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  • Part of The [[Astyria Corporation]] Portfolio. A [[Jungastia]] company, representing the region of [[Astyria]]. [[Category:Jungastia]]
    244 bytes (26 words) - 01:25, 31 October 2023
  • * [[SMC Automotive]]: A car manufacturer that is based in Astyro-Jungastia. It is also known as Societé de Moteurs Constructeurs, and produces small
    7 KB (1,028 words) - 15:13, 10 March 2024
  • ...The islands are located equidistantly between [[Qurac]] to the east and [[Jungastia]] to the west, with [[Rahia]] located to the south. ...Oretania, in the Bay of Qurac. The islands are located equidistantly to [[Jungastia]] to the west, [[Qurac]] to the east and [[Rahia]] to the south.
    20 KB (2,691 words) - 07:12, 23 March 2019