Vapati Union

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The Vapati Union (VU) is a supranational political and economic union of 17 member states located in Vapat. The Union has a total area of 2,587,000km2 and an estimated total population of over []. The VU has often been described as an 'advitiyah' political entity (without precedent or comparison) combining the characteristics of both a federation and a confederation.

Containing 11.4% of the world population in 2022, VU member states generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of around AGप320 trillion in 2024, constituting over a third of global nominal GDP. Additionally, all VU states except Kamboja have a very high Human Development Index according to the United States Development Programme.



Originally, the Vapati Treaty was signed in [] between the four nations of Agar, Kasam, Dachila and Tamrapa as a mechanism to protect against Danati aggressions,