User:Luca Salvatore Salvinsky

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Luca Salvatore Salvinsky
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Forbes Magazine Cover, 2024
Personal details
Born30th of June, 1983 (Age 40)
Lercara Friddi, Sicily, Italy
SpouseElizabeth Salvinsky (Married 2008)
ChildrenAgnas Salvinsky (Born August 8, 2012)
Alma materUniversity Of Cambridge - (BBM), (MBA), (Psy.M.), (MBM) Harvard University - (LL.B.), (M.L), (MIR), (MPA), (MSF)
OccupationOwner and Chairman Of The Board for Morgano Holdings
Known forUN Speech on the American Intervention In the North Pakistani War, Founding of Morgano Holdings Inc.

There's a simplicity to war. Attacking is the only secret, dare and the world yields. How quickly do we forget that all you need to change the course of history is one good lie, and a river of blood - Luca Salvatore Salvinsky

Luca Salvatore Salvinsky (born June 30 1983) is an Italian/American international businessman and is the founder and current owner of Morgano Holdings - A multi national organization that is the Parent Company of a multitude of of subsidiaries including Mangano Logistics, Gambino Finance, Profaci Pharmaceuticals, Gagliano Data Solutions, and Maranzano Technologies. Salvinsky is known for his sharp business acumen, strategic thinking, and ability to close deals that others might consider impossible. Salvinsky has built a reputation for himself as a shrewd negotiator who is able to navigate complex business environments with ease.

One of the key characteristics of Salvinsky is his ability to think strategically. He has a deep understanding of the global business landscape and is able to identify opportunities where others might see only challenges. Salvinsky is also known for his ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and to make decisions that are informed by data and analysis. Another important aspect of Salvinsky's character is his attention to detail. He is meticulous in his approach to business and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to due diligence. Salvinsky understands that success in business often comes down to the small details, and he is careful to ensure that every aspect of a deal is carefully considered before moving forward.

Despite his reputation as a tough negotiator, Salvinsky is also known for his integrity. He believes in conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner, and he expects the same from his partners and associates. Salvinsky is not afraid to walk away from a deal if he feels that it does not align with his values or if he believes that it is not in the best interests of all parties involved. Salvinsky's success in international business can also be attributed to his ability to build strong relationships with people from diverse backgrounds. He understands the importance of cultural sensitivity and is able to navigate different cultural norms with ease. Salvinsky is also a skilled communicator who is able to build trust and rapport with others quickly.

In addition to his business acumen, Salvinsky is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He believes in giving back to the communities in which he operates, and he has established several charitable foundations that support education, healthcare, and other important causes.

Salvinsky is a true inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders around the world. His vision, determination, and commitment to excellence have made him one of the most successful businessmen of his generation. With Morgano Holdings Inc continuing to grow and expand, it is clear that Salvinsky's legacy will continue to inspire future generations for years to come.

Early Life

Luca Salvatore Salvinsky was born on the 30th of June, 1983. He is the only child of Robert and Lisa Lissoni. Born into a modest family, Salvinsky's childhood was filled with love and support from his parents, who instilled in him values of hard work, determination, and integrity. Salvinsky was also a very academical person, spending most of his time either playing football or reading. Salvinsky displayed a keen interest in understanding the intricacies of the financial world. He exhibited a natural talent for analyzing market trends, evaluating investment opportunities, and comprehending complex financial concepts. His ability to grasp the nuances of the subject matter was truly remarkable, setting him apart from his classmates.

Moreover, Salvinsky's passion for business was equally evident. He possessed an entrepreneurial spirit that drove him to explore various avenues within the business world. Whether it was through participating in school competitions or engaging in extracurricular activities, Salvinsky consistently demonstrated his knack for strategic thinking, effective decision-making, and innovative problem-solving. His enthusiasm for business was contagious, inspiring those around him to pursue their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Salvinsky had an unwavering love for football. He embraced the sport with fervor and dedication, both on and off the field. As a player, he exhibited exceptional skill and athleticism, always striving to improve his technique and contribute to the success of his team. Salvinsky's commitment to football extended beyond the game itself; he immersed himself in studying the sport's history, tactics, and management strategies. His comprehensive understanding of the game allowed him to excel not only as a player but also as a leader within the team. This leadership eventually earned him a spot in the AC Milan youth academy, were he later captained the team to multiple Campionato Primavera 1 League titles and multiple UEFA youth championships. Salvinsky Idolized Cristiano Ronaldo as a child and has since become close friends with the football superstar.

