People's Republic of Baltinica

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The People's Republic of Baltinica, is a Nation located in the Baltics.

Government: Unitary One Party Marxist-Leninist Socialist Republic.

History: In 1988, Baltinica was established during a Revolutionary War with the U.S.S.R, from 1988 to 1991, and after 1991, Baltinica is now a stabile nation under the Baltinican Communist Party.

Military: Baltinica's Military is the Baltinican Revolutionary Army and is not only the Military, but also the Armed wing of the Baltinican Communist Party.

Poiitics and Government: Baltinica is a Marxist one Party state under the Communist Party, And the leader of Baltinica is Sabritov Yazov, General Secretary and President of Baltinica.