The East Witch Incident

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In The Great Holy Aephivell, where the corruption of the royalties and the churches grew each and everyday , there a sinister tale was unfolded. A rumour spun from the lips of the king himself—— a tale of a witch who lurkes in the forest in the distanct east, demanding sacrifice of young souls to satisfy her insatiable hunger. Fuelled by fear and superstition, the king's decree echoed through the land, casting a pall of dread over the heart of his subjects. Orphans, the most vurnerable among them, became pawns in his wicked game, torn from their homes and thrust into the clutches of an uncertain fate. But this whole rumour of the witch in the east is simply a lie, a lie that was created by the royalties, nobles and the church. The royalties and noble wanted something to spice up their life, so they started this wicked game of getting childrens to the forest of the east and realeasing them into the woods, only to release them down on horses with swords and bows as if their animals for hunt. The church made more taxes for "religious purpose" to earn more money to live a luxurous life.