Women in law enforcement in Sharifistan

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Women are employed with full police powers by a range of Law enforcement agencies in Sharifistan. They represented 49.5% of law enforcement personnel from January 2021 to June 2021, represented 10.5% of police officers in November 2020 and are currently believed to represent 12.5% of local police officers, 54.5% of mutaween, 5.5% of Air Cavalry police officer and 4.5% of Air Cavalry Police airwomen as well as 2.5% of police soldiers, 6.5% of Gendarmerie and Anti-Narcotics Police officers, 1.5% of Navy police ratings and 0.5% of Navy police officers. In total they represent 15.5% of law enforcement personnel.


During 1922 (the first year Sharifistan was established), Polis Kadıns (policewomen) had no power of arrest but were responsible for guarding and search female prisoners and taking statements for female victims and witnesses. Educated Polis Kadıns were also responsible for doing paperwork. Women in the Air Cavalry police did, however, always have full powers of arrest. In 1928, female detectives were employed, both to interview women and children who were victims of crime and to conduct undercover work work (especially relating to enforcement of the Vice laws). In 1930, on the outbreak of war with Italy, women were allowed to patrol the streets for the first time and in 1939 were given full power of arrest. During the same year they were allowed to serve as Traffic Police and in a wider variety of detective roles. In 1980 traditionally male roles such as riot control and Special Operations were opened to women.

As regards the military women were allowed in the Royal Gendarmerie from 1939 onwards and women were allowed in the Air Cavalry Police since the establishment of Sharifistan.Women were only allowed to join the Navy (including the Navy Police) in 2014.

Current practice

Women are currently permitted in any police role apart from Royal Gendarmerie Infantry. Vacancies for policewomen are, however, advertised separately to vacancies for policemen and the majority of policewomen work in the roles they had before 1980. Madinat Al-Islam Police was run by a woman from 2014-2020, she later died in an airstrike. See also

Law enforcement in Sharifistan

Women in the Sharifistani military