Vitosian Survivor Season 11: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 11!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Episode 1

Episode 1
Everybody is sent to their respective beaches.
On the Athacona tribe, E.C. tells the others that, while he may be older than them, he will still do his best to prove his worth to the tribe. E.C. CCs that he's not a Aerospace Engineer like Damiana de Mera [Season 1 + 7] or a firefighter like Laura Sansala [Season 3 + 7]. He says that being a retired accountant may not translate to physical strength, he's a very smart cookie and should not be underestimated. He says that they should introduce themselves to each other and starts by saying that his name is "E.C.", which is short for his first and last name and, that, he is a retired accountant. Shalizeh says that she is a nurse who has, recently, moved to Ciunia. She CCs that she is, actually, a medical student at the top of her class but they don't need to know that. Eric says that he is an exterminator from Ventden He says that his friend owns the company. Brian says that he is a travel consultant from Kingsland. Vivi says that she is a bartender from Cunzava. She CCs that, while this may have been true in the past, she is, currently, a gambler but that'll make her too much of a threat. While building the shelter, Brian asks Eric about his job. Eric says that he was having troubles finding work and his friend offered him a job as an exterminator. Eric CCs that he wasn't the best kid when he was younger and it affected him finding work but, now, he is a lot calmer, although he does not tolerate B.S. at all.
On the Leo tribe, while they build the shelter, after Katie comments on how she is a bartender, Louie says that he is a used car salesman and jokes that he has the appearance of the sleazy ones you see in older movies. He says that he wanted to come on Survivor as he and his wife, Sarah, watch it a lot. Susannah says that she hasn't seen the show but her three kids love it. Susannah CCs that she wants to become a legend so that her kids can go to school and say "Guess what? My mom is Susannah Henriques from Survivor!" Louie says that his son, Michael, was taken away from them ten years ago by a horrible family. Hollie shows sympathy towards him. Louie says that Michael never appreciated him and was weak. He says that he changed his entire name as well to spite him. He says that, yeah, he used to discipline Michael, but it's his fault for not taking it like a man and growing up. Karsten CCs that, by the sounds of it, Louie used to beat Michael but he doesn't want to assume anything. Susannah says that, as a mom of three, she knows what it's like to be disrespected as well by her ungrateful children. Karsten CCs that he is uncomfortable being around the both of them. Roddy CCs that, the more Louie talks, the more he hates him. Hollie CCs that she doesnt trust Louie or Susannah.
On the Kirin tribe, every is ecstatic. Conn says that he is so glad to have a chance to show people that he is, truly, a legend. He then says that the legacy of the famous AllVidz Critic, Conn Matos, continues. Conn CCs that it's time for him to win the game so that he can go on All Stars and win that too. Heather says that she is ready to see what awaits them in this game. Survivor Joe says that they should start to work on the shelter. While they are doing that, [write more].
With the shelter complete in the Athacona tribe, Brian teaches the others how to make fire. He says that he used to go camping a lot as a child and his mom [Dottie Salley, Season 2] taught him quite a bit due to her adventuring quite a bit when she was younger. He CCs that he is the son of Season 2 runner-up, Dottie Salley. E.C. asks if his mom is his inspiration for coming onto the show. Brian says that it is and he wants to make her proud. Brian CCs that, ever since he was six, it's just been him and his mom. She's done a lot as a single parent to raise him as a respectable young man and he wants to continue making her proud. E.C. asks Shalizeh about her inspiration. She says that she wants to live life to the fullest and not miss an opportunity to test herself. E.C. finds that really respectable. Vivi says that, for her, her younger sister watches the show and she wanted to try it out. She says that it may not be as big as E.C.'s or Brian's but she wants to be an inspiration to her younger sister. Brian and E.C. also find that respectable. E.C. says that his inspiration for coming on the show is his wife, Tanya. He says that they've been married for thirty-seven years and she's always inspired him to try new things without regret or worry. E.C CCs that family means a lot to him. He has done everything he could and he is so proud of all of his children. While Adelia is quiet, Eric CCs that everybody is acting all sentimental when the game is about deceit and backstabbing.
On the Leo tribe, the shelter is finished and, while Susannah is in the water and Louie is getting water, Hollie, Karsten, Katie, and Roddy are in the shelter. Karsten says that he was really uncomfortable with what Louie and Susannah had to say. Katie agrees and says that she went through physical abuse when she was younger and to think that Louie did the same to Michael makes her sick. Katie CCs that, growing up, things were tough. She says that, now, things are fine but, back then, it was hell. Thankfully, she says, she got an apology and a changed behaviour from her parents and they party together from time to time. Karsten says that the four of them should stick together and vote out Louie and Susannah. The others agree. Karsten CCs that he knows people who've gone through that experience and says that, the faster Louie leaves, the better. Roddy says that he is very glad that they made a pact with each other as he sees them as very good allies. Louie comes back and says that, if they made an alliance while he was gone, they'd do well to break it immediately as he wants to be in the majority. Roddy tells him not to worry as they didn't. Roddy CCs that Louie's days are numbered in the game and he is very excited to send him back home alone.
On the Kirin tribe, Brendan and Landyn are in the water. Brendan says that he wants to work with her. Landyn agrees. Brendan CCs that Survivor is all about adaptability and safety and, right now, he really needs safety. Heather and Joe are in the shelter. Landyn joins them and says that she is getting very sick of Conn. Heather and Joe agree. Landyn CCs that she would love nothing more than to see Conn go. Joe CCs that the first tarfet is easy when they continuously tall about how awesome they are. Heather says that she likes that he has a lot of confidence but he's also talked down to them and she doesn't like that. Conn joins them and says that he wants to be a leader of an alliance between them and go after Devota. They agree to it. Conn says that he wants Devota out for even defying the soon-to-be winner of Season 11. He says that she is very disrespectful. Conn CCs that he's made a very powerful alliance and HE is the leader of it.
REWARD CHALLENGE! Kirin and Athacona win fishing supplies.
On the Leo tribe, Louie is pissed and calls out his tribe for being weak and that they should've won the challenge easily. Roddy says that he is sure that they will win the next Reward Challenge. Louie tells him that they better because he will find a way to vote all of them out and they will do as he says to vote each other out. Katie points out that the game doesn't work that way and the other five of them won't all be going in one tribal council. Louie says that he'll talk to the host and change the rules. Roddy says that Louie has nothing to worry about. Roddy CCs that he's, usually, an optimistic person. He says that he understands that Louie is pissed and hopes that he calms down soon. Louie says that he knows he won't have anything to worry about because, if they know better, they'll do what he says throughout the entire game. He says that he wants to win the game and rub it in Michael's face and, when he gets to the end, he wants a unanimous vote. He says that, if they don't, he'll find them after the game is over. Karsten says that he has had enough of listening to Louie threaten them. Louie tells Karsten to shut up or he'll be voted out. Karsten says that, after he insinuated that he beat Michael, nobody wants him (Louie) here. Louie gets even angrier and tells him that him beating Michael is not his business. Karsten says that Louie being an abusive father is, no doubt, why Michael ran away. Louie then runs up to him and punches him. He then tries to attack security when they arrive. After the commercial break, the host lets them know that Louie has been removed from the game. Roddy is very thankful while Karsten is still being attended to and the others, sans Susannah who is quiet, are too afraid to speak up. The host reassures them that they have nothing to worry about and, after what happened, the entire tribe will be given Immunity. They are thankful.
Athacona wins Immunity, sending Kirin to Tribal Council!
E.C. says that he can't get over hearing that Louie attacked the tribe. Shalizeh hopes that the tribe is alright. Adelia and Brian comment that Louie is a horrible person. Vivi says that he should not be invited back and then wonders what the upcoming twist is that the host mentioned. E.C. says that he isn't worried as he knows that they will overcome any twist they send their way. E.C. CCs that he's been put on a very good tribe with very good people from all walks of life. He also comments on how he was able to prove himself in the challenge and, hopefully, this means that he won't be in the minority should they lose immunity.
On the Kirin tribe, Heather CCs that Louie should be ashamed of himself and that she really hopes that the Leo tribe is okay. Landyn comments on how the challenge was tough but hearing about what happened on Leo was even tougher. Devota agrees and says that she hopes the damage he did wasn't anything major. Conn says that Louie made himself into a legend so early and he is jealous. Devota, immediately, yells at him for being insensitive, especially when people got hurt. Conn says that he can say what he wants and, that, when he wins, his fans will shut her up. He says that he made an alliance so that she will go home, he'll get to the end, become a legend, and everybody will love him and not her. Everybody is livid at him at this point and tell him that nobody on the tribe can stand him. Conn says that they are all jealous of him. Brendan says that they have nothing to be jealous over. Landyn agrees and says that Conn is so self-absorbed. Heather says that she thought that he was over confidant but she's been mistaking that for arrogance.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, it's Devota vs Conn.


Brendan votes for Conn
Conn votes for Devota
Heather votes for Conn
Survivor Joe votes for Conn
Landyn votes for Conn
Devota votes for Conn

With a vote of 5-1, CONN has been eliminated.

