Telephone numbers in Romaia

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Romaia telephone numbers
NSN length9
Typical formatxx xx xx xx xx
Access codes
Country calling code40
International call prefix00
Trunk prefix0

Telephone numbers in Romaia are managed by the National Telecommunications and Post Agency (Greek: Εθνική Υπηρεσία Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων, ΕΥΤΤ), a national regulatory authority for the communication industry located in Constantinoupoli.

Romaia uses a ten-digit closed numbering plan, where the first two digits denote a geographic area, mobile or non-geographic number.

  • 1 Emergency and service numbers
  • 2 Reserved for future use
  • 31 Metropoly of Constantinoupoli
  • 32 Northwest Romaia
  • 33 Northeast Romaia
  • 34 Southeast Romaia
  • 35 Southwest Romaia
  • 6 Mobile phone services
  • 7 Mobile phone services
  • 8 Special phone numbers: Freephone and shared-cost services
  • 9 Non-geographic number (used by Voice over IP services).

Meli telephone number example: +40 77 11 23 47 21. Constantinoupoli telephone number example: +40 31 54 12 12 47.

All geographic numbers are dialed in the ten-digit format, even for local calls. The international access code is 00.

For example, to call a number in Southwest Romaia from abroad, one would dial +40 35 xx xx xx xx.

Romaians usually state phone numbers as a sequence of five double-digit numbers, e.g., 3x xx xx xx xx (and not, for example, 0 xxx-xxx-xxx or 0xxx-xx-xxxx or 0xx-xxx-xxxx).