Republic.


The Otaran Congressional Republic's official language is Otaran English. The decision to instill the English language into Otara's population was made by the Congress in 1962 in an effort to modernize Otara and connect it with the global economy. Otaran English, and in some regions, American English, is taught in school tandem with Lua Otara, Otara's native language. Japanese, Korean, and Chinese are also taught optionally in school.

Otaran English is the most widely spoken language in the nation, with about 75% of the population speaking and writing it fluently. Lua Otara is a close second, with about 67% of the population speaking and writing it fluently.


Religion in Otara
Religion Percentage
Indigenous folk religions

The Otaran Congressional Republic has no state religion, as per the ideal of the separation of religion and state held by the Congress in its founding. Furthermore, a slim majority of the Otaran population identifies as "irreligious." A further 34% identified with various folk religions, the mainstay religions in the Otaran islands since documented tribal civilizations were extant on their land. 16% of the population identified with Shintoism, being a cultural export of the Japanese settlements in tribal Otara.


All primary and secondary education in the Otaran Congressional Republic is overseen by a centralised state administration, determining and reforming a required nationwide curricula along with elective availability every year to be taught in schools from the first year of kindergarten up until the last year of high school. School attendance, between the ages of 5-17 is completely mandatory, but children aged 16-17 may also apply for vocational training or specialised military cadet school as an alternative to formal secondary school. School years are divided into two semesters, granting students a total of three months break between the two month summer break and one month winter break. Dress uniforms are not mandatory in the Otaran school systems, but about half of all Otaran secondary schools operate with either a uniform or a strict dress code, while a more lenient dress code is enforced in the other half.

Palm Coast University operates a world-class library

Otara boasts a 99% literacy rate and a similar numeracy rate, with Otaran students regularly scoring highly in world standardized tests. Otaran students are among the global top performers in STEM-related fields, and score similarly (but not as proficiently) in literacy related areas. The Congressional Republic maintains one of the most well-educated labour forces in the world and by far the most well-educated labour force in Oceania by standard metrics. While Otaran secondary education is well-documented to be a highly efficient, producing high scoring students, it has also received scrutiny for its abnormal levels of state control and the pressure it exerts on the mental health of the students that study under it.

Tertiary education in Otara is highly competitive, with eligibility determined by a 6-year cumulative GPA and a multitude of standardized tests, most importantly, the Otaran Standard Proficiency Assessment, or OSPA, taken during a students last year of secondary school. Otara hosts over 600 universities, most of which are government funded, with a total of 28 ranked among the top in the world. Consequentially, Otara is also ranked as one of the most expensive places in the world to obtain a tertiary education. Nevertheless, Otaran students rank highly in terms of tertiary graduation rate comparative to the rest of the world, with 47% of all enrolled students graduating with a degree from a tertiary institution. Members of the Congressional Military working to obtain mandatory documents related to their MoS are paid for by the military itself, meaning that they are able to attend university for free, if needed.


The Otaran Congressional Republic has a universal healthcare system. It ranks in the top 5 globally for both male and female life expectancy. Despite this, mainly due to its climate, Otara has one of the highest rates of skin cancer development in he world. Simultaneously, it has a proportionally high suicide rate, most commonly attributed to a number of sociological and psychological factors relating to rapid modernization and education competition.

Otaran hospitals and medical facilities are renowned globally for their advanced medical equipment, and renowned for their strides made in cancer treatment, particularly in the line of skin cancer. More recently, President Puleleiite Kalua authorized a Congressional act to provide rapid public access to mental health and therapy centers, and hospitals across the country have began expanding to accommodate these new facilities. This is due to an initiative undertaken by the government to address its concerning suicide rate.







Ohalua International Airport is one of the largest in Otara


Largest Otaran companies

Rank Name Industry Revenue
(USD millions)
(USD millions)
Employees CEO
1 Kotona Public and online retail TBA TBA TBA Leku Ohlana
2 Catrasoft Electronics TBA TBA TBA Michio Sugiyama
3 Madon Finance TBA TBA TBA Ioane Tilui

Science and technology





Space program












Video gaming