Episode 2

Episode 2
Kirin returns to camp. Devota CCs that Conn's done nothing in either season he was on except to try and promote himself. She says that, in Season 1, he claimed to have gotten over 100K. However, he was only at 77K but, once his viewers started to see who he really was, the numbers declined because they didn't want to support him anymore. She says that, in the end, his own yearning for fame was his own undoing, both on YouTube AND in Survivor. Landyn says that she is very pleased. Everybody agrees. Landyn CCs that the vote was easy and, now, they can move on in the game. She says that, at home, she's an applications programmer from Cunzava but, here, she's without her job, her house, her friends, and her comfort. She says that, in Season 1, even if it was only for 9 days, she really liked the experience because it was something new and exciting and it took her out of her comfort zone and, now, she's been given an opportunity to experience it again and she wants to take advantage of the opportunity.
In the morning, Adelia and Shalizeh are at the water well getting water ... naturally. Shalizeh CCs that Adelia is a very quiet person and she wants to get to know her. Shalizeh asks Adelia what she does for a living. Adelia says that she is a masseuse. Shalizeh says that it's nice to hear her say more than a couple words. Adelia laughs and says that the experience is just a bit overwhelming. She says that she went into the interview with a lot of energy but, now that she is out here, she's anxious. Shalizeh says that she understands. Eric is in the shelter with Brian. He says that he's never been so bored in his entire life. He CCs that, at home, he has his phone, laptop, friends, and a job. Out here, however, he doesn't have any of that and he is just ... so bored. Brian says that he's a bit bored but he expected that. Brian CCs that he wants to make the most of this experience so he plans to set up some entertainment. Brian uses a stick to draw some targets and fetches some rocks. He says to Eric and Vivi that it'll be good practice just in case. Vivi comments on how smart this is. E.C. CCs that the Athacona tribe is full of very intelligent people with one notable person being Brian Yasuda due to his strategy to practice with minimal items. He says that he is confidant that they will continue to win competitions due to their strong teamwork, although Eric's attitude is causing some worry for him.
On the Leo tribe, Susannah is cooking some rice. She says that, as a mother bred for this game, she knows that it's good to stay healthy. There is a small montage of her doing some laps and drinking water. She CCs that this is the Susannah Henriques way! Karsten is in the shelter, DRing that, ever since Louie was ejected, he's been relaxing, commenting on how the injuries weren't severe. He says that Roddy has been very positive and he's been cheering people up, which is great for the moral of the tribe. Roddy is telling Hollie and Katie about his job as a masseur. He says that helping people relax helps him relax and he loves to see the smiles from satisfied customers. Katie comments on how kind he is and, how, she would love to be able to help people like that. Hollie CCs that, after spending a couple of days with Katie, she can't stand her as she's just so fake. She says that they had a couple conversations and she knows that, just from those conversations, they wouldn't be associated outside of the game.
In the Reward Challenge, Kirin and Leo win comfort items.
Back on the Athacona camp, Vivi CCs that they almost lost due to the arguing between E.C. and Eric and, now, she has to continue hearing them argue. Eric blames E.C., saying that he's always trying to boss him around and he doesn't like that. E.C. argues that he was delegating so they would win and Eric did nothing but argue back when they were blindfolded, which is why they needed a delegate. Eric CCs that E.C. may be more than twice his age but there is no way he's experienced everything HE'S experienced. He says that E.C. needs to understand that people like to do things on their own. E.C. says that he was ordered to delegate so that's what he did. Eric says that he still bumped into things. E.C. says that Eric has an attitude problem. Eric argues back that E.C. hasn't had it tough like ha has so he needs to get off his back, to which E.C. fires back that Eric was the one who started it. E.C. CCs that Eric has had an attitude problem ever since they got onto the beach but, now, he's getting more and more vocal and he doesn't like ungrateful people.
On the Kirin tribe, Brendan says that he's surprised they won considering how he could've delegated better. Landyn says that she prevailed and there is no reason to start a discussion like this. Landyn CCs that, for some odd reason, Brendan is showing a bit more of his Season 1 side as time goes on. Landyn says that she's delegated before in her life. Brendan says that she's nothing more than an applications programmer--she's not a team manager. Landyn says that she's been assigned for the day when there weren't any alternates available to come in due to other team managers being sick. Heather interrupts them, saying how she's very proud that they won the challenge and they should enjoy the items they won. Everybody agrees. Heather CCs that she doesn't want to see Season 1 Brendan again so the last thing she wants is to him get aggravated into becoming his season 1 side again. Plus, it's nice to enjoy what they fought for.
On the Leo tribe, Susannah says that they stuck true to themselves, thanks to her, Susannah Henriques. Hollie asks why she keeps referring to herself as her first and last name. Susannah says that she wants people to remember her name. Hollie says that she's said her name enough for the rest of them to remember. Susannah says that she wants to become a legend to her kids and to the fans so she needs to keep saying her name so they won't forget. Susannah starts spouting random inspirational lines in the DR. Hollie says that she wants to change the subject and asks her what it's like to raise three kids. Susannah says that it's tough because she feels unappreciative at times but she stays strong, even when her kids decide to disobey her. She says she blames their friends as she's just a single parent with three, ungrateful children who take advantage of her goodwill to them. Roddy leaves for the water, DRing that he had to move away from Susannah before she ruined his mood with how she spoke about her children.
Kirin and Leo win IMMUNITY, sending Athacona to Tribal Council!
Back at camp, E.C. and Eric start to argue again over why they lost. Vivi CCs that they are both the reason as to why they lost and, if they continue arguing like this, they will both remain on the bottom. There is a small montage of Brian finding the Athacona Idol. At the water well, Vivi tells Brian that E.C. and Eric's rivalry cost them both the Reward and Immunity challenges. Brian agrees and says that he wants one of them out. Vivi wonders if the others will try to keep both of them so that they will only target each other. Brian says that it's likely but they will only continue to lose if they do that. Adelia and Shalizeh are in the water. Adelia says that E.C. and Eric are causing her to get anxiety. She says that Eric does have an attitude problem but E.C. also comes off as entitled sometimes. Shalizeh agrees and says that one of them has to go. Adelia points out how Vivi comes off as really smart and she thinks that she may try to vote for somebody that isn't them. Shalizeh says that she can see Vivi trying to keep a rivalry in the game so they continue to go after each other. Shalizeh CCs that, as of this moment, she really needs to keep an eye on Vivi.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, it's E.C. vs Eric, with neither of them allowing the other to speak.


Adelia votes for E.C.
E.C. votes for Eric
Brian votes for Eric
Survivor Joe votes for E.C.
Eric votes for E.C.
Vivi votes for Eric

Adelia votes for Eric
E.C. can't vote in the re-vote.
Brian votes for Eric
Survivor Joe votes for Eric
Eric can't vote in the re-vote.
Vivi votes for Eric

With a vote of 3-3/4-0, Eric has been eliminated.

Episode 3

Episode 3
Back at camp, E.C. CCs that, while he couldn't stand Eric, he does wish him the best. He says that, over the past day, he let his temper control him so, now, he wants to lay low and avoid him losing his cool again as it's pretty rare, as his wife would testify. He assumes that him losing his cool is what lead to some people to consider taking him out. Vivi whispers to E.C. that she voted for Eric to go so he doesn't have to worry about her. Vivi CCs that she's stuck between wanting to play ruthlessly and wanting to be a good role model for her sister. However, she is used to taking risks, due to her occupation as a gambler. In the morning, Adelia and Shalizeh are at the water well. Adelia says that she saw Vivi whispering to E.C. Shalizeh thinks that Vivi was, probably, reassuring him. Adelia says that she feels like Vivi will win the game if she isn't taken out soon. Shalizeh agrees and CCs that, over the past couple of days, her and Adelia have become very close allies and she would love it if they both went to the end together.
On the Leo tribe, Hollie CCs that, on the tribe, Katie is the biggest mystery. She says that neither her words or her personality are genuine and she's just somebody who copies other people and agrees with them on things she, obviously, doesn't care about. She then says that she grew up with people who would lie to make themselves look better than they actually were and it annoys her to no end. Hollie confronts Katie over how she thinks that she is fake. Katie, who says she isn't surprised, calls Hollie catty and selfish. The two get into a screaming match. Susannah then joins the fight, throwing random insults, DRing that, soon, people will be saying "#QueenSusannahHenriques". Hollie and Katie then direct their anger on Susannah, saying that it was between the two of them and she needs to stop trying to get involved when it has nothing to do with her. Hollie CCs that, growing up, her mom was just like Susannah: a massive, selfish attention whore. She grew to resent her because of that and having to deal with Susannah is bringing up bad memories.
On the Kirin tribe, everybody is in the shelter. Heather is talking about how she wants to repay her friends back for allowing her to stay at their place for half a year after what happened to her old place. She says that she is on her own but she owes them a massive debt, even though they don't want her to pay them anything. Landyn comments that it's the thought that counts. The others agree. Survivor Joe says that he's going to go fishing if anybody is interested in joining him. Devota goes with him as she wants to get more experience. While Survivor Joe and Devota are fishing, Survivor Joe CCs that this is the chance for him to make a pact. Joe says that he really respects Devota and wished that they got to ally with each other during Season 2 but the Tribe Swap ended up stopping that. Devota says that she would like to ally with him as he's very resourceful and intelligent. Devota CCs that "Survivor Joe" may be the encyclopedia of survival but he isn't the most subtle person. Survivor Joe CCs that Devota ended up asking him so it worked out perfectly.
As they go to the Reward Challenge, it's revealed that there is no Reward Challenge! The host reveals that Jeremy Holland will now be joining them and, due to Athacona going to Tribal Council last round, the tribe is now dissolved and everybody will be re-assigned tribes.

