User:Great Nortend/Anthems

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The Royal Anthem

THE King shall joy, O Lord, in Thy salvation,
Exceeding glad shall he be of Thy strength.
The bidding of his lips Thou hast not withheld from him,
And hast giv'n him the longings of his heart.

For great his glory is in Thy salvation,
Thou hast honour and worship laid on him.
For Thou shalt bestow everlasting blessings on him,
And make him with thy count’nance glad with joy.

Because the King put’th in the Lord his trusting,
Through th’mercy of the High’st he shall not be moved.
For all Thine enemies shall apprehend Thy hand and,
All them that hate Thee, shall Thy right hand find.

The National Anthem

GREAT Nortend, O thou noblest Land, we love thee true!
High in the Elps to the Meddenlands,
Unto the Dales and the Welden Lands,
We Nortch men, who brave and stark and doughty,
And women, fair and lovely and comely,
Hail thee in every thorp and city;
God is with us, with thy King, and with thee,
Thou noblest Land, our Fatherland,
We love thee true for ever more.

The War Anthem

THE God who did the Iron rear,
Ne’er will’d Man to be a Slave!
Therefore, the Sabre, Sword and Spear,
To Man for his Right He gave.
Therefore, He did bold Courage send,
And doughty Spirit withal!
That he should stand fast till the End,
In mighty Battle ere he fall!

Great Nortend, holy Fatherland,
The Kingdom of Right and Troth
Thou noble Land! Thou royal Land!
Thy King we plight our true Oath.
The Traitor and the Knave beware!
We cast them fore the Raven!
Our holy Land shall e’er be fair,
For Nortchmen the true Haven!

Let cry aloud whoever can,
And lighten with the bright flame!
Ye Nortchmen, every Man for Man,
For th’ Holy War, all in same!
And lift your Hearts up to Heaven,
And heavenwards raise each Hand!
Proclaim each Man to every Man,
That God be with us in this Land!

Let wave on high whoever can,
The Standard and the Banner!
We seek alway each Man for Man,
To die in valiant Manner!
Up! High the Vict’ry Flag doth fly!,
Before our Ranks of brave Men!
We either conquer or we die,
The sweetest Death as Freemen!