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An illustration of Zeuxo
Symmeria, Symmerian Empire
Died19 August 1038
Near Bai Bien Ngao, Quenmin
AllegianceSeleucus of Ioklos
RankStrategos (general)
Battles/warsSeleucus' Civil War

Zeuxo was a Symmerian noblewoman who served as a strategos to her uncle Seleucus of Ioklos during Seleucus' Civil War.

Zeuxo was born in 1001, the daughter of Herostratos and Kanake, the latter of whom was the sister of Seleucus. Along with her brother Andriskos, the family traveled to Quenmin sometime in her early teens, accompanying her uncle who was assigned as a military advisor to the Viceroy Theognis. Early on in their life in Quenmin Herostratos fell ill and died, after which Zeuxo and Andriskos fell under the tutelage and care of Seleucus who took favorably to both his adopted children. Although a woman and thus not considered socially acceptable to be trained in the arts of a soldier, Zeuxo took quickly to horse riding, archery, and athletics as a teenager. Although Zeuxo would normally have been married off to another family by her late teens, Seleucus kept her around in Quenmin, possibly to avoid her becoming a hostage after he launched his intended rebellion.

When Seleucus overthrew Theognis in 1021 Zeuxo accompanied Andriskos, who had been given command of a portion of the Seleucid army to defend Quenmin while Seleucus invaded Serikos. A Symmerian army from Shirvaniya then invaded Quenmin and in the ensuing battle Andriskos was killed. Zeuxo took her brothers armor and rallied the Seleucid forces, taking what she had learned from her uncle to defeat the Symmerians near Kontin in 1022. Having earned a victory on the battlefield, Zeuxo was able to retain her command in Seleucus' army. While Seleucus invaded Knichus Zeuxo remained behind to guard the border, before moving north to defeat Aeaces in Serikos in 1026. Zeuxo then pursued the Symmerians into northern Shirvaniya but was defeated, and forced to withdraw back to Seleucid territory. Borivoi then invaded Serikos and after much devastation was fought to a stalemate by Zeuxo in 1029. Zeuxo attempted to dislodge Borivoi but was unable to until reinforced by Seleucus in 1031.

Pratinas then invaded Quenmin in 1033, before being defeated by the combined armies of Zeuxo, Seleucus, and Trịnh Hội. Zeuxo then fought Pratinas to a standstill before he could reach Hoang Thái, allowing Seleucus to escape into Nagarcam. Zeuxo attempted to relieve Seleucus but was defeated by Borivoi, who then pursued her to Coa Khoat but but was fought to a stalemate after bloody fighting. After Trịnh Hội was defeated by Aeaces and forced to flee Zeuxo pivoted north and defeated Aeaces at Tuyên Hóa, but was then defeated by the combined forces of Aeaces and Borivoi. Zeuxo fell back to Phan Thiet, then attempted to fall back to Bai Bien Ngao after learning of the fall of Haiga. She was defeated by Borivoi again and managed to escape to Bai Bien Ngao, but was forced to surrender with the collapse of the Seleucid war effort.

Zeuxo was branded as a traitor by Pratinas. Wary of her popularity and worried that her death would make her a martyr, she was taken aboard a ship into the Bara Sea to be killed. She was chained to heavy weights before having her throat slit and was tossed overboard. Zeuxo is remembered along with Seleucus as a hero among Quenminese Hellenes.