New-Leo: Adelia, Brendan, Hollie, Jeremy, Katie, Shalizeh, Roddy, Vivi
New-Kirin: E.C., Heather, Karsten, Brian, Landyn, Devota, Survivor Joe, Susannah

On the New-Leo tribe, Jeremy says that he is ecstatic to be a part of the game again. He CCs that, in his original season, he was a pretty big jerk and his treatment towards Aviz Modarai, amongst other things, sent him out first. He says that, this time, he plans to avoid walking down the same path. Katie exclaims excitement over Jeremy's return, DRing that, in Season 2, it was really nice how he apologized to Aviz so she's really happy that he's able to redeem himself. Roddy says that it's great to see him back. Roddy CCs that he is very optimistic that Jeremy will not play how he did in Season 2. Later, Brendan, Jeremy, Vivi, and Hollie are fishing. Brendan says that there was another returnee: Conn from Season 1. He says that he was the same narcissistic jerk so they took him out first. Jeremy says how he never liked him in Season 1 so, at least, he won't be playing with him, thanking Brendan in the process. Jeremy asks Hollie about her tribe. Hollie says that, within the first couple of days, Louie tried to send Karsten to the hospital after Karsten, rightfully, called Louie out on admitting to beating his kid. Jeremy is disgusted, while the others admit that they heard about it after it happened. Hollie also says that Susannah needs to go as she is the female version of Conn. She says that she is trying so hard to be iconic that it's ridiculous. Vivi says that, on her tribe, E.C. and Eric were arguing over the past three days so the tribe agreed to send one of them out as it was hindering their chances at winning a competition. On the beach, Shalizeh and Adelia talk to Roddy about sending out Vivi due to her being sneaky.
On the New-Kirin tribe, Heather expresses excitement at being able to meet E.C., Karsten, Brian, and Susannah. Susannah starts off by introducing herself as "Susannah Henriques, the Queen of Season 3", leading Devota to DR that she wants Susannah out due to that introduction alone. Karsten apologizes for Susannah's ego and says that he is very happy to meet new people. Heather asks him if he's healed completely after what happened with Louie. Karsten says that he's fine now and appreciates the concern. He CCs that he spent five years in the military and, now, works as a bouncer for a night club. There is nothing that Louie could've done to scare him. Landyn asks what everybody does for a living. Karsten says that he is a bouncer at a night club, Susannah says that she is a taxi driver, E.C. says that he is a retired accountant, and Brian says that he is a travel consultant. Brian CCs that he's been enjoying his experience a lot and it's really inspired him to continue saving up so he can go traveling just like his mom. He says that he's been meeting a lot of really interesting people and he wants to continue to meet people as he travels the world. In the shelter, Susannah tells people that her kids can be really rotten and ungrateful for no reason other than to torture their poor mother and, that, they will have to respect her after her appearance. She says that she's happy that her benefits have gotten up as she wants to live the superstar life and, now, she will be able to once she wins the game. Landyn CCs that she is very unsure how to process what Susannah is saying. Devota asks if she cares about her kids. Susannah says that she does and jokes about how they are so easy to manipulate, saying that if anybody wants her as an ally, she has a lot of experience making her children do what she wants. Devota CCs that she REALLY wants Susannah out.
Kirin wins Immunity!
Roddy CCs that it was very close and, even though they lost, they'll just try even harder next time. While Hollie and Katie have a couple of arguments, Shalizeh and Adelia try to get Vivi out. While progress is made, people catch onto the two of them being a duo with people worried due to how quiet Adelia can be. Meanwhile, Jeremy is worried due to being vulnerable. As the target goes onto splitting up Adelia and Shalizeh, Roddy is conflicted and wonders if he should vote with them to take out Vivi.

Adelia votes for Vivi
Brendan votes for Adelia
Hollie votes for Katie
Jeremy votes for Adelia
Katie votes for Hollie
Shalizeh votes for Vivi
Roddy votes for Vivi
Vivi votes for Adelia

Before the re-vote, Vivi whispers in Hollie's ear, worrying Katie and Roddy.
Adelia can't vote in the re-vote.
Brendan votes for Adelia
Hollie votes for Adelia
Jeremy votes for Adelia
Katie votes for Vivi
Shalizeh votes for Vivi
Roddy votes for Adelia
Vivi can't vote in the re-vote.

With a vote of 3-3-1-1/4-2, ADELIA has been eliminated.

Episode 4

Episode 4
As the Leo tribe heads back to camp, Roddy CCs that the game just got very tense as he had to betray Adelia and Shalizeh. He says that, after Vivi whispered to Hollie, he knew Katie would not vote for who Hollie would vote for, meaning that a tie would happen so he chose to go with the majority. Vivi pulls Roddy aside and asks if he voted for her to go. Roddy admits that he did at the beginning but he switched his vote and apologizes to her. Vivi says that it's okay and asks him if he'll vote with her to send Shalizeh or Katie home next. Roddy says he will. Roddy CCs that, for the first time in the game, he's too nervous to remain optimistic. Shalizeh is pretty upset with Roddy and goes for a walk. She CCs that she just lost her closest ally and, now, she's alone in the game and she's very emotional right now because her plan failed.
In the morning, Karsten and Brian are at the water well. Karsten tells Brian that he gets this feeling that he can trust him. Brian says the same thing and says that he knew he could trust and respect him after the Louie debacle. Brian tells him that Louie was the kind of person his dad was so, if he was on the tribe, he wouldn't know how to handle the situation and thanks him for standing up to him for Michael's sake. Karsten says that he hopes Michael is doing fine. He then says that he really wants to work with Brian, who, gladly, accepts. Elsewhere, Survivor Joe is teaching E.C. and Heather how to make fire. They are both really appreciative. Survivor Joe CCs that something that allowed him to get close to his tribe mates in Season 2 was how he taught his tribe mates useful skills. He says that he hopes it'll have the same effect and he can gain allies that way again. Heather asks Joe about his life after Season 2. Survivor Joe says that he was mocked in the school for how he handled going after Arnaud but it wasn't too bad and he ended up joking around with them. Survivor Joe CCs that his students kept making fun of him, mocking him, and kept making jokes about it so he joined in and turned it into a positive thing. Soon, people stopped being malicious about it and it just because a friendly running gag. Joe asks Heather about her life after the season. Heather says that she became a meme in the community due to her being the third one voted out and being continuously mentioned in almost every episode afterwards. Heather CCs that it was really enjoyable to read what people had to say. Later, Susannah is talking to Devota and Landyn about how she likes to guilt trip her oldest, JP, the most, due to him showing the most attitude towards her, although, since he went to college, he has refused to speak with her, which is his loss when she becomes famous. She says that she was bred for this game and she will make her kids respect her as, if they don't, they'll miss out on the fame and fortune. Devota says that she is uncomfortable with Susannah being so manipulative towards her kids like she doesn't even care with Landyn adding that Susannah's ego and the way she treats her kids and, no doubt, why her kids hate her. Susannah starts yelling at Landyn, causing Devota to defend Landyn. The argument escalates to the point where the others have to intervene to separate Susannah from Landyn and Devota. They explain what Susannah was saying, with Devota exclaiming that she wants Susannah out. Landyn says that she has no regrets speaking the truth to her.
Kirin wins the Reward Challenge, giving them a BBQ and Vegetarian feast.
On the Leo tribe, Shalizeh CCs that she messed up last night by being so, obviously, mad at Roddy. Shalizeh apologizes for being mad at him and she says that she, completely, understands why he switched his vote. Roddy thanks her. Meanwhile, Katie and Hollie argue over who caused the tribe to lose. Shalizeh CCs that, if she's lucky, the majority will want to vote out Katie over her. Jeremy and Brendan head to the water well. Jeremy says that he has survived the first vote AND has surpassed his previous placement, to which he is very happy. Brendan congratulates him and says that he hopes to do the same. Jeremy says that Brendan is one of the strongest people in their tribe so he's very useful. Brendan thanks him and says that, if they lose again, they need to play up Hollie vs Katie and Shalizeh vs Vivi as the newbies, currently, outnumber them. Jeremy understands. Jeremy then says how much he trusts him and Vivi, to which Brendan says that he wouldn't mind if the three of them ended up making it to the Final 3. Brendan CCs that, while he wouldn't, normally, risk his chance at winning for a strong Final 3, he thinks it'll be more exciting and, if they stick together, he'd like to be loyal to them. Brendan says that he was on the verge of reverting back to his Season 1 self with his interactions with Landyn on the original Kirin tribe. He says that, however, he had to keep reminding himself that he can't go down that road again and be a controlling asshole to the tribe. Jeremy says that he likes the new Brendan Gallegos. Brendan asks Jeremy about his occupation, to which Jeremy says that he is a disk jockey. Jeremy CCs that, after Season 2, people didn't want to hire the person that isolated and bullied Aviz Modarai. He says that he had to find work in small fast food chains to try and get by for a bit. He says that things got better after the season aired but he still felt horrible about how he handled the first three days. He says, to him, this is his second chance and he will not waste it.'
On the Kirin tribe, they begin to enjoy the feast. Afterwards, while Heather is trying to spread positivity, Susannah tries to start another argument with Landyn over her comments that she's egotistical. The argument escalates with people also noting that Susannah didn't say anything about Landyn saying that her kids hated her. Susannah starts spouting that she will, forever, be known as the Queen of Season 3 while Landyn will be forgotten. Everybody else defends Landyn and says that she will always be known as a memorable figure in the community.
Leo wins Immunity! ... after the Kirin tribe throws it.
Susannah, while arguing with Landyn and Devota, also says that she shouldn't be voted out because she wants her "ungrateful", "arrogant", "awful" children to see what an icon she is and to respect her. She says that, if they won't respect her, she'll put them all up for adoption and have another kid and, maybe, that kid will respect her. The entire tribe blasts her for her comments. Brian, in particular, is the most upset due to how respectful and respectable his mother is and how she treats him like a person while she, Susannah, treats her children like shit.

