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Southernism (Dutch: Zuidelijkisme ) is a political ideology that advocates greater autonomy for the Southern Region in Schokland.


The term Zuidelijkisme was coined by Jan Kol, a trade-unionist from the Southern Region. Jan Kol was first elected as member of State Assembly in 1962 for the Communist State Party in the Southern Region-constituency. Jan Kol was the first elected Southernist-politician. In 1962 election the CRP lost in all the regions votes except in the Southern Region. In that same year the leader of the CRP was ousted by Jan Kol and other CRP-members and Jan Kol took the leadership of CRP and became party-leader. Under the leadership of Jan Kol the CRP accomplished a great result especially in the Southern Region. The popularity of Southernism became to grow in the late 1960's and 1970's.

Recent years

After the fall of the Berlin Wall the CRP lost a lot of votes in Southern Region. Parties like the KRP tried to win former CRP-voters with a anti-communist Southernist campaign.

Left-wing Southernism

Left-wing Southernism combines Southern regionalism with libertarian socialism or democratic socialism.

Right-wing Southernism

Southernist politcians, voters and members from the CRP call Southernist-voters who are not voting CRP right-wing Southernists. Most of the Southernist-voters who are not voting CRP reject this term, and call themselves Southernists or normal Southernists.