Xi Zen

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The Nation of the Xi Zen
Official languagesXi
Recognised national languagesMany Local Dialects
Demonym(s)Xi, Zeni
• Zaen Chala
Legislatureformerly The Triate
• Tribal
• More formal clans
79 IE
• The allied Xi Zen
1367 IE
• Estimate

Xi Zen [ʃi zɛn], or to be more precise The nation of the Xi Zen is a large nation in far south Deteros stretching from Unitaria in the south toward Ishtaria and from Greater Tagrai in the east toward Edenos in the west. The nation itself has no clearly defined borders as its inhabitants are a wandering people. The nation has been inhabited for at least the last millennia by the Xi Zen a nomadic people who prior to the Great Unification were formed of many clans each of which held an independent area of land, the total population of this people has no accurate record however is estimated to be roughly 700,000. It is currently (as of the Year 1385) under the rule of Tsegaan who became it's first leader in the year 1364. The nation was for a long time very isolated both physically (as in it was rarely visited by outsiders) and in its ways and customs, meaning its culture, language and religion is very diifernt to surrounding nations. Another effect of this isolation is that it is much less technologically advanced than many surrounding nations and has progressed very little within the past thousand years.


The name of the people Xi Zen comes from two words, the word "Xi" meaning people and "Zen" being a archaic name of the god most commonly known as Ptan [tan]. Therefore this is literally the people of Ptan. The land that the Xi Zen occupy has no name and is known by them as "li ngo Ptan" [li ŋɵ tan], which is the land of Ptan or "li zeni" [li zinai], which is the holy land, the word "zeni" coming once again from "zen". To most other nations this country is simply known as Xi Zen after the people who inhabit it.



Xi Zen has no specific date of origin as for almost all of its history it has been a collection of many tribes rather than a specific nation itself. Information from this time is scarce however the first signs of settlement in this is from the first century IE. The Xi Zen are thought to have stemmed from a tribal community living in the area of poriturand