Silfer kronan

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Silfer kronan (Eng: The Silver Crown) is one of the oldest federal crown jewels and with the sword of Belron so is it one of the few surviving artefacts surviving from the first Imerian migration making it more than 2 and a half millennia old. According to legend was it forged by the gods and given to Imer the great during the Imerian migration to aid the humans in the war. It is also the crown used to crown the high king of the federation, the king of Imeriata and the river king and it is also the crown featured on federal insignia and symbols to represent royal authority.

Over the centuries so have the crown been known by several names and amongst other names so are the most common ones used "the silver helmet", "the helmet of Imer", "The slayer's crown" (used by the Wharen), "The crown of the riverlands" and "The crown of the high kings". In recent years however have the issue been raised that instead so should Leiksten rex Stjärnkhrone II's golden crown be used instead that were made but never used as the crown for Scandera since the Silver crown is an Imerian symbol.

Physical version

The crown is made as one of the helmets worn by Scanderan chieftains in the time of the first Imerian migration. It is tall to be able to deflect and catch blows without harming the skull under it, the face of the wearer is protected by a faceguard which have been carefully forged to resemble a human face and most historians imagines that it is Imer the great that stood model for it himself. To make the wearer stand out and to make him easier to spot by his own men so does the helmet have two giant wings sticking out of it's sides and it is made entirely of silver. The helmet is also decorated by nine large sapphires but it is otherwise lacking when it comes to ornaments.

Use at coronations

As the official federal crown so have every high king with the exception of Emanuel rex Stjärnkhrone VI been crowned by the silver crown sinve Emanuel rex Stjärnkhrone used his father's triple crown rather than the silver crown to be crowned as a king of Scandera rather than one of Vedian, Erathia and Vedian. However despite the wishes of his grand father and the coronation of his father so did Primus rex Stjärnkhrone XII use the Silver crown for the high crown title as well as the king of Imeriata.


The silver crown relic with very powerful enchantments guarding it and helping it's wearer. While the Imerian state have so far not gone into details about what enchantments have been cast over the crown so is the most noteworthy one the blue glow that comes out from the crown's wearer's eyes. More so so have the crown a noticeable defensive charm against evil engraved on it's forehead. It is however theorised that the high kings wearing the crown is blessed with increased wisdom, more so so have people noticed a large step forward in fencing, military and fighting skills amongst high kings almost directly after their coronation and also so have kings been reported to become faster, stronger and more enduring.

A rather interesting side effect was documented in 1272 as both crowned kings from the Öberga family felt a massive surge of unease and often dreamed nightmares and seemed to grow sick when they put on the crown which many have taken as a proof that the crown curses unlawful claimants to the throne wearing it.


In recent years however so have some concerns arisen over the nature of the crown as it originally was the crown worn by Imer the great as the high king of the Imerians, a title that is not used presently, and later on by the king of Imeriata. This have resulted in people questioning if the crown should be seen as an Imerian or federal crown. However so far so have no official stance been taken by the court and the king and protests supporting either side have been meet with large counter protests.