Orders, decorations, and medals of Radictistan

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Hereditary Nobility

There are four levels of hereditary nobility in Radictistan: Marquess, Count, Viscount, and Baron. The Crown serves as the fount of honor, awarding noble titles at the Grand Duke's pleasure. The incumbent Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti is generous with titles and it is uncommon to see a senior military officer without one. Members of the Radictistani nobility enjoy no special legal privileges, only considerable social prestige and access to various informal networks.


Holding a title of nobility does not necessarily grant one membership in the House of Peers. The Crown may only appoint an individual to that body if an incumbent family line becomes extinct. In that case, the Crown may either confer the status of Peer on an existing noble title, or create a new member of the nobility with the status of Peer.


In addition to the levels of nobility enumerated above, the Crown has also created a small number of Baronets. Besides being lower in rank than any other hereditary title, a baronetcy can never entitle its holder to sit in the House of Peers.

Orders of chivalry

The Grand Duchy has four orders of chivalry. Membership in the Order of Radictistan is bestowed by the Grand Duke at his discretion. The other three orders are bestowed with the advice of the Cabinet but the ultimate decision lies with the Grand Duke. All levels of membership of one of the chivalric orders grant the use of post-nominal letters and the title "Sir" or "Dame."

Complete name Ranks/Letters Founder Motto Awarded to/for
The Most Noble Order of the Grand Duchy of Radictistan GCR/KCR/KR Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti "To each what he deserves" Miscellaneous (military and civil)
The Most Noble Order of the Sword GCS/KCS/KS Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti "Service and Bravery" Military personnel
The Most Noble order of the Scroll GCV/KCV/KV Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti "Victory without War" Diplomats
The Most Noble Order of the Hammer GCH/KCH/KH Grand Duke Xenocimedes Radicti "May knowledge enrichen the Country" Science, industry

Military decorations

The Radictistani military awards a variety of decorations and medals to its personnel for acts of great valor or other merit. The highest-ranked decoration of the Radictistani military is the Radictistan Cross awarded for acts of extreme valor in the face of the enemy. Below the Radictistan cross are two other levels of valor decorations. The names of these awards depend on the wearer's branch of service.

Radictistan Cross

The Radictistan Cross is the highest decoration awarded by the Radictistani military, presented "For display of unnatural valor in the face of the enemy beyond the normal requirements of duty at great risk of life and limb." Awardees are granted the post-nominal initials "RC" which come before those of any other award or honor. At an investiture ceremony the Radictistan Cross is awarded first, even before peerages and knighthoods. Radictistan Cross holders are granted an annual annuity of R$6000.

Level Two Awards

Name of Award Branch of Service Citation
Military Cross Royal Radictistan Army "For conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy / in time of great peril toward Royal servicemen under the threat of loss of life or limb."
Distinguished Flying Cross Royal Radictistan Air Force "For conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy while engaged in aeronautical operations."
Naval Cross Royal Radictistan Navy "For conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy while engaged in maritime operations."

Level Three Awards

Name of Award Branch of Service Citation
Distinguished Service Award Royal Radictistan Army "For gallantry in the face of the enemy."
Air Medal Royal Radictistan Air Force "For great merit while in the service of the Royal Radictistan Air Force."
Sea Medal Royal Radictistan Navy "For great merit while in the service of the Royal Radictistan Navy."

Civil decorations


Concerning forfeiture, a distinction is made between honors, such as titles of nobility and knighthoods, and decorations. Titles can be declared forfeit by the Crown after a recommendation by the Honors Forfeiture Committee, a body comprised of members of both houses of parliament. In practice, forfeitures occur only in the case of treason or other heinous felony by the holder.

Military and civil decorations, as opposed to honors, cannot be forfeited under any circumstance. They are considered rewards for past acts of merit and not lifetime achievement awards. There is therefore a near unanimous feeling within the Radictistani establishment, reflected in law, that no stain upon a man's honor can render prior acts of merit moot and that it is therefore inappropriate to ever strip an award from its bearer.