Territorial organization of the M.V.S.N.
The territorial organizational structure of M.V.S.N. units and the training they receive varies from one province to another, according to the nature and severity of the potential threats identified by the G.N.R. and M.V.S.N. commanders in different regions. M.V.S.N. legionnaires in the border provinces perform different duties to those stationed in central Italy; legionnaires are employed against drug traffickers or border-guard duties, also in addition to the proper Speciality. The bulk of the provincial Legions are regularly trained in riot-control tactics and how to deal with domestic uprisings.
Italian military defence doctrine
The Italian military defence doctrine, in the areas pertaining the regime and country defence against world's superpowers, is based on the assumption of incapability to deny American or Chinese access to national territory. While Italian military apparatus is inferior to U.S. or Chinese military in a fully fledged war, Italy is superior in terms of public willingness to accept casualties.
Italian strategists want to ensure that any military conflict with the United States, so long as it does not seek regime change, will be as quick as possible. If, however, the United States appears to be attempting counter-revolutionary overthrow, Italy will seek to resist as long as it can, imposing high costs and risks, especially given U.S. society’s aversion to casualties.
Italy foresees a complete invasion of the national territory. To prepare for, Italy’s military doctrine, adapted in the fifteen years since its creation, was based on a multilayered defense approach, one that involves the presence of the M.V.S.N.
The defensive war battlefield has four layers:
- One beyond Italian Empire’s borders, in other countries and their colonial possessions: this role is assigned to the Italian Armed Forces Special Forces, to the D-Force and its proxies, to the international and abroad organizations of the P.N.F., in order to be able to wage a transnational revolutionary war.
- One in the Italian Empire: this role is assigned to the Italian Armed Forces and to the Guards of the Realms of the Italian Empire.
- One along Italian frontier and in the Mediterranean Sea: this role is assigned to the Italian Armed Forces, to the Italian National Royal Guard. The G.N.R. brigades and units would delay an enemy advance, attrite the enemy’s combat power as its forces pass through each layer, and defend key terrain and critical lines of communication, such as major roads. The main objective is to defend the Fascist Regime against the possibility of high-intensity warfare and low-intensity challenges such as insurgency or civil war.
- One scattered throughout Italy’s interior, especially in urban areas: this role is assigned to the Italian National Royal Guard and to the M.V.S.N. at large. The fourth layer of defense would be the M.V.S.N. forces, to be located in urban areas and meant to support the G.N.R. through several missions, including anti-helicopter-borne operations, passive defence, and neighborhood defence. The role of the M.V.S.N. in this defensive military doctrine is protecting neighborhoods so that the G.N.R. can freely maneuver against the enemy.
Interregional Command
Between the General Command of the M.V.S.N. and the Provincial Legions, there are 5 Interregional Commands, modelled on those of the territorial organisation of the Royal Carabinieri:
1st Command "Rome and Centre"
2nd Command "Padua and North-East"
3rd Command "Milan and North-West"
4th Command "Naples and South"
5th Command "Palermo and Isles"
The Interregional Commands were established in 1993, replacing Regional Commands. Regional Commands, in turn, were the heirs of the M.V.S.N. "Zones" and substitutes of the M.V.S.N. "Groups".
The Interregional Commands are responsible for coordinating the activities of both operational and territorial units, being corps-level commands. This territorial organization is focused heavily on security against internal threats and on "soft war" operations.
Each Command has the following fulltime Offices:
- HQ Maniple
- Administrative Office
- Training Office
- Medical Office
- Signals Office
Territorial Brigade
Each Interregional Command generates a Territorial Brigade. The Territorial Brigade is tasked with supporting the relevant Provincial Legions and the "M" Battalions within the boundaries of the Interregional Command in case of internal disorder. In case of mobilisation, the Territorial Brigades form the skeleton of the M.V.S.N. formations.
Each Territorial Brigade has the same organisation:
- Brigade Command and HQ Maniple;
- 5 Infantry Cohorts: these cohorts are in turn generated by Provincial Legions on rotationary basis;
- Counter-Sabotage Maniple;
- Field Artillery/Anti-Tank Maniple;
- Fire Support Maniple;
- Mortar Maniple;
- Armored Infantry/Tank Maniple;
- Combat Support Formations (Maniple/Cohort level);
- Service Support Units;
- Brigade Depot.
The M.V.S.N. Legion is the basic organizational element. Since 1971, the M.V.S.N. has had one Provincial Legion command in each of Italy’s provinces. Each Legion has a provincial-related jurisdiction, and each Legion manages all M.V.S.N. activities within its Province, ranging from protection of local P.N.F. facilities and headquarters, territorial political security, presence to public order, public security and civil protection support activity. Each Provincial Legion has its own "honour title".
Each Legion has an average strength of 1,000 men; however, the Legion of Rome has three times the average Legionnaires numbers, while Legions of Milan, Naples, Palermo and Cagliari are twice the average Legion size.
