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The Republic of Rudhoren
Der Republik Rothoren, Republika Rudhorena
Flag of Rudhoren
Motto: Justice and honor reign.
Sudenland located in central Cybelleum
Sudenland located in central Cybelleum
Official languagesSouthern Altish dialect, Czajcz
Recognized languagesAlpanian,
GovernmentFederal constitutional republic
• President
Krzysztof Bartoszek
• Chancellor
Antonin Spahn
LegislatureRepublican Senate
• 1935 estimate
CurrencyRudish Dollar
Driving sideright

Rudhoren (Altish: Rothoren) (Czajcz: Rudhorena), officially the Republic of Rudhoren, is a sovereign country located in central Cybelleum. It is bordered to the north by Altenland, to the east by Alytaj and to the south by Sudenland. It is a multi-ethnic state comprising mainly Altish and Alytaji peoples.

For most of its history, the area referred to as Rudhoren ("red ore") was divided amongst a collection of Altish and Alytaji kingdoms and states in the west and east, respectively. During the 1836-40 War of Altish Unification, seven of the nine Altish kingdoms joined with the Kingdom of Almeria and were later incorporated into the Altish Empire. Likewise, independent Alytaji states in eastern Rudhoren were absorbed by Alytaj. After the Great War and the collapse of the Altish Empire, the Treaty of Verdon mandated the creation of an independent state in the Rudhoren region. Furthermore, special clauses in the Verdon Treaty forbid the new country from pursuing repatriation with Altenland or Alytaj, as well as establishing military agreements with either country.

Since its creation, Rudhoren has been plagued by political and economic instability brought upon by ineffective state-building by the victorious powers of the Great War, coupled with a recessive world economy. Botched land reform and urbanization efforts started by the nation's first president, Wilhelm Müntefering, caused a massive surge in the country's unemployment rate, which reached a staggering height of 33% in 1925. The abhorrent economic situation resulted in the outbreak of widespread civil violence and caused already-uneasy public support for the government to effectively cease. In August 1925, Müntefering was assassinated, and his successor Krzysztof Bartoszek mobilized the military and declared martial law to restore order. The 1927 Rudish national elections saw Bartoszek win the presidency for himself, and in 1928, he passed a series of ambitious public works programs and issued massive grants to private corporations as a means of battling the unemployment crisis. As a result, coal mining in Rudhoren - by far the nation's largest industry - grew exponentially, and exports of Rudish coal increased 66% by 1931. Though effective, Bartoszek's economic measures were met with opposition by the Rudish Labor Front (RLF), which criticized his government for being too favorable to wealthy business owners and industrialists while ignoring the needs of the working class. Indeed, despite having lowered unemployment in Rudhoren, Bartoszek on numerous occasions struck down legislation designed to protect Rudish workers from being exploited. In response, the RLF declared a general strike in July 1932 which lasted for nearly nine months and utterly crippled the Rudish coal industry and had cascading negative effects on the recovering Rudish economy. Despite his unpopularity among the working class, Bartoszek was re-elected in the 1932 Rudish national elections, resulting in widespread riots throughout the country as it was believed that the election had been stolen. In August 1932, President Bartoszek invoked emergency powers provided in the Rudish constitution and subsequently suspended elections, then wielded the military once again to establish order and suppress opposition among the general population of the country.

As of 1937, President Bartoszek remains in power in Rudhoren, with national elections still suspended indefinitely. The refusal to vacate the office of the president is justified by President Bartoszek as a neccessary measure to prevent a communist takeover of the country, and in keeping with this, violent suppression of labor organizations and trade unions is commonplace in Rudhoren.