E.C. votes for Susannah
Heather votes for Susannah
Survivor Joe votes for Susannah
Karsten votes for Susannah
Brian votes for Susannah
Landyn votes for Susannah
Devota votes for Susannah
Susannah votes for Landyn

With a vote of 7-1, SUSANNAH has been eliminated.

Episode 5

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 6
As Kirin returns to camp, Brian CCs that everything worked out at Tribal Council and the right person went home. He says that everything that Susannah said was disgusting and she should be ashamed of herself. Everybody, pretty much, celebrates Susannah going.
In the morning, Hollie and Katie are arguing over their failed attempts at fishing earlier. Roddy CCs that this game is, truly, a test of patience and Hollie and Katie's constant fighting is really testing his patience. He says that, aside from Hollie thinking Katie is fake, he doesn't know why they became rivals in the first place, thinking it could be a clash of personalities. He says that, when he was younger, it was, definitely, him against the others in school. There were arguments for no real reason other than an excuse to argue and, half the time, due to the town being so boring, it was, to a lot of people, the only source of entertainment. He says he grew out of it around the time when he finally moved from his hometown and, since then, has tried to remain positive. Once Hollie and Katie calms down, Roddy asks Hollie why they've been fighting recently. Hollie CCs that, while she would tell somebody that it's none of their business, Roddy is such a kind soul that you know that he's asking so he can try to help. Hollie says that she grew up with people who tried trends and who acted a certain way because they wanted to show that they were so much more than they actually were. She says that these people never shared their own opinion or expressed their own thoughts and just went with what everybody else did. She says that she gets a big vibe from Katie that she's not a genuine person and it annoys her so much. She also says that her and Katie have tried to get along very early on but they couldn't find common ground. Roddy says that, while he's seen that Katie may be hiding her real thoughts and interests at times, it could be because she doesn't want to be judged. He says that he's only guessing. He also says that, maybe, it would be good to have a civil conversation, especially before people decide to target them due to all of their arguing. Hollie tells him that she will try but they just finished arguing over something recently. Roddy is talking with Katie at the water well. Katie says that she told Hollie very early on that she has no qualms with getting into things because everybody else is, especially if you get invited to parties and get laid because of it. She says that Hollie didn't like that because she's jealous or whatever and that's when the attitude started. She says that she grew up drinking since a young age because her friends were into that, she started smoking at a young age because her friends were into that, and, as long as she agrees with people, she can get what she wants and, as far as people can see, Hollie's been the one attacking her so, naturally, people are more inclined to vote her out over her (Katie). Roddy CCs that this was a side of Katie that he did not expect but, in the end, everybody lives their own life and he respects how people want to live their own.
Leo wins the Reward Challenge, winning two chicken hens, one rooster, cups, and a thing of iced tea mix.
In Leo, everybody is enjoying the Reward. However, Katie decides to play the victim card against Hollie, DRing that she plans to get Hollie out one way or another. While the others are falling for it, seeing Hollie initiate the arguments, Roddy tries to assure people that it may be good to look at both sides of the rivalry, saying that there is a reason to everything. Hollie CCs that she saw this coming and really appreciates Roddy standing up for her. Katie then starts to berate Hollie for her negativity and says that she isn't the only one with a dark and troubled past, and that she can live her life however she wants, even if she is "fake". Hollie agrees with her and says that they aren't going to get along and she's accepted that. Katie accuses her of not giving her a chance, to which Hollie says that she did but she didn't like what she heard when they had a couple one on ones. Vivi CCs that, on one hand, Hollie has, publicly, called Katie out, intiating a majority of their arguments while, on the other hand, Katie doesn't seem genuine. So, should they lose, she'll have to choose between somebody who lies as a lifestyle and somebody who has no problems calling people out.
On Kirin, there is a montage of Karsten finding the Kirin Idol. Later, there is a montage of Survivor Joe trying to find it as he CCs advice and tips of how to find idols. After the failure, Survivor Joe is seen talking to E.C. about targeting Landyn if they lose. Meanwhile, Landyn CCs about playing up her social game more and ensuring her safety and is seen talking to different people at different times. During this, E.C. reveals what Survivor Joe said, getting Landyn to DR that, while she wanted the veterans together, Survivor Joe may have to go should they lose, saying that this is just like him and Arnaud all over again.
Kirin wins Immunity.
After Kirin returns, the tribe congratulates Heather and Landyn for surpassing their previous placement. Landyn CCs that she has already redeemed herself and, now, she may have a shot to win if she continues to ensure that she isn't in the spotlight. She says playing under the radar is how one gets far, especially in this season. Heather CCs that she was hardly given a chance so, now, she can, truly, enjoy the experience.
Hollie asks Katie if they can talk, civilly, at the water well. Once there, Hollie says that, while they live different lives, she wants to try and be civil with her, saying that, no, she isn't jealous and that she just grew up with people who acted the same way and it drove her nuts. She apologizes to Katie and says that she would rather work with her, considering how people wouldn't expect them to work together. Katie agrees, DRing that, while she doesn't like Hollie, she can always backstab the b**** later. Vivi is talking to Shalizeh in the water, saying that she won't vote for Shalizeh if she votes with her, to which Shalizeh agrees and says that she won't come after her anymore, DRing that Adelia went home because of them targeting her so she may have to wait until the merge to do something about it. Vivi says that she is targeting Hollie and Katie and wants her loyalty from here on out. Shalizeh agrees to it. Roddy is talking to Hollie about Vivi targeting them and, by the looks of it, they have the votes. Hollie says that her and Katie just reconciled but, if it was never meant to be, she can't help it. Roddy says that she has his vote so that's one less vote against her. Hollie thanks him. Jeremy and Vivi are at the water well. Jeremy says that he thought it would be best for only two of them to meet here to avoid people suspecting them. Vivi agrees. Jeremy says that he wants them to be the Final 3, to which Vivi agrees, DRing that she trusts Brendan and Jeremy the most out of everybody left in the game. Vivi then says that she wants one of Hollie and Katie gone. Jeremy agrees. Vivi says that a part of her is really leaning for Hollie to go as she doesn't want the three of them to be called out.
AT TRIBAL, once Katie catches on that it's her or Hollie going, she starts to drag Hollie's name through the mud, playing the victim and accusing Hollie of being jealous, while Hollie simply points out that, if people keep Katie, this is what you're going to get. Katie continues to play the victim, saying that Hollie has been branding her for no reason, that she's a bully, that she's jealous because she's surrounded by friends and partying all the time while she, Hollie, doesn't have any friends. Hollie says that Katie can say whatever she wants but at least she, Hollie, is being real. Vivi seems impressed by Hollie's short and to-the-point answers and tells the host that all Katie is doing is slandering Hollie's name and playing the victim when, yeah, Hollie was initiating arguments, it's hard not to see why. Katie says that both her and Vivi are bartenders so, if there is a reason why Vivi should vote with her, it's that. Roddy tells Katie that, before, she said that Hollie had no friends. He says that that's not true because the two of them have become friends. Katie accuses Roddy of trying to be iconic by being cliche and kind, while also saying that he's the real fake one. Roddy asks Katie if, once she leaves, she can take a drink for him. The other tribe mates smirk. Katie says that she doesn't care about his or Hollie's vote. Roddy tells her that she needs more than just her vote if she wants majority.


Brendan votes for Katie
Hollie votes for Katie
Jeremy votes for Katie
Katie votes for Hollie
Shalizeh votes for Katie
Roddy votes for Katie
Vivi votes for Katie

With a vote of 6-1, KATIE has been eliminated.

