Sabrian Legion

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The Sabrian Legion (Latin: Legiō) was the largest military unit of the Sabrian army. Although it formally existed prior to 736 BCE, it was standardized by Hirpinia Modia during her time as Legate as part of her efforts to better organize the Sabrian military. The size of a legion varied depending on the era, but it was commonly composed of approximately 6,000 soldiers of varying roles and excluded specialists such as builders and engineers.

In its initial conception during the Razisnei Era, a legion consisted of 4,000 spear and sword infantry loosely organized into decades. Following the conquest of Sarissita, Atria Razisnei made some efforts to begin separating infantry by weapon types to improve and optimize performance of Sabria’s military. The legion remained similar in size despite the development of these distinctions and, while Atria acknowledge that developing sub-groups of the legion could further improve performance, this did not materialize.

Modia, who went on to significantly reform and develop the army, was the first legate who led an initiative for standardization. During the Modian Era, the legion was broken down into regiments (numbering 1,200), maniples (numbering 120), companies (numbering 60), and the smallest unit being the decade (numbering 10).