Tragedy Struck, when at the tender age of 18 both of Salvinsky's parents died in a fatal car crash in the mountains of Italy, killing both of them instantly. Salvinsky was heartbroken, and mourned their deaths for many months. Salvinsky's received a quite equitable inheritance from his parents, who had made quite a few smart investments and saved their money - not being big spenders. On top of that, at the age of 18 Salvinsky was eligible to recieve access to a trust fund that had been set up by his Grandfather - (whom he had never met) for the family. Using this money Salvinsky opted to leave the country as soon as he had finished his schooling, opting instead to go to England, were he would study at Cambridge, and then later Harvard in America, were he would later reside. Salvinsky's mother was an American, which allowed him to gain American citizenship upon his arrival to attend Harvard.


Central Intelligence Agency

Determined to forge his own path and honor the memory of his parents, Salvinsky decided to pursue a career in intelligence. His thirst for knowledge and his unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world led him to the doors of the prestigious CIA.

Joining the CIA was a turning point for Salvinsky. Salvinsky joined the CIA as a part time intelligence analyst. He underwent rigorous training, honing his skills in various areas such as surveillance, analysis, and counterintelligence. During this time Salvinsky also attended the ranks of Harvard were he would get his masters and degrees in Law, International Affairs, Public Administration & Finance. After Salvinsky finished his studies, he turned to his CIA job full time. His dedication and exceptional performance quickly caught the attention of his superiors, who saw great potential in him. Salvinsky shortly signaled that he wanted to be transferred to the CIA's Directorate of Operations, and specialize as a Paramilitary Operations Officer. Salvinsky underwent even more rigorous training courtesy of the CIA's Clandestine Service Trainee (CST) Program. This included being trained to a high proficiency in explosive devices and firearms (foreign and domestic), hand-to-hand combat, weapons handling, tactical operations, and intelligence gathering. They also receive specialized training in areas such as surveillance, and counterterrorism.

During his time at the as a Paramilitary Operations Officer, Salvinsky was exposed to the intricacies of national security and the gravity of the work being done to protect the country, as an He worked on classified projects, gathering vital intelligence and contributing to the agency's mission. His colleagues admired his work ethic, attention to detail, and ability to think critically under pressure. After working as a Paramilitary Operations Officer for around 2 years and being involved in multiple covert operations, Salvinsky again requested to be transferred to the less demanding job of a Targeting officer. Salvinsky would go on to be a one of the best Targeting Officer of his decade and lead multiple successful cases. Salvinsky's biggest and only unsolved case, was that of the US governments hunt for Raymond Reddington. Salvinskys hunt for Reddington would sadly be his last, as shortly after Salvinsky had lost the trail of Reddington for around the 5th time, he retired from the CIA for an unknown reason.

Morgano Finance Consultancy

After Salvinsky left the CIA, He thought long and hard at what he wanted to to with his life. After careful consideration he opted to start his own business, something he had always wanted to do as a child. With his exceptional expertise in the world of finance, Salvinsky recognized the need for a comprehensive and reliable financial services provider that could cater to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses alike, and thus the Morgano Financial Consultancy (MFC) was born

Driven by his passion for finance and his unwavering commitment to excellence, Salvinsky meticulously laid the groundwork for MFC, aided by the securement of an unknown investor that was willing to invest copious amounts of money into the company. He assembled a team of talented professionals who shared his vision and possessed a deep understanding of the intricacies of the financial industry.

Under Salvinsky's guidance, MFC swiftly gained a reputation for its unrivaled expertise and unwavering commitment to its clients. The company's core values of integrity, transparency, and innovation became the guiding principles that shaped its operations and interactions with clients' quickly established itself as a trusted partner for individuals seeking personalized financial advice and businesses in need of comprehensive financial solutions. Salvinsky's keen business acumen allowed him to identify emerging market trends and tailor strategies that would enable clients to achieve their financial goals.

One of the key strengths of MFC was its ability to offer a wide range of services, including investment management, financial planning, risk assessment, and wealth preservation. Salvinsky understood that each client had unique financial objectives and circumstances, and he ensured that the company's services were tailored to meet these individual needs. As MFC continued to grow and expand its client base, Salvinsky remained steadfast in his commitment to delivering exceptional service. He fostered a culture of continuous learning and professional development within the company, ensuring that his team stayed abreast of industry trends and developments.

Salvinsky's dedication to excellence and his relentless pursuit of innovation propelled MFC to new heights. The company became renowned for its cutting-edge financial solutions, leveraging technology and data analytics to provide clients with actionable insights and strategic recommendations.

