Virginia (Inbivio)

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Not to be confused with the federal subject with the same name.
Commonwealth of Virginia
Mancomunidad de Virginia (Spanish)
Anthem: My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Location of Virginia (green) in North America (light grey)
Location of Virginia (green) in North America (light grey)
The 12 republics of Virginia.
The 12 republics of Virginia.
CapitalLiberty, VA
Official languagesN/A
Recognised national languagesEnglish
Recognised regional languagesSpanish
GovernmentFederal Declaratist republic
• Heads of the Presidency
Clarence Thomas
Ruth Bader
• Tribune
Kevin Carson (S)
Dissolution of the Unites States of America
• ????
• Kingdom of Columbia established
• Publicanist secession from Columbia
• Establishment of the
• Current Constitution
• 2016 estimate
• ??? census
CurrencyVirginian Standard ($) (VIS)
Time zoneUTC-4 (EST)
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

Virginia, officially known as the Commonwealth of Virginia (Spanish: Mancomunidad de Virginia) is a federal Declaratist republic comprised of 12 republics, bordering Algonquia to the north, Louisiana to the west and the Ciguayan Republic to the south. It is a coastal polity in which 5 of its 12 republics immediately face the Atlantic ocean. Since the end of the Second Great War it has enjoyed rising levels of economic development and standards of living, owing to its close cooperation with its neighbors and allies within the American continent. Its capital, Liberty and its largest city (by population and area) is Baltimore. It has an estimated population of 83 million people, with about half of it residing in the coastal urban areas. With state recognition of native cultures and later open attitude towards immigration, the country boasts a culturally diverse and cosmopolitan image.

The regions in what is now Virginia was inhabited by various indigenous societies with firmly established polities prior to the entrance of the Europeans in the 15th to 16th centuries. Later colonized by the British under the Thirteen Colonies, unfair policies against the colonials would later spark the American Revolutionary War which established the United States in 1776. The unity among the states would later break down and lead to the seccession of the northern states in the late 1780s. The remaining states would later dissolve the United States entirely, and with the continuing prevalence of slavery and other social injustices within the states, the Republican Society ruling Virginia and Maryland would wage a reunification war that would lead to the establishment of the Commonwealth in 1803.

The new Commonwealth and the northern Kingdom of Columbia would later be regional rivals especially within the first leg of the Industrial Revolution, both being locked in an industrial race, the latter's westward expansion being instrumental to the former as well. Coinciding with New York City's development, the city of Baltimore became a bustling cosmopolis in its own right. This rapid economic growth, while met with an increase of population and the development of the interior, was later defined by extreme socioeconomic inequality and massive poverty. Social movements such as the Chartists would spring up to address these issues, being instrumental to the country's rapid reform and social upheaval well into the 20th century. It supported the Cascadian cause against Japan in the Second Great War, with substantial financial backing. While officially neutral during the post-great war years, public opinion turned towards support towards Continentalist sentiments. The Commonwealth, since then has fostered a policy of pan-American cooperation.

A Declaratist state, the Commonwealth of Virginia utilizes a governmental system that is a highly modified derivation of the original United States constitution. Influenced by more radical republican and Enlightenment elements (especially from France), the Virginians adhere to a dual-power sharing between an executive judiciary (the Magistrate) and a powerful popular senate (the Consilium). This radical republicanism has defined its internal politics (dominated between Chartists and Jeffersonians) and their relationship with its neighbors, most particularly Louisiana and Algonquia. The current presiding Magisters are Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader.

Virginia is a founding member of the North American League and has played an active role in regional affairs since the end of the Second Great War. It has been closely allied with similarly-oriented polities such as Cascadia and Louisiana.


Virginia is both the name of the state and the country...


Human habitation in Virginia was widespread and thriving native societies firmly established prior to the entrance of the Europeans. Among the various cultures which thrived since and after the American tumular era, the Cherokee, Creek and Shawnee were considered civilized, owing to their relative sophistication. European colonization in the 16th century was dominated by the British (under the Thirteen Colonies). Later distrust and disdain against British rule would later simmer and spark the American Revolutionary War which granted their independence as the United States. Failure of consensus under Articles of Confederation (mainly regarding Slavery) would lead to the division of the northern and southern states in the late 1780s. While the northern states drifted towards monarchy, the southern states, influenced by French antimonarchist dissidents and radical factions of republicans entered a state of political ferment.

