Vikar of Krasnova

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The state of Krasnova at the end of the Fourth Krasnovan War.

The Vikar of Krasnova is a collection of imperial free cities, known as likutats, in western Krasnova. Most were liberated and organized into the Vikar during the Fourth Krasnovan War. Although each city-state retains a considerable degree of autonomy, the cities are collectively administered by the Vikaro of Krasnova, currently Díeg Hahk-Lorán. As a member of the imperial federation of the Golden Throne, they were considered an integral territory of the empire.

The likutats of Krasnova are Jonaksburg, Sterlya, Ivanovka, Rubino, Pezlevko, Fedorograd, Sofiatsyn, and Chernaya.