Morgano Holdings Inc

Morgano Financial Consultancy, under Salvinsky's leadership, had already established a strong reputation for providing top-notch financial consultancy services to its clients. However, Salvinsky recognized the need to expand the scope of his business and create a more diversified portfolio

By creating Morgano Holdings Inc, Salvinsky aimed to consolidate his various business interests and ventures under one umbrella. Salvinsky looked to create a global business conglomerate spanning many industries. This strategic move allowed him to exercise greater control and oversight over the different entities within his business empire.

Morgano Financial Consultancy - (Which was renamed Gambino Finance after the creation of Morgano Holdings), being a subsidiary of Morgano Holdings Inc, continued to operate as a specialized financial consultancy firm. With the backing and support of the holding company, it was able to access additional resources and expertise, further enhancing its capabilities and offerings.

The establishment of Morgano Holdings Inc also opened up new avenues for Salvinsky to explore potential investments and acquisitions. As a holding company, it provided him with the flexibility to diversify his business interests across various industries and sectors.

Mangano Logistics

Mangano Logistics was formed on the 12 of June, 2017. With the increasing demand for efficient logistics services and Salvinsky looking to further his business empire. Mangano Logistics poised to make a significant impact in the industry. Mangano Logistics made a name for itself by producing a revenue of around $8 Billion USD in its first year of operations.

Morgano Initiative

The Morgano Initiative is a long term advancement plan brought into action by Salvinsky, built around one goal - Building a global business conglomerate with Morgano Holdings at the helm. The initiative was brought into place at the annual 'Morgano Dinner' - (12th April). The Morgano Dinner is a formal event used to communicate new ideas and plans to the Morgano board and investors.

Profaci Pharmeceuticals

Profaci Pharmaceuticals was opened on the 12th of April, 2019, and was announced at the Morgano Dinner. Profaci Pharmaceuticals is the first step in the Morgano Initiative.

Gagliano Data Solutions

Gagliano Data solutions was opened on the 7th of October 2021. The formation of this new subsidiary is part of Morgano Holdings Inc's 'Morgano Initiative'. By expanding into new areas of expertise, the company is well-positioned to meet the ever-evolving needs of its clients. With Gagliano Data Solutions, Morgano Holdings Inc is able to offer a comprehensive suite of data management services that cater to businesses of all sizes.

Maranzano Technologies

Maranzano Technologies (formed 30th June, 2022), is the newest subsidiary of Morgano Holdings Inc, and is a weapons contracting company that is the final step in the Morgano Initiative set out back in 2019. As a leading player in the defense industry, Maranzano Technologies was formed with the aim of providing cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of the modern battlefield.

Under the umbrella of the Morgano Holdings, Maranzano Technologies is poised to revolutionize the defense industry by leveraging its expertise in research and development, engineering, and manufacturing. The company's mission is to provide state-of-the-art weaponry and support services to military and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Maranzano Technologies prides itself on its ability to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. The company invests heavily in research and development to ensure that its products are not only effective but also adhere to the highest standards of quality and reliability. By collaborating with leading experts in various fields, Maranzano Technologies consistently pushes the boundaries of innovation, resulting in groundbreaking solutions that give its clients a competitive edge.

One of the key strengths of Maranzano Technologies lies in its ability to customize its offerings to meet specific customer requirements. The company understands that every mission is unique, and therefore, it offers tailored solutions that address the specific challenges faced by its clients. Whether it is developing advanced small arms, precision-guided munitions, or cutting-edge surveillance systems, Maranzano Technologies excels in providing solutions that are both effective and efficient. In addition to its focus on technology and innovation, Maranzano Technologies places a strong emphasis on ethical business practices. The company is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and compliance. It adheres to all applicable laws and regulations governing the defense industry and maintains strict internal controls to ensure that its operations are conducted in an ethical manner.

Controversies Over Maranzano Technologies

Maranzano Technologies, has been at the center of controversy due to the creation of a security wing that allegedly recruited from Tier 1 special forces and Intelligence agencies from around then world. The company has faced criticism from various quarters for its alleged involvement in recruiting currently serving & ex-soldiers/Intelligence personnel to provide security services to clients in conflict zones around the world.

The controversy surrounding Maranzano Technologies has been fueled by concerns over the use of private military contractors in conflict zones, particularly in areas where there is little oversight or accountability. The company has been accused of exploiting the skills and experience of former special forces soldiers and Intelligence workers, who are often lured by the promise of high-paying jobs and the opportunity to continue their work in a different capacity.

