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==List of Positions==
==List of Positions==
Cabinet ministers in '''bold'''.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="3"|Position !! rowspan="2"|Notes
! Office !! Shinasthana!! Holder !! Rank!! Portfolio
!{{wp|English|Tyrannian}} !! [[Shinasthana]] !! Transliteration
| '''Prime Minister'''|| 尚書令|| 王 歡|| 3|| Head of government
| '''Prime Minister''' || 尚書令 || ''′djang′-st′ja-ringh'' ||  
| '''Minister of the Left'''|| 左僕射|| 李怡貴|| 3|| Foreign affairs
| Chancellor || 相邦 || ''smjangh-prong'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State of the Palace|| 殿中曹郎|| 葉仁傑|| 6|| Imperial family
| Vice Chancellor || 丞相 || ''gjing-smjangh'' ||
| Attendant Imperial Commission of the Palace Hall|| 殿中侍御史|| 黃淑士|| 7|| Imperial palace security
| President of Tribunes || 御史大夫 || ''ngjas-srje′-ladh-pja'' ||
| '''Minister of the Right'''|| 右僕射|| 黃雅念|| 3|| Education and culture
| Gallery Marshal || 郎中令 || ''rang-trjung-ringh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Ceremonies|| 祠部曹郎|| 謝芳如|| 6|| Certiain ceremonies
| Gentlemen-Cavalier Captain || 中從騎尉 || ''trjung-dzjung-gjar-′judh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Decorum|| 儀曹郎|| 李家群|| 6|| Culture
| Chief Usher || 大謁者 || ''ladh-′jat-tja′'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Examinations|| 選部曹郎|| 黃嘉光|| 6|| Education and Examinations
| '''Deputy Prime Minister<br> Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs'''|| 左僕射主客尚書 || ''dzar′-bok-m-ljagh<br>tjo′-k-r′ak-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for the Public'''|| 左民尚書|| 賴進添|| 3|| Home affairs
| Lord Master of the Hall || 殿中監 || ''denh-trjung-k-ram'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Procession|| 駕部曹郎|| 黃惠君|| 6|| Police
| Under-Secretary for Hemithea and Meridia|| 左主客郎 || ''dzar′-tjo′-k-r′ak-rang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Jurisprudence|| 都官曹郎|| 陳國迪|| 6|| Judicial administration
| Under-Secretary for Casaterra|| 右主客郎 || ''gwrje′-tjo′-k-r′ak-rang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Health|| 醫官曹郎|| 林婉珮|| 6|| Health
| Under-Secretary for Ceremonies || 儀曹郎 || ''ngjar-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Social Services|| 惠民曹郎|| 劉志軒|| 6|| Social services
| Comptroller of States || 屬邦 || ''tjo′-prong'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for Appropriations'''|| 度支尚書|| 葛崇惠|| 3|| Finance
| Comptroller of Embassies|| 典客 || ''den′-k-r′ak'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Treasuries|| 金部曹郎 || 王文奇|| 6|| Treasury
| '''Deputy Prime Minister <br>Secretary of State for Rites''' || 右僕射祠部尚書 || ''gwrje′-bok-m-ljagh<br>m-l′je-be′-′djang′-st′ja'' ||Minister for education
| Under-Secretary of State for Granaries|| 倉部曹郎|| 陳鄭林|| 6|| Crown land
| Under-Secretary for Cults || 祠部郎 || ''m-l′je-be′-rang'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for the Civil Service'''|| 吏部尚書|| 業秋玄|| 3|| Civil service regulation and appointment
| Chancellor of Academia Shinasthana || 大學監 || ''ladh-gruk-k-ram'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Appraisals|| 比部曹郎|| 陳嘉軒|| 6|| Civil service appraisal
| Comptroller of the House || 宗正 || ''tsung-tjêngh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Two-Thousand Bushels|| 二千石曹郎|| 吳志種|| 6|| Petitions
| Great Chamberlain || 奉常 || ''bjong′-djang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Excellencies|| 三公曹郎|| 陳宜孜|| 6|| Arbitration and discipline
| Superintendant of Secret Books || 秘書監 || ''mbrjik-st′ja-k-ram'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for Commerce'''|| 商部尚書|| 林平與|| 3|| Commerce
| '''Secretary of State for Appropriations'''|| 度支尚書 || ''dagh-kjê-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Trade|| 市部曹郎|| 羅盛心|| 6|| Trade
| Under-Secretary for Treasury || 金部倉部郎 || ''krjem-be′-ts′ang-be′-rang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Industry|| 工部曹郎|| 袁淑娟|| 6|| Industry
| Under-Secretary for Revenues || 內郎 || ''nubh-rang'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture and Fisheries|| 穡部曹郎|| 沈俊微|| 6|| Agriculture, fisheries, forests
| Inner Administrator || 內史 || ''nubh-srje′'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Technology|| 術業曹郎|| 王冠宇|| 6|| Technology and science
| Great Exchequer || 邦大內 || ''prong-ladh-nubh'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for Infrastructure'''|| 起部尚書|| 楊介凡|| 3|| Infrastructure
