This article belongs to the lore of Feria.

Slavery war

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Slavery war
Date22 March 1878 - 25 July 1895
(17 years, 4 months and 3 days)

Pact of the Sun victory:


Pact of the Sun:
Flag Großer Sambac.png Machacia
Flag of Stradia.png Stradia
Flag Akzam.png Akzam
Flag Grande Baie du Sud.png Grande Baie du Sud
Flag Solaria.png Solarian Rebels

Political support:
Flag Équateur.png Équateur
Dual Alliance:
Flag Charlotova.png Charlotova
Flag Diacari.png Diacari

Pre-war situation

War begins - 1878

First offensive

Second offensive

The Victory - 1895

March on New Tourlillé