West Tolna

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West Tolna (Imperial Language: Nyugat-Tolna) is a Megyék within the region of the Imperial West in the Empire. It is bordered by Balaton to the south and East Tolna to the east. It is one of the two states that make up the Tolna Megyék before being split during the negiogations of the Unification Resolution. The most populous city and megyék capital is Jászság. West Tolna is the smallest megyék within the entire Empire.

West Tolna is inhabited by both Tolnok and Araktok and to a lesser extent, is also inhabited by Morahalomok and Veszpremic. During the War of the North, the Balatonok Veszpremic agreed to a ceasefire with the Coalition of the North under the condition that Tolna be separated. West Tolna is the westernmost point of the Tolna Mountain Range.