Critics argue that the use of private military contractors undermines the authority and legitimacy of governments, and can lead to human rights abuses and other violations. They also point out that private military contractors are not subject to the same rules and regulations as regular military personnel, and therefore operate in a legal gray area.

Despite these concerns, Maranzano Technologies has continued to operate its security wing, and has defended its use of private military contractors as a necessary response to the changing nature of conflict in the modern world. The company argues that its contractors are highly trained professionals who adhere to strict ethical standards, and that they provide a valuable service to clients who require specialized security solutions.

However, the controversy over Maranzano Technologies and its security wing is unlikely to go away anytime soon. As the use of private military contractors continues to grow, there is increasing pressure on companies like Maranzano Technologies to be more transparent and accountable for their actions. It remains to be seen whether the company will be able to address these concerns and continue to operate its security wing in the face of mounting criticism.


Charles 'Lucky' Luciano

There have been allegations circulating regarding Salvinsky and his alleged familial connection to the notorious Italian-American criminal, Charles "Lucky" Luciano. These accusations, if proven true, would shed light on a potentially significant link between the world of organized crime and legitimate business enterprises.

Charles "Lucky" Luciano, born Salvatore Lucania in 1897, was a prominent figure in organized crime during the early 20th century. He was considered one of the most influential and powerful mobsters of his time, particularly in New York City. Luciano's criminal activities spanned a wide range, including illegal gambling, bootlegging, and prostitution. He played a pivotal role in the formation of the modern American Mafia and is often regarded as one of its founding fathers.

The allegations surrounding Salvinsky suggest that he is the grandson of Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Having the connection through his father Robert Lissoni. If substantiated, this would mean that Salvinsky is directly descended from one of the most infamous figures in criminal history. Such a connection would undoubtedly raise eyebrows and invite scrutiny into Salvinsky's own background and business dealings.

However, it is important to note that these accusations remain unverified and speculative at this point. Without concrete evidence or official confirmation, it is premature to draw any definitive conclusions about Salvinsky's lineage or his alleged ties to Luciano. It is essential to approach such claims with caution and adhere to the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

If these allegations were to be substantiated, it would undoubtedly have significant implications for Salvinsky's reputation and standing within the business community. The association with a notorious criminal figure could potentially tarnish his professional image and raise concerns about the legitimacy of his business ventures.

Ultimately, until concrete evidence emerges to either support or refute these allegations, they remain speculative in nature. It is essential to approach such claims with skepticism and allow due process to take its course. Only through a thorough and objective investigation can the truth be uncovered, shedding light on the alleged connection between Salvinsky and Charles "Lucky" Luciano.

Raymond 'Red' Reddington

There have been accusations thrown around that Salvinsky, who allegedly has ties to an international criminal. This criminal, widely regarded as one of the most prominent figures in criminal history, has managed to evade law enforcement for over three decades, this being the notorious Raymond Reddington. While these accusations are serious in nature, it is important to approach the topic with caution and rely on verified information. Although it would be unwise to dismiss the fact the Salvinsky was the main agent in the US Governments's Hunt for Reddington, having most likely come face to face with him multiple times.

Raymond "Red" Reddington is an ex-United States Navy officer, presumed to be an officer of the Office of Naval Intelligence, and number 4 on the FBI's Most Wanted List. A U.S. Naval Academy graduate, he worked in US counterintelligence and was being groomed for admiral when something happened on his way home for the Christmas holidays. It is later revealed that Reddington was accused of committing treason by leaking information to the Soviet Union that led to the death of several American naval officers. Nicknamed "the concierge of crime", Reddington is known for brokering deals between criminals, among other things. His ethics are somewhat murky, and he espouses the use of some crimes (such as extortion, counterfeiting, torture, and murder) in the service of what he thinks is the "the greater good", when it comes to protecting those he holds dear.

The alleged association between Salvinsky and the international criminal raises concerns about the potential involvement of the business man in illicit activities. If these accusations hold any truth, it would suggest that Salvinsky has been operating in close proximity to a notorious criminal figure, benefiting from their illegal enterprises. The implications of such an association are significant, as they could potentially tarnish Salvinsky's reputation and raise questions about his integrity.

However, it is crucial to note that accusations alone do not constitute proof of guilt. Without concrete evidence linking Salvinsky to the international criminal, it is essential to remain objective and avoid jumping to conclusions. Any allegations of this nature should be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement authorities to establish the veracity of the claims.

