The Great Holy Aephivell

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In the 1090's, Zemyvar Raiders from Paras Gari at that time sailed down south to raid for treasures and resources. They first established a trading dock at the shores of Ivy , this builds a strong foundation for the people at that time to transport back and foward between continents. In the 1110's the people from common folk, Yuzhstovans and Garindinans imigrated down south simply because the pagan Zemyvars wanted to not be persecuted. Mostly immigrated to Ivy, now called IvyThorns, Some even went further in land and established more kingdoms such as WiltedFluwez in the west and RavensNetz down south. Soon in 1128, a man from IvyThorns by the name, Abelard Baruau Arnao conqure these three kingdoms and established The Great Holy Aephivell, a kingdom that runs in a Monarchy & Theocracy goverment.