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Queendom of the Pitrean peoples
Pitreas flag.png
Official languagesPitrean
Ethnic groups
Pantheon of Sahravien 67%, None 23%, Other 6%, Multiple1 4%
Demonym(s)Pitrean, Pitresian
GovernmentHybrid Presidential Republic2
• Total
1,350,451 km2 (521,412 sq mi)
• Estimate
CurrencyVers (⋏)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright-side
Calling code+529
Internet TLD.pas

Pitreas (Pitrean: [pɪtre'a]), officially the Queendom of the Pitrean peoples, is an island nation in the western half of the Dragon Sea, with Dyste and Glaristant as its closest neighbors to its east. Resting near the equator of the region of Mystria, its landscape is primarily dominated by a combination of hot deserts and mountainous tundra, rendering a significant portion of the island poorly habitable. The nation is home to a variety of both native and migrated ethnic groups, including Murimi, Septa, Lamia, Borades, Avians, and Humans. In spite of its official name, and the head of state bearing the title of Queen, the Pitrean political system is considered a presidential republic and is led by a democratically elected federal government. Due to the harsh environment, the population of Pitreas is heavily urbanized, centered around cities such as Pitrana, Metrana, and Saribul-Arksath.


The Common name Pitreas is derived from the Pitrean words "Pithen", meaning a circular or spherical shape, and "Sath", meaning sand. This name likely references the popular notion that Pitreas has a circular desert, as the primary features of the nation are the mountain ranges near its borders, containing a hot desert climate on the inside. This notion is further supported by the nations' palace resting in the centre of the nation, further adding to the notion.

The nations' historic name, Sahravien, is likely derived from either the name of its continent or the primary religion of Pitreas, the Pantheon of Sahravien. The word Sahravien is presumed to be an import from a foreign language, tracing back to before Pitreas' unification as a singular state.


Main article: History of Pitreas

The history of Pitreas divides itself up in long periods, usually named Eras, with major events signifying the boundaries between said eras. On the Pitrean calendar, it is currently the Fourth Era.

Tribal Era

The First Era, commonly called the Era of Tribes, is defined by the rise of small, independent villages and tribes in the Sahravien region. Records show most of these tribes being nomadic in nature, with long-term settlements often being rendered unfeasible due to the limited amount of arable land available. This, in turn, commonly led to raids and plundering from both opposing tribes as well as foreign forces, demanding an adaptable lifestyle from the local population. In spite of this, archaeological records show that there was still opportunity for small and even medium-sized communities to thrive, particularly among the coast and mountains of the region - Likely owing to the easier access to a safe haven in case of an external threat.

While there is no official beginning date for the Tribal Era, as it extends into the regions' prehistory, Pitrean academics have estimated the timeline between some historic inventions and the end of the Tribal Era, which is tied to the appearance of the first Patron of Sahravien. Current estimates place the first script around 3000 years before the end of the Tribal Era, and the first notion of tracking time, through the form of a sundial, at 2400 years before the end of the Tribal Era. The oldest artifacts found, in the form of primitive tools and remnants of textiles, age back as far as 80.000 years before the end of the Tribal Era.

Second Era

The Second Era, commonly called the Sahravien Era, the Era of the Pantheon, or the God Era, is defined by the first appearance of deities of the Pantheon of Sahravien, the rise of the regions' first cities and independent domains, and the subsequent gradual urbanization of the regional tribes. The Second Era includes the development of the Pantheon of Sahravien as the primary religion of the region, although not all individual deities were believed in equally by all domains. Worship often took place along cultural lines of which Patrons had a Heritor at a specific point in time, and clashes between different domains were frequent. Domains preferring some native species over others wasn't an uncommon sight, with the two largest domains, Murima and Metrana, often being considered representatives of the two most populous regional species, Murimi and Septa, respectively.

The Second Era is recorded to have lasted 2351 years, starting with the appearance of the Patron Lau-Mari, and ending with the creation of the Queendom of Pitreas. The Second Era is often divided up in sub-eras defined by the most prominent domain of a given period, though these choices are often considered contentious, as it puts preference to one domain or ethnic group over another. Therefore, caution should be exercised when presenting the Second Era as a single, linear timeline.

Third Era

The Third Era, commonly called the Era of the First Queendom or the Pitrean Era, is defined by the merging of the domains under a singular nation, pacifying and unifying the different people that called the region home. The Third Era includes centralization of the different regions' governments, nationalization of core services like enforcement, transport, and healthcare, and the technological and magical industrialization of the nation. The Third Era can be split into suberas based on monarchs, governments, or larger social-cultural change, with a monarch-based division being most frequently practiced.

The Third Era is recorded to have lasted 670 years, starting with the unification under its first monarch Asra, and ending with the Pitrean Migration under Queen Candela. The Third Era is the only historical Era which has exact dates for its beginning and end, totaling 670 years and 108 days.

Fourth Era

The Fourth Era, without official name, is defined by the Pitrean Migration under Queen Candela, transporting the nation into the continent of Mystria to avert large-scale natural disaster. It is considered the current Pitrean Era, and has been marked by the nation reinventing its economic and foreign policies to match the new political landscape the nation shifted itself towards.


Main article: Geography of Pitreas


Main article: Politics of Pitreas


Main article: Economy of Pitreas


Main article: Demographics of Pitreas


Main article: Culture of Pitreas

See also


1Of the 4% of census respondents answering "Multiple", 31% responded with the combination of Pantheon of Sahravien and Fiorina, 28% responded with the combination of Pantheon of Sahravien and Warrior Trinity, 3% responded with all three of the above, and 38% reported other combinations of religion.

2While the nation officially names itself a queendom, the primary legislative body is a democratic federal government. The official name of the choice is mere tradition, and the monarch is democratically elected and removed, the latter under certain conditions.