The war of flowers and swords

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The war of flowers and swords

The war of flowers and swords
Cavalerie 7 zussen.png
The cavalry of the seven sisters
Teiyama area ,Canton River Delta
Result The emperor was thrown from the throne and the seven sisters became the seven empresses, and from then on women were also allowed to become empress
Flag Edo Dynasty.png The seven sisters
(Future Sakuri Dynasty)
Mha Dynasty flag.png Mha dynasty
Casualties and losses

The war of flowers and swords was a great war that overthrew the old form of the monarchy. It all started quite simply, the emperor had died and his son ascended the throne. Women were not allowed to ascend the throne at that time, so the seven daughters of the deceased emperor were skipped, even though the son was the youngest of the eight. The princesses disagreed, but at first they kept calm. They asked their brother to leave the throne voluntarily but he refused their offer, later the sisters tried to bribe the emperor's advisers and guard in order to dethrone him, but this failed very badly. The advisers and guard told the emperor what had happened and he was furious, how dared his sisters to try to unseat him, to turn his own people against him. He decided to throw them out of the palace and throw them out of the imperial family. The news was sudden but not unexpected for the seven, they already had an extra plan if it failed. In recent months they had been smuggling money from the palace to a summer palace in the north. So after they were thrown out of the Imperial Palace, they went to the Summer Palace. Here they bought their own armies with their money and went to conquer the provinces. In the beginning, the provinces remained loyal to the emperor, but when a few had fallen and when it was known how strong the sisters were, more and more nobles joined the seven. The young emperor was not good in strategy and also very inexperienced and lost large parts of his country as a result. After many unsuccessful battles of the emperor, the sisters stood before the imperial city of Edo. They saw the emperor's army in their gleaming gold armor. Finally, in the late afternoon, the Emperor's army flowed towards the army of the seven. But they had a cavalry and the general did not know that so his army was cut down almost at once, after this the general of the imperial army surrendered. The sisters then poured into the emperor's palace and arrested him and threw him into jail. Now that he was gone, all seven crowned themself empresses. The ex-emperor wanted to have his throne back and started to devise a plan to also try to bribe their advisers and guard like his sisters, but this also failed with him. His plan was discovered and he was sent to the block. After all this, there was no one left who could go against their power and no one dared to rebel. From then on they were on top of the world.