Uploads by Zoygaria

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
04:12, 12 April 2024 Vellicosia Coat of Arms.png (file) 748 KB   2
18:04, 6 April 2024 Vellicosia.jpg (file) 90 KB   1
03:41, 4 April 2024 Vellicosia flag.png (file) 114 KB   1
19:36, 17 October 2023 Tricolora Magna (con aquila).png (file) 327 KB Flag of Zoygaria from 1912-1964 1
01:18, 3 October 2023 Dalmatia-oblast.png (file) 26 KB Flag of Dalmatia Oblast, Zoygaria 1
01:12, 3 October 2023 Carinthia-oblast.png (file) 20 KB Flag of Carinthia Oblast, Zoygaria 1
00:59, 3 October 2023 Carniola-oblast.png (file) 36 KB Flag of Carniola Oblast, Zoygaria 1
00:52, 3 October 2023 Istria Oblast.jpg (file) 15 KB Flag of Istria Oblast, Zoygaria 1
00:51, 6 July 2023 Flag of the Shilagino Liberation Front.jpg (file) 11 KB Tricolor used by Shilagino revolutionaries during the Reclamation War 1
20:21, 7 June 2023 Las Islas Ascuas.jpg (file) 18 KB Flag of the Zoygarian puppet state of Des Mann (1950-1954) and of the Zoygarian Ashen Islands Oblast 1
00:02, 8 May 2023 Shilagi map.png (file) 341 KB Map of the Grand Duchy of Shilagi 1
02:29, 17 April 2023 Hashijima flag.jpg (file) 53 KB   1
23:54, 15 April 2023 Archravia.jpg (file) 47 KB   1
23:06, 15 April 2023 Popular Archravian flag.jpg (file) 26 KB Popular flag of the Principality of Archravia 1
23:03, 15 April 2023 Archravian flag.jpg (file) 26 KB Official flag of the Principality of Archravia 1
02:27, 31 October 2022 La (Nova) Trikolora Magna.jpg (file) 26 KB First flag of the Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria 1
02:23, 31 October 2022 Flag of the Kingdom of Zoygaria.jpg (file) 8 KB The flag of the Kingdom of Zoygaria 1
02:20, 31 October 2022 Kingdom of Zoygaria (alt).jpg (file) 8 KB Alternate flag of the Kingdom of Zoygaria 1
02:17, 31 October 2022 Kingdom of Zoygaria 1.jpg (file) 10 KB Original flag of the Kingdom of Zoygaria 1
02:14, 31 October 2022 Češtislava flag.jpg (file) 68 KB Royal banner of Chestislava 1
02:12, 31 October 2022 Soyiv flag.jpg (file) 73 KB Royal banner of Soyiv 1
02:05, 31 October 2022 Zoygarian Empire Flag.jpg (file) 71 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Empire 1
02:51, 14 October 2022 Grand Duchy of Vilecia.jpg (file) 32 KB Flag of Zoygaria's Grand Duchy of Vilecia 1
02:50, 14 October 2022 Vešciela Oblast.jpg (file) 19 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Vesciela Oblast 1
02:48, 14 October 2022 Usna Oblast.jpg (file) 53 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Usna Oblast 1
02:46, 14 October 2022 Umbria Oblast.jpg (file) 40 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Umbria Oblast 1
02:43, 14 October 2022 Thiava Oblast.jpg (file) 23 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Thiava Oblast 1
02:39, 14 October 2022 Sokovia Oblast.jpg (file) 14 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Sokovia Oblast 1
02:36, 14 October 2022 Grand Duchy of Shilagi.jpg (file) 16 KB Flag of Zoygaria's Grand Duchy of Shilagi 1
02:31, 14 October 2022 Rosia Oblast.jpg (file) 27 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Rosia Oblast 1
02:29, 14 October 2022 Ragusa Oblast.jpg (file) 19 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Ragusa Oblast 1
02:25, 14 October 2022 Polskava Oblast.jpg (file) 39 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Polskava Oblast 1
02:23, 14 October 2022 Khvostov Oblast.jpg (file) 21 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Khvostov Oblast 1
02:17, 14 October 2022 Iolia Oblast.jpg (file) 43 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Iolia Oblast 1
02:13, 14 October 2022 Ília Oblast.jpg (file) 18 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Illia Oblast 1
02:10, 14 October 2022 Gnieznaguila Oblast.jpg (file) 43 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Gnieznaguila Oblast 1
02:07, 14 October 2022 Bunaviento Oblast.jpg (file) 37 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Bunaviento Oblast 1
02:05, 14 October 2022 Astraia Oblast.jpg (file) 24 KB Flag of the Zoygarian Astraia Oblast 1
04:27, 12 October 2022 ZoygariaStatesFilled.png (file) 379 KB Colored Provinces of Zoygaria 1
01:04, 3 August 2022 Zoygarian Coat of Arms.png (file) 217 KB Coat of arms of the Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria 1
00:09, 19 April 2022 Zoygaria.png (file) 14 KB Blank map of Zoygaria 1
00:07, 19 April 2022 Flag of the Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria.jpg (file) 18 KB The flag of the Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria, known in Zoygarian as Li Invirnostai, in Czaszar as Ozimikhvit, and in English as The Winterhold 1