The fact that the international criminal has successfully evaded law enforcement for over three decades only adds to the intrigue surrounding this case. It raises questions about the criminal's ability to outsmart authorities, potentially employing a network of associates and utilizing sophisticated methods to remain hidden. This prolonged evasion of justice underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in apprehending individuals involved in transnational criminal activities.

As with any high-profile case, it is important for the public and media to exercise caution and avoid spreading unverified information or engaging in speculation. While accusations against Salvinsky may be unsettling, it is essential to await the outcome of a thorough investigation before drawing any definitive conclusions. Upholding the principles of due process and presumption of innocence is paramount in ensuring a fair and just resolution to this matter.

Induction as a UN ambassador

Salvinsky, a distinguished individual, was honored with the prestigious position of being inducted as a United Nations (UN) ambassador. This remarkable achievement not only highlights his exceptional abilities and expertise but also reflects his unwavering commitment to diplomacy and international relations.

As a UN ambassador, Salvinsky was entrusted with the crucial responsibility of representing his country on the global stage. His role involved advocating for his nation's interests, promoting peace and security, and fostering cooperation among member states. With his profound knowledge of international affairs and diplomatic acumen, Salvinsky played a vital role in shaping policies and resolutions that aimed to address pressing global challenges.

Throughout his tenure as a UN ambassador, Salvinsky demonstrated exemplary leadership skills and an unwavering dedication to the principles and values upheld by the United Nations. He actively participated in various committees, working groups, and negotiations, where he effectively articulated his country's positions while also seeking common ground with other nations. Salvinsky's ability to bridge differences and build consensus was instrumental in facilitating meaningful dialogue and advancing the UN's objectives.

Furthermore, Salvinsky's diplomatic efforts extended beyond the confines of formal meetings and negotiations. He engaged in extensive outreach activities, including public speaking engagements, conferences, and seminars, where he advocated for human rights, sustainable development, and global cooperation. By effectively communicating his country's perspective and fostering dialogue, Salvinsky contributed to raising awareness and promoting understanding among diverse stakeholders.

Salvinsky's contributions as a UN ambassador were not limited to his diplomatic endeavors alone. He actively engaged with civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector to harness their expertise and resources in pursuit of the UN's goals. Recognizing the importance of partnerships in addressing complex global challenges, Salvinsky fostered collaboration among various stakeholders to maximize impact and promote sustainable development.

Moreover, Salvinsky's dedication to multilateralism was evident in his efforts to strengthen the United Nations itself. He actively supported initiatives aimed at enhancing the organization's effectiveness, transparency, and accountability. By advocating for necessary reforms and engaging in constructive dialogue with fellow diplomats, Salvinsky contributed to making the UN a more efficient and responsive institution.

Salvinsky's tenure as a UN ambassador left an indelible mark on the international community. His unwavering commitment to diplomacy, his ability to build bridges between nations, and his tireless efforts to promote peace and security made him a respected figure within the United Nations. His diplomatic skills, coupled with his profound understanding of global affairs, allowed him to effectively represent his country's interests while also advancing the broader objectives of the international community.

U.N Speech

On the 12th of June 2019, Salvinsky delivered a speech at the United Nations General Assembly Building, Addressing the world on the American intervention in the War in North-West Pakistan. Salvinsky strongly opposed the regime of the Taliban and the actions of Al-Qaeda, having criticized both very frequently. An excerpt from his speech is provided below:

"The path we have chosen for he present is full of hazards, as all paths are; but it is the one most consistent with our character and courage as a nation and our commitments around the world. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission. Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right; not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved".

Salvinsky went on to end the speech in a quite passive aggressive manner, ending the speech with the following: "Our military should not be mistaken for a cable new gabfest show. We don't care what you look like, we don't care who you voted for, we don't care who you worship, what you worship, or who you love. It doesn't matter if you're dad left you millions when you died, or if you knew who your father was. We have been honed into a machine of lethal moving's parts that you would be wise to avoid if you know what's good for you. We will not be intimidated, we will not back down. We’ve seen war, we don’t want war. But if you want war with the United States Of America, theres one thing I will promise you so help me god. someone else will raise your sons and daughters.

Personal Life


Salvinsky met Elizabeth Keen (Formerly Masha Rostova) during his time at University of Cambridge. The two instantly bonded over shared interests and began dating in Mid 2004. In 2008, Salvinsky proposed to Elizabeth. She dually accepted and the two were married in late September. The couple are now married 15 years and from all accounts are happy as ever. The two conceived their first and only child in early November,2011. Nine months later Agnes was born on the 8th of August, 2012. Agnes is now 10 years old and is approaching her 11th birthday.