Saint Ludomir

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Saint Ludomir
Saint Ludomir, by Markus Hohen in the 1511
Martyr of Venagorod
Chirov, Venadia
Venagorod, Venadia
Venerated in
Feast15th of May
PatronageVictims of violence and rape, martyrs, Venagorod, Venadia, butchers, poets

Saint Ludomir (1359-1425) was an Archbishop of Venagorod who was slain during the Sack of Venagorod by the Vesan pagan Duke Traidenis after his refusal to venerate pagan idols. According to the Venadian Chronicle, Ludomir was also sodomized and devoured by the pagan duke. Saint Ludomir is, along with Saint Viktor, Saint Peter and Saint John, one of the most important saints in Venadia. His feast day, the 15th of May, is widely celebrated in Venadia.