Episode 7

Episode 7
After they head back to camp, Hollie CCs that she is so relieved to see Katie voted out, especially after everything she said at Tribal Council.
On Kirin, as Landyn continues to gain the trust of the others, Survivor Joe soon finds himself confronted by Landyn, telling him about what E.C. said. Survivor Joe lies about it and tries to pin E.C. as untrustworthy. Later, Karsten and Heather ally with the two of them passing information, like how Survivor Joe is targeting Landyn and how Landyn has the trust of the entire tribe. Karsten shares a couple details about his past, with regards to how his mother was in the military and her bravery is what inspired him while his dad was the former owner of the night club he works at and he took on the job of a bouncer, originally, as he wanted to help protect his dad. However, his dad sole the place when it was going downhill and the new management has been saving it. He says that, soon after that, his parents got divorced for reasons he still can't understand and his dad is now living in a different country. Heather CCs that a part of her is falling for Karsten every day that she is here. Karsten CCs how Heather is an amazing person.
While Vivi is getting more experience making fire so that people will continue to see her value as a tribe mate, Brendan is starting to catch on that Vivi may be too good at the game and needs to be stopped as everybody will keep her over him if he isn't careful. Brendan starts to, subtlely, try and take control of the tribe, hoping to replace her as the tribe's most trusted tribe mate. After Brendan talks to Shalizeh about voting out Vivi, Shalizeh talks to Vivi about it, causing Vivi to comment on how she can no longer trust Brendan, causing strain with Jeremy in the middle. Meanwhile, Hollie and Roddy become really good friends and make a Final 2 pact.
Kirin wins a private screening to see a new movie.
After the movie, Kirin returns to camp. E.C. talks to the tribe about how he wanted to pursue cinematography at first but ended up pursuing his dad's career as an accountant. Survivor Joe tries to find the idol again but, after another failure, tries to make amends with Landyn and talks about going after Devota. After E.C. tells Devota about it, Devota talks to Heather about targeting Survivor Joe, to which she agrees. However, after she talks to E.C., who she believes she can trust, about how Survivor Joe needs to go, E.C. then relays that to Joe and then to Karsten, who tells Heather, who tells Devota. Devota then comes to the conclusion that E.C. is playing the messenger and can't be trusted. There is a small segment with Heather and Karsten bonding even more.
Meanwhile on Leo, Brendan's attempts to gain control of the tribe soon causes him to be on the outs. He then calls out Vivi, which causes people to see an opening to rid the game of a potential mastermind. However, Vivi, through one on ones, manages to secure their trust again, vowing to go after the veterans.
Kirin wins Immunity!
On Leo, Brendan tries to campaign for Vivi to go and vice versa while Jeremy is stuck trying to figure out who he should be loyal to. Brendan tries to remind Shalizeh about how Adelia left because of Vivi. Roddy and Hollie, however, discuss the possibility of the veterans getting back together and, that, while Brendan is the strongest on their tribe, he may Immunity run his way to the end. They also discuss Vivi's control of the tribe and how she could convince people to take her to the end.

Brendan votes for Vivi
Hollie votes for Brendan
Jeremy votes for Vivi
Shalizeh votes for Vivi
Roddy votes for Brendan
Vivi votes for Brendan

Brendan can't vote in the re-vote.
Hollie votes for Brendan
Jeremy votes for Vivi
Shalizeh votes for Brendan
Roddy votes for Brendan
Vivi can't vote in the re-vote.

With a vote of 3-3/3-1, BRENDAN has been eliminated.

Episode 8

Episode 8
The Leo tribe returns to camp. Vivi CCs that it was hard seeing one of her closest allies turn on her so quickly like that. On top of that, Jeremy voted for her to go. She says that she may need to lay low and make sure that the tribe wins Immunity. Shalizeh comments on how that was the third tie she's been in this season so far. She CCs that she had a chance to take out Vivi as Brendan would've beaten her at the tie-breaker but she can't help but agree that the veterans could end up forming an alliance at the merge. She says that, for now, she may have to target the veterans before she can avenge Adelia. Jeremy CCs that Brendan is gone AND he voted against Vivi, putting him in a very awkward situation. He comments on how the past 12 days have been very intense.
On Kirin, E.C. CCs that he's been gathering a lot of information from people as everybody trusts him. He says that, much like an informant, he gives out the information for a price--their loyalty. There is a montage about how Heather is beloved on her tribe due to her friendly personality and encouraging words. This is followed by a confessional from Karsten, who wishes to get to know Heather more outside of the game. E.C. CCs, however, that Heather is the biggest jury threat in the game. There is another montage showing Survivor Joe doing damage control and teaching people new survival tricks. Devota and Survivor Joe, later, meet up at the water well and discuss how everybody loves Heather and trusts Landyn, making them the new biggest threats. She says that she really likes them too and that's why she's conflicted. Survivor Joe says that it has to be done and the two of them have to go as soon as possible.
Reward Challenge! (Vivi and Jeremy point out how much Brendan had changed compared to Season 1 and felt like he redeemed himself) The Leo tribe get a chance to visit a local tribe.
On Kirin, Landyn CCs that a part of her wanted to vote Brendan off but, nonetheless, wishes him the best and says that she would like to talk to him after the game and get to know him since they avoided each other after Season 1. Heather is curious as to why he was taken out, DRing that, due to him being taken out now, as compared to before, there is a chance that the newbies may be rallying against the veterans but she'd rather not act on that without proof. Devota says that, while he did revert back to his Season 1 self at times, he did seem like a far better person this time around and she is happy that Jeremy and Vivi brought up how he redeemed himself. Landyn agrees and says that she is very happy to hear that. Heather says that she would like to talk to him after the game. Devota says the same. Survivor Joe CCs that it was common knowledge that Brendan and Conn were ostracized by the others after Season 1 due to their behaviour both in and out of the game. He says that, much like the others, he, too, would like to talk to Brendan and get to know him more, assuming he didn't do anything controversial. Brian brings up that, while Brendan may have gotten 13th place again, he made it farther into the game and he redeemed himself and his reputation in the process and he should be very proud of that. The others agree.
The Leo tribe returns, talking about how enjoyable the Reward Challenge was. Hollie CCs that, at this moment, Roddy is her closest ally as they have a lot in common, they voted together, and they get along very well, in general. She says that, before Katie went home, they were very distant and hardly talked so, now that Katie is gone, they got to know each other and hopes that they can make it to the Final 2 together, although, when people say that, they never do. Hollie and Roddy are at the water well together. Roddy says that, should they lose again, it may be good to keep Vivi around and take out Jeremy so that the vets don't have a chance at getting majority. Hollie wonders if the veterans are getting along at all. Roddy says that he doesn't know and they'll have to wait and see.
IMMUNITY CHALLENGE! Everybody is split up into 3 groups of 4 with the host revealing that the losing team will head to Tribal Council. E.C., Hollie, Devota, and Survivor Joe lose and have to head to Tribal Council.
Hollie CCs that she may be screwed.' Hollie tries to convince E.C. to tie the vote. E.C. says he'll think about it, then CCs about his job as an informant in the game. E.C. rats Hollie out to Survivor Joe and Devota. After they tell him that they'll vote out Hollie, no doubt, he leaves to get more info from her, leading Survivor Joe to comment that, while he wanted E.C. gone, Hollie may have made a fatal mistake. While Devota agrees, she says that E.C. is very untrustworthy. E.C. talks to Hollie about how he'll vote with her against Survivor Joe due to him being very untrustworthy, Hollie CCs that it may be good in her favour to avoid the tie and have it go 3-1 against E.C.. She tells Devota that E.C. came up to her about the "vote for Joe" and says that, since she is the only Nu-Leo, she's assuming that her and E.C. talked it over and she'll vote however she wants. Devota then CCs that the possibility of voting for Joe now exists but she isn't sure and, if Hollie is going to vote however she wants, she'll take advantage of that. Devota tells Joe that E.C. is telling Hollie that the two of them will vote for him and says that E.C. may be trying to avoid Hollie campaigning, although she just did that. Joe is unsure about the plan but, if she still wants to go with Hollie, he doesn't have any objections. Devota tells Hollie that she is setting up a plan and she'll know if it works. Devota tells Joe to tell E.C. about how you want her (Devota) out and wants his advice. She also says to tell E.C. that he is unsure about Hollie. Joe tells E.C. that, who goes to Devota and rats out Joe, then goes to Hollie and rats out Joe again, to which Hollie goes to Devota and tells her what E.C. said and wonders what the plan was. Devota says that the plan was to expose E.C., who has been very untrustworthy. She was wondering if, despite the Kirin majority, if he would pull the same antics.

E.C. votes for Survivor Joe
Hollie votes for E.C.
Devota Joe votes for E.C.
Survivor Joe votes for E.C.

With a vote of 3-1, E.C. has been eliminated.

