Shangean nationalism

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Shangean nationalism refers to various nationalist ideologies pertaining to Shangea. Whilst all forms of Shangeam nationalism support the cultural unity and the legitimacy of the Shangen nation-state, there exists many subforms of Shangean nationalism, including cultural, expansionist, statist ethnic or socialist in character.




Cultural nationalism was the earliest form of Shangean nationalism, developing in the early 1800's. Like many Shangean nationalist ideologies, Shangean cultural nationalist ideals were influenced by Euclean theorists, and focused mainly on the notion on the shared cultural values of Shangean speaking people's in southern Coius including adherence to Zohism, the Shangean language and the great literary and poetic works written in the language and various other cultural features. Cultural Shangean nationalism unlike other forms of Shangean nationalism does not place importance on the existence of the Shangean nation-state, but does emphasise a shared Xiaodongese culture.

Cultural Shangean nationalism during the 1880's was merged with statist Shangean nationalism to define the Shangean nation. As Shangea at the time contained minorities such as the Chanwan and Senrian people, cultural nationalism allowed for the assimilation of those people's into the Shangean nation.


Whilst cultural Shangean nationalism emphasised the cultural unity of the Shangean peoples, statist Shangean nationalism introduced in the 1860's emphasised the creation of a Shangean nation-state. Statist Shangean nationalism emphasised the supremacy of a centralised, unified Shangean state over the individual, and placed the Xiaodongese state (personified by the Emperor in the 1800's and early 1900's) above all other entities. Statist Shangean nationalism is anti-individualistic, chauvinistic and authotarian.

Statist Shangean nationalism has been adapted since it was first theorised in the 1860's. Emphasis has moved from the construction of a nation-state (achieved in the Baiqiao Revolution) to the role of the nation-state in regards to Shangean citizens relationship with the Shangean state.