The whole complex of the Provincial Legions, at any point of the year, deploys in active service 123,000 Legionnaires: from this number, however, are excluded all Specialities. The presence of 123,000 Legionnaires at any point of year means that the Provincial Legions (sometimes dubbed as "Territorial Militia") have a total rotation of 450,000 Legionnaires with a permanent cadre of 18,000 Legionnaires all across Italian Provincial Legions.
The M.V.S.N. of both the Italian Provinces and of the other Realms of the Italian Empire serves as part of the first-line of Regime defence and security. The provincial Militia is organized and operates under their respective Prefect or Lieutenant General of the Realm (and under relevant territorial governors according to the government of the relevant State), as well as under their local Party leaders. Prefects (in Italy) exercise control through the Quaestors and the P.N.F. Provincial Federal Secretary. Outside the Party hierarchy, the M.V.S.N. may be called up for active duty by a variety of bodies and figures: Prefects, local military authorities and the Minister of Interior to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as riots and civil disorder, unrest, revolts, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. The M.V.S.N. units are trained to be local combat units (primarily infantry but also signal troops). Although current doctrine states that M.V.S.N. units can act anywhere within Italy, local knowledge is one of the strengths of the organization. Training focuses on guard duties and weapons proficiency.
During peacetime, Legions' primary task is the territorial presence, organized trough a garrisons and detachments network, in order to watch over political stability and over police forces.
During wartime, permanent personnel of each Legion form infantry units attached to the Army; M.V.S.N. officers act as Army officers within the M.V.S.N. units. However, during wartime the vast majority of Cadres personnel is mobilized as ordinary part of the Armed Forces. During military actions other than major wars, whole Legions can be recalled as M.V.S.N. formations and transformed into combat units; in this case, each Legion forms an Infantry Battalion-level unit (down to early Regiment-level formation). Moreover, Legions are in charge also of Local Police Corps, which are recruited among M.V.S.N, personnel; however, Local Police are not part of the Provincial Legions.
Each Provincial Legion is therefore composed of three main branches:
- Legion command: provides operational and military command to all units;
- Security unit: it is primarily responsible for protecting the M.V.S.N.’s personnel against both physical and moral threats and identifying foreign spies and political opponents;
- Political Office: it focuses on indoctrinating, and mobilizing, the M.V.S.N. and any G.N.R. personnel within the Provincial Legion. The ultimate goal, of course, is to keep the M.V.S.N. loyal to the Duce.
The Provincial Legion controls and manages bases and units, and cooperates with P.N.F. organizations, which are dispersed throughout society.
Each Provincial Legion is commanded by a Seniore (equivalent to a Colonel), who directs all offices subordinated to the Legion Command, in turn held by a Prime Tribune (It: Primo Tribuno, corresponding to a Lieutenant Colonel), who also acts as Commander's deputy. Offices and Services are each commanded by a Tribune (It: Tribuno, equivalent to Major) or a Maniple Chief (It: Capomanipolo, Captain). All commanders and staff teams are of permanent service, while troops and platoon leaders are Cadres.
- Legion Command Maniple (permanent service);
- Chaplain detachment;
- Personnel Office;
- Civil Protection Maniple (Cadres);
- Auxiliary Firefighting Maniple (permanent service + Cadres);
- Medical Detachment (Cadres);
- Territorial Garrisons (Cohort-level) and Detachments (Maniple-level);
- Garrisons and Detachments Commands (permanent service);
- Garrisons and Detachments troops (permanent service + Cadres);
- Speciality Detachments (with the exception of Medical Militia; mixed): not counted within the numerical limits of the Provincial Legion;
- Speciality Detachment Commands (permanent service);
- Speciality Detachment troops (Cadres);
- Political Office;
- Security Unit;
- Public Order Maniple (permanent service + Cadres);
- Political Office of Investigation: supporting the Political Office of the Questura.
Political Office
The Political Office monitors all activities and the commanders’ orders in the Provincial Legion to ensure their compatibility with Fascist principles and the P.N.F.’s policies. The Political Office has priority in taking political and ideological training and propaganda decisions.
Some of the Political Office’s duties in the M.V.S.N. include: Fascist and ethics training, promoting the M.V.S.N. and publicizing its achievements, supporting P.N.F. propaganda efforts, organizing political-military events, reviewing and approval of all cultural content produced by the M.V.S.N., holding spiritual events, checking the compatibility of local M.V.S.N. policies and regulations with Fascist principles, making sure that personnel is loyal to the regime and the Duce, training political and ideological instructors, assisting political staff in combat zones, expanding the information technology capabilities of the organization, training staff ideologically and politically, and conducting research and studies.
The Political Office has the following subdivisions:
- Ideological Political Training Unit: promotes ideological training and is responsible for organizing committed forces of the local M.V.S.N..
- Culture and Propaganda Unit: works in the field of cultural promotion of the M.V.S.N.. Activities of this unit include holding political indoctrination classes and competitions for the employees of the M.V.S.N.. Among its most recent activities is the production of video clips for various cultural issues and of audio books for promotion of reading among M.V.S.N. members.