Episode 9

Episode 9
The tribe returns to camp. Hollie CCs that, somehow, she didn't go home and she is very happy about that. She says that Devota planned to expose E.C., which is what happened but she wonders if that was the plan from the beginning. She says that she isn't worried about that and just hopes that she can stay off of peoples' radars. Hollie thanks Devota and Survivor Joe for not voting her out. Devota says that E.C. was always the target and she has nothing to worry about, to which Joe agrees. Devota CCs that she managed to get the votes in her favour, which would've been easier had she just told Hollie to vote with her but she needed to ensure that Joe was going to vote for E.C. as well. Survivor Joe CCs that there is no doubt that Devota will take credit for the move as she did a lot of work to expose the guy but he was already hesitant about E.C. so she could've just talked to him about it but then he would've been bored for the next five hours. Hollie brings up that the game has been insane so far. Survivor Joe comments that it's been exciting. Survivor Joe CCs that he's very happy to be given another shot at the game as it's such an amazing experience. He says that he's messed up a couple of times but, in the end, he's climbed out of every hole he's dug. Hollie says that a part of her is proud of herself for making it this far and says that she was really doubtful near the beginning. Hollie CCs that, in her real life, she was never a popular person as she never followed trends or went to parties as she was never that type of person. Due to that, people often ignored her. She says that she was able to make some amazing friends over the past couple of years and, because of that, she never looks at what she could've done differently. She says that the game is no different as she's made it here on her own merits and not somebody else's.
The next day, on Kirin, Heather, Karsten, and Brian are in the shelter. Heather CCs that her and the guys have bonded quite a bit over the last day and a part of her wants to head to the Final 3 with them. Karsten says that E.C., Joe and Devota are pretty dangerous but he's the most worried about E.C. The others agree. Brian brings up targeting whoever stays. Heather CCs that, while she likes the three of them (E.C., Joe, and Devota), there is, no doubt,t hat they are huge threats.
On Leo, Roddy CCs that, due to Hollie being the only Leo vs three Kirins, he is very worried. He says that, for a while, he mistook Hollie as a jerk but quickly warmed up to her when that wasn't the case. He says that Hollie is a very honest and likable person who is true to herself and he really appreciates that. Shalizeh says that she hopes Hollie can turn it around. Shalizeh CCs that she's grown to really like Hollie as a friend and, if she turns against Vivi soon, it'll be nice to build that army. She says that, right now, though, even if she has the votes, it seems like it could be too early to target Vivi. She says that, while she did vote against her recently, she really felt like it may have been too early, hence her vote to Brendan. Jeremy says that he's glad that the past day was relaxing. Jeremy CCs that, after he returned, he was expecting to go but, instead he didn't but, right when he thought that things were fine, they weren't as his allies went after each other. He says that the game has been a roller coaster but it's been fun so far.
It's announced that, not only has the MERGE started, but the jury will start with the next person voted out.
Everybody decides to stay at the Kirin tribe camp, with the new name being Heliconia. Roddy CCs that he is ecstatic to see that Hollie survived the vote. As everybody gets a small feast with some juice, Roddy makes a toast to the rest of the cast, saying that it's been an amazing season so far and everybody should be proud of themselves for making it this far. Heather makes the next toast, saying that she's happy to have made more friends and says that, after the season, they should leave any animosity behind as it's only just a game. Later, there is a small montage of Survivor Joe finding the merge idol. At the water well, Hollie and Roddy are discussing things. Hollie brings up how Devota is a massive threat and explains her "taking down" E.C. Roddy thinks that she should be the first one targeted. Hollie agrees but says to wait to see if anybody else destroys their game. Hollie then brings up how she was pretty scared of being voted off and was so relieved when she has a spot of hope. Roddy says that he was really worried about her and is very relieved. Later, Joe, Karsten, Heather, and Vivi are fishing. Heather CCs that getting more experience with fishing is nice but she really liked fishing with Karsten. She comments on how they flirted a bit but nobody commented on it. She knows that they need to be more careful to avoid the both of them becoming targets. Joe brings up targeting Devota and says that she is a massive target that waiting to wait her out may result in all of them being voted out before her. Karsten CCs that he respects Devota so his vote is strategic, not personal. Vivi brings up the possibility of her winning Immunity. Later, Devota is talking with Brian and Roddy about sending Landyn out due to the amount of trust she has around camp. Roddy admits that she is a very dangerous social player and respects her for it but Devota is right that she needs to go. Devota CCs that, much like everybody else, Landyn is very respectable but, needless to say, she needs to go.
It's a double immunity challenge that Landyn and Devota wins!
Devota CCs that she was pretty close to getting the votes and, now, her target has won. Landyn, Devota, Shelizeh, Brian, Hollie, and Joe are in the shelter. Landyn brings up how Vivi comes across as sketchy. Joe thinks that it may be a good idea to send her packing judging from what Jeremy said with regards to how dangerous she is. Shalizeh, however, CCs that it's too early to target Vivi and tells everybody that Vivi won't be winning immunity anytime soon so targeting her right now would be a bad idea and, if people are that scared of her, all they have to do is not listen to what she has to say. Everybody else says that Shalizeh brings up a good point. Shalizeh, later, talks to Vivi by the water well and tells her that everybody in the shelter planned to target her so she put a stop to that pretty quickly. Vivi thanks her and says that she really owes her one. Vivi CCs that she's been trying to lay low but she ended up being targeted. She says that, while she is appreciative of Shalizeh, she's been on and off targeting her so it's only a matter of time before she switches her mind again. Until then, it's best to lay low so that, if she does turn against her, nobody will believe her. Jeremy is talking to Brian and Roddy about how it may be a good time to make a move against a big target. Jeremy CCs that he has a person in mind he wants to target but it all comes down to if people are on the same page. Devota is telling Joe and Karsten that a part of her wants to target somebody who may coast through the game due to their social game and wonders whose name has not been brought up yet. Meanwhile, Heather and Karsten are at the water well. Karsten says that he's being pushed for Jeremy while Heather says that she is being pushed for Survivor Joe. Karsten says that there is always the option that they do this to avoid people catching on to them. Heather says that she is fine with that as long as they don't make a mistake like Arnaud and Aviz did. Karsten CCs that it would destroy him if he ruined either of their games.

Heather votes for Survivor Joe
Hollie votes for Vivi
Jeremy votes for Survivor Joe
Karsten votes for Jeremy
Brian votes for Survivor Joe
Landyn votes for Roddy
Devota votes for Jeremy
Roddy votes for Vivi
Shalizeh votes for Vivi
Survivor Joe votes for Jeremy
Vivi votes for Roddy

Heather votes for Jeremy
Hollie votes for Jeremy
Jeremy can not vote in the re-vote.
Karsten votes for Jeremy
Brian votes for Vivi
Landyn votes for Jeremy
Devota votes for Jeremy
Roddy votes for Jeremy
Shalizeh votes for Vivi
Survivor Joe can not vote in the re-vote.
Vivi can not vote in the re-vote.

With a vote of 3-3-3-2/6-2, JEREMY has been eliminated.

Episode 10

Episode 10
Back at camp, Roddy CCs that Shalizeh came up to them in the last hour and said that she wanted Vivi out, which surprised him considering how she was campaigning to everybody about how it was too early to target Vivi. He says that he likes Shalizeh but she can't seem to make up her mind. Hollie CCs that her and Roddy ended up voting with Shalizeh due to neither of them trusting Vivi, as well as them being curious on how the votes would actually lay out due to a clear target not being named and six names coming up. However, in the end, once the votes were revealed, she knew why Jeremy's name came up as he was playing under the radar better than everybody left in the game and assumed that people were going to flip. Devota says that Vivi getting votes made no sense as there was campaigning going on that was very convincing on why Vivi shouldn't be targeted. Vivi CCs that she's just going to assume that Shalizeh voted for her. However, thanks to her campaigning to keep her, she was unable to flip the vote later on. She doesn't know if Shalizeh is a curse or a blessing. Vivi says that she is unsure but, either way, she is thankful for those who voted to keep her. Brian CCs that it was not clear who the target was. He ended up voting with Jeremy and then assumed that people were going to go after the bigger target, Vivi, in the re-vote.
In the morning, Brian and Roddy are at the water well. Brian mentions how he may be in trouble as he voted for Joe and Vivi. Roddy tells him not to worry about it and says that he and Hollie voted for Vivi as well. Brian wonders when the right time to strike against her will be. Brian CCs that, out of everybody left in the game, his closest ally is Roddy. He says that, for the past couple of votes, they've been talking and it turns out that they have a lot in common, which helps with conversations. There is a small montage of Survivor Joe trying to figure out who voted for him. Brian caves in and confesses to him in private, saying that he and Jeremy were pretty good friends in the game and they (Brian and Joe) hardly spoke to each other. Joe points out how they (Jeremy and Brian) were never on the same tribe until the merge, to which Brian says how he and Jeremy bonded. He apologizes again for the vote and says that he voted for somebody else in the re-vote. Joe forgives him but CCs that he needs to work on his bond with Brian to avoid that further in. Vivi confronts Shalizeh about the vote, to which Shalizeh tries to back away, saying that she voted for Jeremy both times and tries to assure her that they are good. Shalizeh CCs that the more she thinks about it, the more it seems like the best time to target Vivi would be after a couple more veterans go.
Hollie, Brian, Landyn, Devota, and Vivi win the Reward Challenge, sending them all to a picnic by the beach with butlers.
Heather, Karsten, Roddy, Shalizeh, and Survivor Joe head back to camp. Heather tries to give very encouraging words to those who didn't win, alongside herself. Heather CCs that the rest of the castaways were bummed out so she tried to lift their spirits a bit by organizing some games in the ocean. Everybody participates and enjoys the ideas Heather came up with for entertainment. Karsten CCs that any chance that he and Heather can bond in front of everybody is great. Later, Roddy says that the people on the Reward trip really missed out. After everybody returns, Hollie and Roddy end up bonding more in the water. Brian, Landyn, Vivi, and Joe join them for some of the games that Heather came up with earlier. Later, Devota is talking with Joe about how she wants to target Landyn but, as time goes on, a few more people may be bigger targets than her. Joe asks her who she is thinking of. Devota mentions Heather and Roddy as the biggest jury threats in the game. Joe agrees and wonders if it's the right time to strike at one of them.
RODDY wins Immunity!
While Shalizeh tries to campaign against Joe, Vivi uses this as an opportunity to campaign against Shalizeh, saying that she wants to strike while her credibility is low and rid the game of somebody who is, definitely, not loyal to her. Later, Hollie and Roddy are talking and they bring up what Vivi is saying and they agree that Shalizeh may ruin their games if they continue to vote with her. Devota, however, is uncertain about targeting Shalizeh. After Joe hears about Shalizeh targeting him, along with what Devota said, he is uncertain about keeping Devota in the game.

