Solus Doctrine

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The Solus Doctrine is a Nova Solarius Foreign Policy position that wanted to protect the nations around the Magna Sea and the Equatorial Archipelago from outside influence. It held that any mischievous influence from uprooting the governments of the nations would be a hostile action against Nova Solarius. It also promoted Solarian companies in the region, establishing solarian businesses in the countries around Solarius.

King Solus I first suggested the foreign policy in Council meeting on May 15, 10BGD, where he wanted to "protect the Grand Island of East", which is Equatorial Archipelago. At that time, Solarius was a rising power in the Celestial Island Chain, and hoped to control it directly or indirectly. At this time, the Ancient Continent of Livos was still around, and multiple expeditions went to the continent, but had only made contact with tribes. Therefore, Solus focused on the island chain and the archipelago.