Prostitution in Barrayar

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Prostitution is the exchange of sexual services for money, and has a different social and legal status in the three inhabited planets of the Empire of Barrayar.


Prostitution on Barrayar is not illegal, but some surrounding activities are. These include paying for sex with someone under the age of 18, although the age of consent for non-commercial sex is 15. Socially, prostitution is considered as a degrading and humiliating job for the dignity of the woman. Prostitution takes many forms; these include (illegal) street prostitution, bars and apartment prostitution, as well as (legal) escort services. Street prostitution is partly controlled by pimps, while other workers are autonomous prostitutes. In bars, women try to induce men to buy expensive drinks along with sexual services; prices are set by the bar owner, and the money is shared between the owner and the prostitute.
From a legal point of view, a woman may seek compensation for sexual services (except for paying for those under 18) but may not advertise this fact. Soliciting is also prohibited: this is defined as standing in a public place known for prostitution, dressed in revealing attire, and is punishable by up to six months in prison and a fine of IM3,750.
Some forms of procuring are illegal. Illegal procuring is defined as forciply helping or protecting someone to prostitute themselves, forcibly profiting from the forced or non-forced prostitution of another or receiving funds from someone who prostitutes themselves habitually and pressuring someone to prostitute themselves.
Officially approved brothels may exist; by law, they have to be run by a woman (typically a former prostitute) and their external appearance has to be discreet. Prostitutes working in the maisons, or any woman arrested twice for soliciting has to be registered as such. Registration involves having their name on a national register, and agreeing to abide by the regulations.


Prostitution in Komarr is legal and regulated. Although sex work itself is not forbidden, the law allows for prosecution of clients of workers younger than 18. Medical examinations are required by the public hygiene laws. The laws of the Komarran Sectors place further restrictions on the times and places where prostitution may occur. It is forbidden to receive a regular income from the prostitution of another person, so a prostitute cannot legally be considered an employee; prostitutes are considered to be self-employed, and they are required to pay taxes and are included in social insurance.
Komarran domed cities have red-light districts; however the sex industry is widely distributed over the cities and its presence often goes unnoticed. There was a relatively good cooperation between police and prostitution from which both sides had their benefits: the pimps were allowed to regulate their turf wars themselves; on the other hand they served as informants for the police.


Prostitution on Sergyar is legal, as are all aspects of the sex industry, including brothels, advertisement, and job offers through HR companies. Prostitution is widespread and regulated by the Viceroyal government, which levies taxes on it. Due to a prolonged governmen effort, started by Vicereine Countess Dowager Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan and continued for several years after her retirement, the social reputation of prostitutes and sex workers is comparable to Betan standards. The main prostitutes' association/union is S.WO.R.D. (Sex WOrkers Respect and Dignity) Association, started by Vicereine Cordelia Vorkosigan after the local pimps around Kareenburg started getting out of hand.

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