With the ineffectiveness of the Articles of Confederation becoming more apparent and the blatant condonation or silence of some states towards slavery, the Republican Society was formed, with the intention of refounding the American republic to the ideals of Freedom, equality and brotherhood. Their plans would come short into fruition as the remaining states break off from the union, effectively dissolving the United States. The Declaratists, who have taken control Virginia and Maryland before the dissolution, initiated the Second Revolution, a reunification war that lasted from 1792 to 1803. The capitulation of Georgia in 1803 would lead to the establishment of the Commonwealth in Columbia, Virginia, later renamed Liberty.

Government and politics

Liberty's State House in the Virginian Republic, housing the joint sessions of the Magistracy and the Senate.

Virginia is a federated parliamentary republic founded under Declaratist values, as so declared by the country's national constitution. It means that the government is divided into two institutions: the Judicial-Executive (the Magistrate) and the Legislative (the Tribunate). The Magistrate is subordinate to the collective authority of the Tribunate, represented mainly by the 300-seat Convention. Thus, the Magistrate serves as an overseeing and enforcing authority. Tartessan proceedings revolves around ritualistic attitudes, emphasizing constitutional rites as a way of expressing the values of the Judicial Republic.

Accordingly, the Magistrate is responsible for the guardianship and upholding of the constitution, along with its enforcement. In ancient Roman fashion, Virginia's Magistrate is helmed by two Magisters, elected every four years by a college of judges, representing the lower section of the Magistrate. This post, along with the immediate lower levels of the Magisterial branch is a very exclusive institution--to be legible as an official Magister of the state, one must have an adequately lengthy background within the national legal tradition with backing credentials of virtuous standing.

The Tribunate is the delegator of the Publicate's day to day affairs and the foundation of new laws as accorded by the constitution. The supremacy of the Tribunate over the Magistrate in the form of the 300-seat Civil Concellary ensures the power of the citizen is wholly recognized as paramount within the political system. The Concellary handles the civil ministries (in contrast to the prefectural-administrative responsibilities of the Magisters) and may unanimously vote against the Magistrate's actions. An elected body, the highest position within the Tribunate is essentially the Tribune, serving as "Convenor of the Citizens".

While encoded, the constitution has been amended and revised five times, most recently in 1998 after a common convention with the Tribunate and the Judicate.


The current state of the country's political discourse is considered to be within the general American classical left. The country's mainstream factions present posit that Jacobinist legacy under different perspectives. The current debate focuses on whether interventionism in diplomatic and economic matters should be used.

The most conservative faction lie the Declaratists, which support a strong republican institution and the patriotic reverence of the republic. They support economic interventionism, high military spending and an independent foreign policy. They also lean towards Algonquia and supports reconciliation. They appeal mostly to the sentiments of urban professionals and intellectuals and has a moderately broad support base.

They are opposed by two factions: the more liberal Jeffersonians which argue for less government interventionism, support of local businesses and states rights, while the Chartists--a big tent of Cascadia-leaning leftists--who typically supports the development of the country's burgeoning social economy and the support of welfare programs. Both argue for the expansion of the democratic process and the supremacy of the declaration of rights over constitutional rule. The Jeffersonians primarily appeal to the sentiments of white middle-class landowners and businessmen, while the Chartists are more receptive to the laboring and marginalized classes and the rising urban intellectual youth.

Administrative divisions

12 republics

Foreign relations

All america is cool especially cascadia and louisiana and also except mexico fuck you mexico I hope Santa Muerte takes all of you

Algonquia is alright but we're better obviously



In this alternate universe McDonalds still cooks their fries in beef tallow

[Later developments in Declaratism would later influence its economic system, such as the coexistence of socially and privately owned capital within a market (a precursor to the modern socialist movement) thought by economist and political thinker John Francis Bray.] [chartism]

Thinks Cascadia is cool but at the same time buys too many cubanos from the south
