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NationStates region link color
<span style="color: #803000"></span>

NationStates Region


[https://www.nationstates.net/region={{replace|{{{1}}}| |_}} {{Hover title|dotted=no|{{{3|{{{2|{{replace|{{{1}}}|_| }}}}} region on NationStates}}}|{{NSRColor|{{{2|{{replace|{{{1}}}|_| }}}}}}}}}][[Category:Pages using NationStates redirect templates]]

This template provides the link to NationStates factbook. Its usage is:

{{NSN|NS Region Name|Display Name|Flag image|Hover title}}

If no Display Name is added, the name shows the NS Region Name


Input Result Note
{{NSR|Anteria}} Anteria
{{NSR|South Pacific}} South Pacific Link is automatically changed to add the underscore
{{NSR|South_Pacific}} South Pacific Name is automatically changed to remove the underscore