Heather votes for Shalizeh
Hollie votes for Shalizeh
Karsten votes for Shalizeh
Brian votes for Shalizeh
Landyn votes for Shalizeh
Devota votes for Shalizeh
Roddy votes for Shalizeh
Shalizeh votes for Survivor Joe
Survivor Joe votes for Shalizeh
Vivi votes for Shalizeh

With a vote of 9-1, SHALIZEH has been eliminated.

Episode 11

Episode 11
Back at camp, Vivi CCs that she could not trust Shalizeh and knew that keeping her int he game would prove detrimental to her game. She says that she is here because of herself and her sister so she must listen to her gut. She says, however, that she does respect Shalizeh and hopes for the best in her future because she is a great person. Landyn comments on how, through every round, this game isn't getting any easier. Landyn CCs that she's had an amazing experience so far but she's yet to have made a move that she can call her own and, if she reaches the end, she would love to have built a resume for herself. She says, since she's been here, she's learned a lot about herself and she wants to push herself to the limits even further.
Heather and Karsten are at the water well. They both admit the crushes on each other are obvious and both agree that they should wait until after the game so they don't let it get in the way but, at the same time, they both make a Final 2 pact. Heather and Karsten both have separate CCs saying how great the other person is. Brian and Devota are talking in the shelter. Brian is surprised at the lack of drama since merge. Devota agrees and says that the pre-merge was full of drama. Brian then talks about how the lack of drama is a nice change but he doesn't expect it to last. Brian CCs that, since the merge, aside from becoming good friends with Roddy, he's also become good friends with Devota, even if they didn't vote the same way in the Jeremy vote. He says that he hopes that, soon, he'll have enough influence to start taking out the Survivor Joes and the Heathers as he needs to start thinking about his resume at the end. He says that, until then, he's working on bonds and, unlike previous contestants, it's completely genuine as he really enjoys the company of who is left. Brian mentions that he would love to travel the world with the perfect guy but, if he plans to travel the world, dating somebody long enough to have the both of them travel the world may be difficult. Devota tells him to wait a bit as he's young and he has his entire life to make this journey. Devota CCs that Brian is a very nice guy with a very strong ambition to travel the world like his mom but it's not like it's a cheap journey. Brian agrees and says that, perhaps in a couple years time, it'll be more possible. He asks her if she has any ambitions. Devota says that her original ambition was to start talking with her brother, Jericho again, and, now that she has, she's unsure. Brian asks if it's alright to ask about that. Devota says that her and her brother, Jericho, stopped talking around the time of their parents' divorce and both parents tried to cut the other child and parent out of their lives. While they did have a mutual friend, it was still hard to see each other as they were conditioned that the other side was bad and untrustworthy. Then Season 2 happened and they finally got that chance to bond but it was a bit too late. She says that, after the season, she's been talking with him and his fiance, Kuno, a lot, trying to make up for all the years spent away from each other. Devota CCs that Season 2 changed her life and she will never forget that. Later, Landyn, Vivi, and Survivor Joe are talking. Landyn brings up how she changed her name when she turned 18, saying that her original first name was Miranda, named after her mother. However, they never got along and fought often, especially due to her pursuing programming because "everybody else was doing it". She says that things got worse when she started dating her fiancee, Helena. Around that time, she started resenting the name and had people call her "Landyn" for the next four years and then, when she was 18, she, legally, changed her name and cut all contact with her mother when she went to post-secondary. She also says that her surname wasn't actually "Macchi" but says that she doesn't want people tracking down her mom so she doesn't want to say it. Vivi and Joe understand and sympathize with her.
Karsten, Landyn, and Roddy win the Reward, which is quite a few hours at a spa. During the Reward segment, Roddy CCs that, while he trusts Hollie more, Landyn is such a good and trustworthy person that he can't see him voting her out like Devota wants and decides that it'll be good for Landyn to stay in the game as a shield. When Landyn leaves for a moment, Karsten whispers to Roddy that, if they target a veteran, he doesn't want to target Landyn. Roddy agrees and says that they should wait until Final 6 to target Landyn. Karsten agrees, to which Roddy says that, maybe Final 5.
Vivi CCs that her plan is to lay low for awhile after being the person who initiated Shalizeh's ouster. She says that, while she is doing so, she is able to gather information such as Devota really wanting Landyn out and Joe's Shalizeh-esque on-and-off targeting Devota. She says that, as for Brian, she can't read him. There is a mini segment with Hollie, Heather, and Joe talking about how Landyn's a trustworthy and great person with other castaways talking about how much of a sweetheart Heather is. When Karsten, Landyn, and Roddy return, Devota CCs that Landyn needs to be taken out as she may have the influence to control the rest of the game and she is so respectable and trustworthy that she would not be surprised. Brian and Devota are at the water well. Brian tells Devota that, since he trusts her the most, he found the idol. Brian CCs that, as the days go on, he finds himself bonding a lot with Devota and says that, while he is also close with Karsten and Roddy, they haven't spoken much strategy in the last couple of days. Devota comments on how the idol will be perfect for them. Devota CCs that, at this point, she would love to have Brian with her in the Final 2 as he is the only person she trusts 100% in the game. Landyn is talking to Joe about turning on Devota. Landyn CCs that Joe's been talking on and off about targeting Devota so she feels like, if they go after her, it may be a good way to secure Joe's trust, plus, she's been hearing about Devota targeting her so she may as well kill two birds with one stone. Joe says that he is 100% ready for that plan. Landyn tells Brian, Heather, and Hollie about how much of a threat Devota is and how she's influential, as well as responsible for E.C. and Jeremy going home. Landyn then campaigns to the other castaways, who do agree, in hindsight, that she was reponsible for E.C. and Jeremy's eliminations with some people pointing out how Jeremy would've lasted until the end had she not spoken up about it. Hollie and Roddy talk by the water well with the both of them saying that Landyn has made a lot of good points about Devota calling out people pre-merge with Joe and Heather speaking up about that as well. They also bring up Landyn's point of her being influential as well. Brian tells Devota that she needs to win immunity as Landyn is ensuring her ouster. Devota CCs that she expected this but did nothing to prevent it.
KARSTEN wins Immunity!
Devota decides to call out Landyn for her being so influential with Brian DRing that Landyn warned everybody about Devota calling out people in the past, solidifying their thoughts and votes, unfortunately. Landyn fires back with Devota being the influential one as Landyn doesn't have a single elimination under her belt while she masterminded E.C.'s and Jeremy's eliminations when neither were going anytime soon. After the argument, Landyn CCs that everything is set in stone while Devota CCs that she should've kept her mouth shut and not called Landyn out like that. Devota and Brian are at the water well, which other people notice the two of them leaving for. Devota asks Brian to use the idol on her and they'll figure out a plan with her out of the game. Brian, however, CCs about the risks of using the idol on her.
AT THE TRIBAL, after Brian uses the idol, THE VOTES GO AS SUCH:

Heather votes for Devota
Hollie votes for Devota
Karsten votes for Devota
Brian votes for Landyn
Landyn votes for Devota
Devota votes for Landyn
Roddy votes for Devota
Survivor Joe votes for Devota
Vivi votes for Devota

With a vote of 7-2, LANDYN has been eliminated. As Landyn gets up, Devota tells her that it was not personal as Landyn would've won if she made it to the end. Landyn thanks her and says that she respects the move.

Episode 12

Episode 12
Back at camp, Brian CCs that he used his idol on Devota but, in a way, it made him look like Devota's lapdog and, so, if he makes it to the end, he needs a new strategy on how the gain the respect of his peers. However, that would require damage control first. Devota calls out Survivor Joe for not being trustworthy and always flip-flopping on her. Devota CCs that she loves that she survived but she is pissed at Survivor Joe for the same reasons Vivi was annoyed at Shalizeh. She says that, outside of the game, he's a fantastic guy but, inside the game, he needs to go. Survivor Joe and her start arguing.
The next morning, Hollie and Roddy are at the water well saying how they can't trust Brian and Devota anymore as Landyn was right about Devota and Brian appears to be following her every move. Roddy says that Devota taking out Landyn was a huge move but, ultimately, Devota needs to go. Hollie agrees. Elsewhere, Brian and Devota are in the water with Devota commenting on how she screwed up and fell for Landyn's trap. Brian says that they need to focus on getting votes against Survivor Joe. Devota agrees and CCs that Brian could've abandoned her after the vote but it really speaks a lot when he decided to isolate himself with her after she screwed up so badly. She makes a shoutout to any available guys that Brian is very loyal, very caring, and very single. Karsten is talking with Roddy about how, despite Landyn being right, that she is, also, a good shield for them. Roddy agrees.
It's the Reward Challenge ... and the host starts bringing in the family members.

Heather gets to see her friend, Angie (Angeline)
Hollie gets to see her mom, Danika
Karsten gets to see his friend, Adam
Brian gets to see his mom, Chinami
Devota gets to see her step dad, Brennan
Roddy gets to see his brother, Zhian
Survivor Joe gets to see his wife, Lauren
and Vivi gets to see her sister, Elise.

