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Trica is a continent located in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere of Verdara. It is the western-most continent. In the North, its bordered by the Northern Sea, then the Western Sea, the Eastern Sea and the Southern Sea, all respectively named different in the various cultures of Trica. The continent does not share a landmass and is only separated by the Eastern Sea to the continents of Media, Insula and Secaria.

It covers approximately 4.736.040 km² or 9,47% of the planet, making it the largest known continent. Politically its divided into different sovereign states, with Lionsroar being the largest and most populous state. The Trican climate ranges from tropical, to temperate and tempering winters and everything in between. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable producing more continental climates.

The Continents of Verdara (Left: Trica)

The culture of Trica consists of a range of national and regional cultures, which form the central roots of the wider Verdaran civilisation. It is the home of significant historical developments for all of humanity, encompassing both the modern and historical achievements of human civilization. Divided into state systems, whose theories have evolved and varied greatly over the centuries, it has given rise to many nations. Trica boasts a rich history stretching back to the earliest beginnings of human civilization on the continent, marked by both innovations and wars fought on its soil over millennia. Pivotal milestones include the first human settlements, early innovations, the industrial revolution, the development of the modern era, the shaping of interstate cooperation, and all other national and transregional historical events of the continent’s states.

The origin of the name means "terra" or "land"/"dirt" in the International Language (=English).


Name and Formal Name Flag Location Land Area Population Population Density GDP (Nominal) GDP (per capita)
LionsroarYour Majesty's Honored Kingdom of the Sapphire Bay of Lionsroar
Lionsroar Flag.png
Map of Lionsroar.png
357.940 km² (138.201 sq mi)) 178,600.000 449/km2 (1,268.8/sq mi) 𝔏472.84 billion 𝔏12.249/capita
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