War of the Leaves

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The War of the Leaves
Hakulic-Saahein War.png
Date3 January 2000 (2000-01-03) - 4 September 2004 (2004-09-04) (4 years, 8 months and 1 day)

Toppling of Hakulic Government, leading to the installation of Ruven Rothilion-Ermys as Ostrax of the newly formed Saahein Sovereignty

  • Reformation of Seclya as an Elven-dominated country
  • Union Formed between Royal House of Amador and House Rothillion of Seclya
  • Marriage of Ruven Rothilion to the Alfar Issarel Ermys
  • Establishment of House Rothilion-Ermys as the royal house of Seclya
  • Hakulic Remnants forced to abandon Seclya, surrendering themselves to Scailand
Commanders and leaders

The War of the Leaves (2000-2004 CE), also known as the First Blood War, was a conflict fought between the Hakulic government of Seclya and the current government of Seclya, the Saahein Sovereignty. Fighting began in early 2000 following centuries of oppressive rule over the Saahein and Lashein Elven populations of Seclya and their near-complete slavery experienced under the iron fist of Hakul.

The war itself was initially one of uprising against what was at the time, deemed the lawful government of the country by most nations abroad. The stalwart leadership of Ruven Rothilion throughout the initial course of the uprising culminated in his convincing Amador to intervene on the behalf of the uprising by offering at first, financial and material aid, followed by a declaration of war by the Amadorians and the full-borne invasion of Seclya through their shared borders.

The war concluded in late 2004 following several key military victories, including the Battle of Haanathemar and the Battle at Enas Shaereth off the coast of Amador. The ousting of the Hakulic government resulted in the reformation of Seclya into a monarchial system, installing Ruven Rothilion as Ostrax of Seclya, while Issarel Ermys, an Amadorian noble, as Miax of Seclya, creating the House of Rothilion-Ermys.

The aftermath of the war saw Amador and Seclya establish formal relations through the Ilymmelle Accords, a series of negotiations held in Ilymmelle aimed at detailing out a plan to reconstruct and defend the newly formed government and its populace from future attacks. As a result, both nations have become particularly intertwined politically, culturally, and economically.

The Hakulic remnants were forced to abandon their ancestral homelands, ultimately settling in Scailand in the Badlands Frontier, a frozen land with little in the way of luxuries. Seclyai-Amadorian-led have continuously monitored the remnants in the decades following the end of the war, ever vigilant of their encroaching threat.


Saaehin Oppression under Hakulic Regime


Progression and Conflict

Initial Outbreak of War

Early Hakulic Victories

Amadorian Intervention and Invasion

Allied tank in a ruined city

Amador would successfully intervene in the conflict following the diplomatic visit by Ruven Rothilion to the Imperium in an attempt to formulate support from the Alfar nation. Following weeks of negotiations, Amador would officially enter into the conflict on September 18, 2000, commanding its air forces to began conducting aerial bombardments of Hakulic military infrastructure and performing aerial reconnaissance. Amador would officially begin putting boots on the ground in mid-October, with the arrival of the IX Legion.

The initial phases of Amador's involvement were largely through the air and through economic and material aid. The arrival of Amador's legions would enable Saahein forces a chance to recover and reinforce themselves. Initially outnumbered by Hakulic forces, the arrival of Amador's military halted Hakulic offensives, forcing a stalemate that would ultimately last throughout much of 2001 as Amador deployed its forces. During the stalate, Amador made use of this time to also reinforce its Saahein allies, conduct various training course, and gather information of the Hakul.

Late 2001 saw the fruits of their labors flourish, with Saahein-led forces in conjunction with Amaorian allies beginning their full-scale invasion of Seclya, began their winter offensive, beginning a slow and agonizing offensive that would last the new 30 months.

Imperial Blockade

Amador's Imperial Navy, through its use of submarines and carrier strike groups, would conduct and maintain an extensive naval blockade of Seclya at the cost of dozens of warships over the duration of the war. The plan was to squeeze dry Hakul's trade and resources, which was met with success through a combination of tactical brilliance and strategic bravery. Captured Hakulic ships would be turned over to Saahein forces, allowing the Saahein to successfully enter the naval fold.

The naval front was not without its share of tragedies. The Battle at Leejok near the Amadorian-held Leejok Islands, saw Hakulic forces momentarily break the blockade, striking out against imperial ships, including the sinking of the carrier INS Shirako, the flagship of the Imperial Navy. Though a striking blow, it was fleeting, as reinforcements were able to force back the Hakulic excursion. The blockade would not be broken again during the course of the conflict, with any attempts swarted with extreme prejudice.

Third Year

Saahein Offensive

Fourth Year

Battle of Haanathemar

Banishment of Hakul


Banishment of Hakul

The Battle of Haanethemar was a defining moment in the war, forcing the eventual surrender and subsequent banishment of the remnants of the Hakulic government from mainland Seclya and ultimately forcing them to take refuge in Scailand, a frozen territory in the world's Badlands region.

Establishment of a New Kingdom

Normalization of Saahein-Alfar Relatins

Seclya and Amador would normalize their relations following the war through the Ilymmelle Accords. Queen Maeralya Amador would welcome Ruven Rothilion into the Royal Family of Amador as an adopted son, while also permitting the marriage between the new prince to Duchess Issarel Rothilion-Ermys, thus forming a blood pact between the two elven nations. The marriage would establish the two nations as sworn brethren, keen to defend the new elven block of Gholgoth and its overseas territories. Their marriage also established Seclyai monarch's ruling house - the House of Rothilion-Ermys.



Amador's intervention and subsequent invasion would prove costly for the Imperium, with the war proving to be amongst the bloodiest it had fought in centuries. Tens of millions would be wounded, including civilian's. Of the 24,398,779 casualties confirmed, 3,928,385 would be confirmed dead through combat, while 377,284 would die as prisoners of war in Hakulic camps. Loss of life steadily increased throughout the course of the war, owing in large part to the Hakulic entrenchments and philosphy to fight to the last man.



Economic and Political Effects


Seclya's infrastructure was left in poor state following the conclusion of the War of the Leaves. Hakulic forces would conduct torched-earth policies during the final year of the conflict as they were steadily pushed back in an attempt to stall or turn around Saahein-Alfar forces.


The War of the Leaves was a defining moment in history for Seclya, in particular its Saahein, Lashein, and Lacertan inhabitants.