The host says that they will have five minutes to talk to each other but, after that, they will all compete in the Reward Challenge. All of the remaining castaways are intrigued to meet Chinami after Brian spoke about her so much. She says that she was inspired to travel the world to see what the world had to offer. She says that the world is beautiful and it helped her appreciate it more. People are also interested in Angie Boesen after Heather thanks her for all that she has done, revealing that she was one of the friends that helped Heather out. Angie says that her and her room-mate, Norah (Keyes), knew Heather since high school and moved to B.C. due to the both of them taking university there while Heather went to pose-secondary in Cunzava. When they heard about the fire, there was no hesitation. During the challenge, Vivi won, saying that her biggest motivation for playing is her sister, saying that she wants to be the best role model she can for her after they grew up with less than savory parents. Elise comments that Vivi and their Aunt Lilia, who she lives with now as she is still in high school, are the only family she associates with. She says that the both of them have done a lot and she respects them so much. Vivi, in tears, says that Elise was still living with them when she moved out and she wanted to bring her with her but she was unable to. She says that she wanted to win the challenge so badly because of her sister. She says that she wants Elise to take part in the reward. Vivi is now tasked with bringing two other pairs. Vivi says that her first choice is Brian and Chinami as the mom-son relationship they have is amazing and inspiring and she would love to be around that energy some more. She also says that the second choice is really hard but she is also really inspired by what Angie and Norah did and, so, she wants to bring along Heather and Angie.

The Reward segment is full of heartwarming ... ness.
Back at camp, Devota is trying to convince Karsten and Hollie to turn against Survivor Joe and vote him out. While they are considering it, Hollie CCs that the last thing they need to be are Devota's puppets, especially after she got a third elimination under her belt. After Devota leaves them, Karsten comments on how Landyn destroyed Devota's game before she left. Hollie says that, no matter how the vote goes, she does respect Devota a lot. Karsten agrees and says that all of the unlikable people left pre-merge. Hollie then brings up how happy she was that her mom was there as she needed a boost in confidence. Karsten says the same about his friend being there. After Vivi, Brian, and Heather return, Brian CCs that seeing his mom helped him get his head back into the game. At the water well, Devota tells Brian that there is a small chance. Brian says that, no matter what, he's voting with her. Devota CCs that the situation is a lose-lose as, if she wins Immunity, everybody may send Brian to jury. She says that she's here to play for herself but she would like to save the both of them.
HEATHER wins Immunity!
Devota tries to campaign for her safety, saying that she'll back down and become a vote if they keep her, no longer stating a target and saying that she'll vote however. When she apologizes to Survivor Joe, who says that she doesn't need to apologize as it's all a game, he then asks if she is willing to vote out Brian. Devota hesitates and says that she is unsure, to which Survivor Joe says that he respects her a lot and that he doesn't know where to vote.

Heather votes for Devota
Hollie votes for Devota
Karsten votes for Devota
Brian votes for Survivor Joe
Devota votes for Survivor Joe
Roddy votes for Devota
Survivor Joe votes for Devota
Vivi votes for Devota

With a vote of 6-2, Devota has been eliminated.

Episode 13

Episode 13
Back at camp, Brian CCs about Devota and how he needs to ensure that he isn't the next one gone. Everybody says how Landyn and Devota were great players that were too big of a threat, with Karsten Dring that, in hindsight, Landyn was going to win as she was a strong player that everybody trusted so Devota taking her out was, definitely, needed.
There is a segment with Roddy and Hollie about their plans moving forward while Vivi, Karsten, and Heather have caught onto them being a duo. Vivi suggests going after Roddy. Vivi CCs that Heather and Karsten seem close but she isn't worried as she plans to split them up next. Survivor Joe has a segment about how helpful he is around camp, which causes Hollie to consider targeting him this round. Brian talks to Roddy and Karsten, who says that they have no plans to target them. While Roddy is talking to them about going after Survivor Joe, followed by Vivi, Karsten CCs that his target is Hollie as, due to Hollie and Roddy being a duo, they'll take each other while he needs insurance if Heather is taken out before the Finals.
Brian wins the Reward Challenge and chooses to take Roddy and Karsten with him to see the private movie screening. Survivor Joe CCs that, after Devota was taken out, this is, probably, his strategy to ensure his spot in the Final 6.
While Survivor Joe and Vivi team up to take down Roddy, Hollie and Heather discuss their time here, congratulating each other on making it to the Final 7. After Brian, Roddy, and Karsten return, Survivor Joe wonders to Vivi and Hollie if it'll be good to take out Heather as she is the biggest jury threat left in the game. However, later on, Survivor Joe, Roddy, and Brian discuss taking out Karsten due to him being a huge physical threat, although Brian CCs that he doesn't want to turn his back on Karsten, even though he knows that he'll win against a lot of the people remaining. Survivor Joe is talking to Hollie about taking out Karsten. Survivor Joe CCs that he'll split up Roddy and Hollie next time but, right now, if he can get the duo on his side, he may be able to muster up the votes. Karsten and Heather, however, discuss splitting up Roddy and Hollie.
SURVIVOR JOE wins Immunity
While Survivor Joe is leading the charge against Karsten, Brian informs Karsten, DRing that he would like the trust to remain between them, and tells him about the planned vote. Karsten CCs about his idol.
AT THE TRIBAL, after Karsten uses the idol, THE VOTES GO AS SUCH:

Heather votes for Roddy
Hollie votes for Karsten
Karsten votes for Roddy
Brian votes for Roddy
Roddy votes for Karsten
Survivor Joe votes for Karsten
Vivi votes for Karsten

With a vote of 4-3, RODDY has been eliminated.

Episode 14

Episode 14
While Karsten CCs that he went after Roddy instead as, due to the circumstances, he knew that Hollie wouldn't flip to their side, everybody is soon exposed and it becomes Hollie, Survivor Joe, and Vivi vs Heather, Karsten, and Brian. Each side tries to flip somebody on the other side while the target changes quite a bit, including when Heather wins the Reward Challenge and tries to convince the person she takes, Hollie, to switch, apologizing over what happened to Roddy. After Survivor Joe wins Immunity, he tells Hollie and Vivi about the idol, prompting Vivi to suggest changing the target to the one true wildcard in the game. Heather, Karsten, and Brian, however, have a sinking feeling that it'll become a tie and have a funny feeling that Joe has the idol.
AT THE TRIBAL, after Survivor Joe uses the idol on Vivi, THE VOTES GO AS SUCH:

Heather votes for Vivi
Hollie votes for Brian
Karsten votes for Vivi
Brian votes for Vivi
Survivor Joe votes for Brian
Vivi votes for Brian

With a vote of 3-3, Brian has been eliminated.

Episode 15

Episode 15
Vivi CCs that one of the main reasons for taking out Brian is to secure Hollie with them as, now, they HAVE to split up the Heather and Karsten duo. As there was speculation over Joe having the idol, she figured that the real target was her. Hollie, however, realizes that she no longer has a chance to win and decides that, while it IS a stretch, she can try and use the "playing the middle card". Everybody at camp decides to hunt for the idol as the Final 5 is the last time to use it. Hollie finds it and CCs that she has the option of splitting up a duo and taking Joe to the end to play up how he kept changing his targets like Shalizeh or taking out Vivi before she can get to the end and risk a tie next time. After Heather and Vivi win the Double Immunity, Hollie knows that, now, it comes down to who she wants in the Final 4. Joe, however, notices Hollie struggling and tells Vivi, saying that they need her vote as going up against Heather and Karsten in the Final 4 is a horrible idea but, at the same time, if she is planning on flipping, they can always talk to Heather and Karsten about sending her out since the votes wouldn't be against them. Vivi agrees. Joe brings up the idea with Heather and Karsten, who agree as the votes aren't against them. However, as Hollie overhears, she CCs that, perhaps, she can use this opportunity to build up her resume. Hollie talks to Vivi about what she heard Joe, Heather, and Karsten talk about and says that she's asking for Vivi's loyalty as, as far as they're concerned, one of them may be idoled out. She says that, as long as she, Vivi, isn't the vote, Hollie expects her to follow her lead. Vivi agrees to it and CCs debating telling Joe about her idol.
AT THE TRIBAL, after Hollie uses the idol on herself, THE VOTES GO AS SUCH:

Heather votes for Hollie
Hollie votes for Karsten
Karsten votes for Hollie
Survivor Joe votes for Hollie
Vivi votes for Karsten

With a vote of 3-2, KARSTEN has been eliminated.

While Heather and Joe are blindsided, Vivi explains to Joe that Hollie brought up the idol during the last couple of minutes and was threatened with it. Vivi CCs that Hollie's approach made her worried and it made her wonder about her real game leading up to this moment. After Hollie wins the Immunity, Vivi talks to Joe about sending out Heather since there is no other choice. However, Vivi, later, talks with Heather about saving her and taking out Joe. She then talks with Hollie about the options. She CCs that she is willing to let Hollie think she is in charge. However, she knows that, if she says a target, it may get back to them so, beforehand, she secured that their votes wouldn't be against her. After Joe is voted out 3-1, Vivi, Heather and Hollie head to the Final Tribal Council the next day where Vivi wins.