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Titles of the Grand State of Seredya
Title Crown Application Style of Address
Vozhd and Autocrat of All Seredyans

His Illustrious and Orthodox Majesty The Vozhd and Autocrat of All Seredyans

(Его Прославленные и Православные Величество Государство Вождь и Самодержец Всесерединский)

The ruler of the Grand State of Seredya and its constituent entities. Your Illustrious and Orthodox Majesty

(Ваше Прославленные и Православные Величество)

Naslednik and Grand Prince

His Illustrious and Orthodox Highness The Lord Naslednik and Grand Prince

(Его Прославленные и Православные Высочество Государь Наследник и Великий Князь)

Heir apparent of the Grand State of Seredya. Your Illustrious and Orthodox Highness

(Ваше Прославленные и Православные Высочество)

Grand Duke

His Illustrious and Orthodox Highness The Grand Duke

(Его Императорское Высочество Великий Князь)

Descendants of the House Petrov. Reserved for the sons and grandsons of Petrov Rulers after 1806. Your Illustrious and Orthodox Highness

(Ваше Прославленные и Православные Высочество)

Prince of the Most Illustrious Blood

His Highness the Prince Firstname Patronymic of the Most Illustrious Blood

(Его Высочество Князь Крови Cамой Знаменитой Kрови.)

Introduced in 1806, applying to all male-line Petrov great-grandchildren of Petrov Rulers and their descendants.

Your Highness

(Ваше Высочество)


His Serenity The Prince

(Его Сиятельство Князь)

Your Serenity

(Ваше Сиятельство)


His Serenity the Voivode

(Его Светлость Воевoда)

Equivalent to the west-Belisarian title of Duke, directly translating to that as well as "governor [of a province]". Your Serenity

(Ваша Сиятельство)


His Serenity the Boyar

(Его Светлость Боярин)

Next in rank to the title of "prince", "duke", or "knyaz" (князь). Translates directly to "aristocrat". Your Serenity

(Ваша Сиятельство)


His Serenity the Vlastelin

(Его Сиятельство Властелин)

Equivalent to the west-Belisarian title of Count. Translates directly to "lord" or "landowner". Your Serenity

(Ваше Сиятельство)


His Serenity the Povelitel

(Его Сиятельство Повелитель)

Meaning essentially "master" of a locality. Your Serenity

(Ваше Сиятельство)

Dvoryanin / Pomeshchik The lowest general level of hereditary nobility. Your Well Birth

(Ваше Благородие)