Yellow Mouse-Bear Revolt

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Yellow Mouse-Bear Revolt

Mice-Bear Victory

  • Auspicious Mouse Army
  • Bear Peasant Army
    • Xiongguo Rebellion
    • Blue Warriors
    • Water Heralder Society
Commanders and leaders


The Yellow Mouse-Bear Revolt (Mouse-Bear: 黄鼠熊之亂) was a massive civil war that was waged in the State of Xiongshu between the Celestial Empire that followed the Auspicious Mouse Rebellion. It lasted from 951-979 C.E.E. and ended in the beginning of the Twelve Species Revolt and the creation of the Second Xiongshu. Eventually, the Revolt crippled the Celestial Empire's mlitary strength over the Eastern Hemisphere in the Eastern Hemisphere.

The Revolt began under Huang Shao and the Yellow Council, a group of generals and important figures that derived their positions and power from the Auspicious Mouse Rebellion. Many members of the Yellow Council returned to fight in the Revolt, but many other members approached in the beginning of the Revolt. Alongside many new mouse generals and important figures, the Bears were included within the Yellow Council. Huang Shao and the Yellow Council sought to establish the philosophical thought of Taiping, a form of Spiritual Energy worship that drew use from Taiping, which was the Great Peace as opposed to the Dragonesque thought of the domination of one's Dao and subsequently, the overruling of the thought of the Zodiac.

The previous rebellion had secured much of the southern Shu areas and had began to encroach north into Xiong territory to encompass what was originally the First Xiongshu. Over the course of the first decade, the mice saw little success and faced major setbacks due to a lack of support from the bears. It was not until the entrance of the Blue Warriors led by Zhuang Jia (莊賈) that the war began to turn around with a renewed support from the bears. The entrance of Zhuang Jia and the Blue Warriors into the Yellow Mouse-Bear Revolt was considered to be the turning point from the war as the Celestial Empire began to experience a string of devestating defeats and losses. The Dragons were unable to go on the offensive after the decisive Battle of Suixian, and subsequently were on the defensive. The Yellow Mouse-Bear Revolt is noted for its brutal nature that was displayed particularily between the Dragons and the Bears, with the Blue Warriors often massacring Dragon officials and the Celestial Army engaging in a scorched earth tactic during their retreat after Suixian.

The Revolt would eventually succeed in 976 in forcing the Celestial Empire out of what was considered traditional Xiongshu territory, effectively crippling their military to an almost unusable state. The revolt would beget the Twelve Species Revolt as Huang Shao and the Yellow Council would begin to set off smaller rebellions that would eventually culminate to the Twelve Species Revolt. The Celestial Empire's financial system was in ruins due to half of their labor class being free from their control, being the Bears and the Mice having suffered as the lowest class of the Empire. The Celestial Empire would eventually collapse from the pressure of the Twelve Species Revolt and the destruction of which would occur in the Battle of the Arctic City, where the Zodiac banished the Dragons to the South Pole and ushered the Era of the Great Peace.