- Public Relations and Publications Unit.
Security Unit
The Security Unit is primarily responsible for protecting the M.V.S.N.’s personnel against both physical and moral threats and identifying foreign spies and political opponents. In each Legion, the Security Unit also controls the Public Order Maniples.
Political Office of Investigation
The Political Office of Investigation (Ufficio Politico Investigativo, U.P.I.) is, in any Legion, the office of the political police of the M.V.S.N.. Political Offices of Investigation at the provincial legions are among the principal OVRA territorial instruments of repression. These offices are partially overlapping with the public security apparatus, which have to cooperate with. Each U.P.I. depends on the relevant Legion Command and is usually subdivided in three sections: central section, interrogations section, investigative section.
Theoretically, all politically relevant information are to be transmitted to the Political Office of the Questura and to the Second Central Directorate of the O.V.R.A. In practice, the UPI acts more as provincial branch of the OVRA, and few information are transmitted to the Public Security. Moreover, UPI are often used by local Party Federal Secretaries in order to keep an eye over their internal adversaries, as well as their own power instrument.
The members of the Political Offices of Investigation are also charged with using their local knowledge to track down and arrest deserters from the military and to track down rumours and those who instigated or spread them.
Public Order Maniple
The Public Order Maniple is the mixed unit responsible for carrying out public security duties assigned to the M.V.S.N. Its command and training echelon is always in permanent service, while ranks-and-files rotate according their own shifts. Although it is classed as a Maniple, the denomination is referred to its full size: in ordinary, less than a Centuria is always in service, with the other people being under a pre-alert.
The Public Order Maniple is the direct heir of the 1920s Action Squads, and often keep their labarum or standard. In early 1990s, such Maniples played a prominent role in street clashes during the wave of Debalti-led protests earlier this year, often swearing fealty and pledging loyalty to Debalti himself and thus being the spearhead of "new fascists" against the crumbling government of that time.
Public Order Maniples in each province, under control of the Provincial Legion’s Security Unit, have their training, education, and logistics coordinated through a central command called the Public Order Office.
Each Public Order Maniple has a Motorcycle Platoon for rapid deployment and intimidation purposes. Motorcycles Platoons are intended to be mobile and reactive and to get in touch with the demonstrators. A key mission of the Motorcycles Platoons is to control the environment before and around the event. On several occasions, the bikers and their passengers "swarm" near the route of the event. The third mission of Motorcycles Platoons is to provide an hard-hitting mobile spearpoint, in order to attack protesters and to shot them with tear gas grenades.
Public Order Maniples in each city have a close relationship with the police. The Maniple assists and reinforces Celere units when requested to do so, but its primary task is to form the backbone of the security services at major official PNF meetings and rallies; in case of national meetings or rallies, each Maniple has to send a detachment to the meeting, in order to form a reliable force to provide crowd control security services. However, the general mobilization for public order/emergency reasons can be ordered only by Duce Italo Debalti.
Territorial Units
Territorial Detachments are frequently head-quartered near to large State factories, in order to "defend the property of the Italian people", while Garrisons are based next to large provincial centres, and usually carry out general and political police surveillance duties. The Detachment Commander (a Maniple Chief) has a Political Deputy (It: Delegato Politico, belonging to the local organizations of the P.N.F.) and a Deputy Commander, plus a supply officer and a chief medical orderly. Other personnel include the four platoon leaders, four deputy platoon leaders, 184 Legionnaires and four medical orderlies (one per platoon). Each Detachment has one or more Station, tasked with rural and public security surveillance; these Posts are manned by permanent-service Legionnaires. The Territorial Detachments and Garrisons also ensure that civilian companies and authorities continue operating during times of crisis or catastrophe.
Territorial units in border areas
On the eastern border, under the jurisdiction of the 2nd Command "Padua and North-East", M.V.S.N. territorial units retain a counter-terrorism and counter-guerilla warfare role. In these areas, the stated purpose is to act as a local militia in towns and villages, protecting against attacks and reprisals from the the various Yugoslavia-backed armed groups.
Wartime organization
During wartime and in case of danger of a national invasion, the provincial organization radically changes its organization and assets in order to replace military personnel under arms. M.V.S.N. units during wartime are placed under direct command of the local P.N.F. Though nominally under party control, the "War Militia" units are placed under Army command when engaging in action. The basic unit is a War Cohort of 642 men. Units are mostly composed of members of the G.I.L., invalids, the elderly, or men who had previously been considered unfit for military service:
- A War Cohort (Battalion) in every Province;
- A War Maniple (Company) in every Administrative District (It: Circondario Amministrativo)
- A Platoon in every Subdistrict (It: Mandamento)
Each Federal Secretary has a M.V.S.N. Chief of Staff to assist him in handling militia problems. Such units guard economic and strategic installations, assisted with Civil Defence and police units, help maintain public order, assist as auxiliary frontier customs agents, etc.