| Minor Exchequer || 邦少內 || ''prong-sm′jawh-nubh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Roads|| 道路曹郎|| 徐俊毅|| 6|| Transport
| Exchequer of the States || 屬邦內 || ''tjo′-prong-nubh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Post|| 郵電曹郎|| 黃佳莉|| 6|| Telecommunications, national security
| Privy Treasurer || 少府 || ''sm′jawh-pjo′'' ||
| '''Secretary of State for Defence'''|| 五兵尚書|| 吳文心|| 3|| Defence
| Comptroller of Waters || 水黃令 || ''st′jur-gwrang-ringh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for the Forces|| 中外兵曹郎|| 黃美惠|| 6|| Army
| Marine Prefect || 都水使者 || ''ta-st′jur-srje′-tja'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for the Navy|| 海軍曹郎|| 林俊英|| 6|| Navy
| '''Secretary of State for War'''|| 邦衛尚書 || ''prong-gwrjaih-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Air|| 空軍曹郎|| 林閑靜|| 6|| Air Force
| Marshal of Hên-lang Guards || 顯陽衛尉 || ''nken′-lang-gwrjaih-′judh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Procurement and Ordnance|| 庫部曹郎|| 陳珮山|| 6|| Armaments and procurement
| Marshal of Middle Guards || 中衛尉 || ''trjung-gwrjaih-′judh'' ||
| Under-Secretary of State for Liaisons|| 虞部曹郎|| 黃禮禾|| 6|| Planning and strategy
| Marshal of South Palace Guards || 南宮衛尉 || ''gweng-l′junh-gwrjaih-′judh'' ||
| Secretary of the Left|| 尚書左丞|| 蘇玉平|| 6|| Cabinet secretary, foreign, domestic, finance affairs
| Marshal of Pek Guards || 北宮衛尉 || ''pek-kjung-gwrjaih-′judh'' ||
| Meridian Officer of the Left|| 左郎中|| 潘庭瑋|| 8|| Assistant of the above
| Capital Marshal || 中尉 || ''trjung-′judh'' ||
| Supernumerary Officer of the Left || 左員外郎|| 李志偉|| 9|| 〃
| Master of the Horse || 太僕 || ''ladh-bok'' ||
| Secretary of the Right|| 尚書右丞|| 吳柏榕|| 6|| Cabinet secretary, technical affairs, security, transport affairs
| Pass Marshal || 備塞尉 || ''brjegh-segh-′judh'' ||
| Meridian Officer of the Right|| 右郎中|| 戴有玉|| 8|| Assistant of the above
| Comptroller of Manufactories || 將作少府 || ''dzjangh-dzak-sm′jawh-pjo′'' ||
| Supernumerary Officer of the Right|| 右員外郎|| 林世亦|| 9|| 〃
| Under-Secretary for Munitions || 寺工室郎 || ''m-lje′-kong-stjit-rang'' ||
| Meridian Attendant|| 侍中|| 陳珮山 </br>蘇仲宜 </br>賴心宜 || 3 || Emperor's attendant and transcriber
| Under-Secretary for Militias || 中外兵郎 || ''trjung-ngwadh-prjang-rang'' ||
| Meridian Messenger of State|| 給事中|| 泛支玉 </br>袁孟勳 </br>楊歡連 </br>吳善慈 </br>韓 宜|| 5|| Deliverer and reader of CCA memoranda
| Under-Secretary for Territorial Forces || 別兵郎 || ''brjat-prjang-rang'' ||
| Attendant Officer of the Amber Gate|| 黃門侍郎|| 杜 淳 </br>林振文 </br>王品育 </br>邱淑紹|| 5|| Emperor's attendant and secretary
| Under-Secretary for War Departments || 諸曹郎 || ''tjo-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Attendant Imperial Commissioner of Correspondence Management|| 治書侍御史|| 徐德古 </br>陳英榮 </br>吳宜仁 </br>謝維倫 </br>莊惠達|| 6|| Security expert
| '''Secretary of State for the Navy'''|| 航尚書 || ''gang-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Meridian Ordinary Attendant|| 中常侍|| 黃遜佳 </br>陳家祥 </br>楊喜璠 </br>張朝宜|| 3|| Emperor's attendant
| Under-Secretary for Shipbuilding|| 章部郎 || ''tjang-be′-rang'' ||
| Cavalier Ordinary Attendant|| 散騎常侍|| 王延江 </br>王文庭 </br>黃與民 </br>陳偉義 || 3|| Emperor's attendant and keeper of the Great Seal
| '''Secretary of State for Home Affairs'''|| 民部尚書|| ''mrjing-be′-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Cavalier Ordinary Attendant-on-Duty || 通直散騎常侍|| 呂舜文 </br>鄭淑聲 || 3|| Emperor's attendant
| Under-Secretary for Census || 左民曹郎 || ''dzar′-mrjing-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Supernumerary Cavalier Ordinary Attendant|| 員外散騎常侍|| 陳韻然 </br>林信秋 || 3|| 〃
| Under-Secretary for Census || 右民曹郎 || ''gwrje′-mrjing-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Cavalier Attendant Officer || 散騎侍郎|| 王威德 </br>李家泉</br>王俊銘 </br>徐建宇|| 6|| Assistant to the above
| Under-Secretary for Police || 良人郎 || ''rjang-njing-rang'' ||
| Director of Meridian Correspondence|| 中書令|| 李孟春|| 3|| Head of the House of Commons
| Under-Secretary for Lakes and Fisheries || 水部郎 || ''st′jur-be′-rang'' ||
| Attendant Officer of Meridian Correspondence|| 中書侍郎|| 夏佳奇|| 5|| Deputy 〃
| Under-Secretary for Surveys|| 左田部郎 || ''dzar′-lin-be′-rang'' ||
| Clerk of Communications || 通事舍人|| 崔侑薇</br>毛俊偉</br>朱回敏</br>吳甄陵</br>汪諫方</br>黃宴遷</br>黃士豪</br>王惠敏</br>周志宏</br>賴偉祥|| 7|| Certain members of the House of Commons
| Under-Secretary for Surveys || 右田部郎 || ''gwrje′-lin-be′-rang'' ||
| Director of Secret Correspondence|| 秘書監|| 郭貴奇|| 3|| Emperor's librarian
| '''Secretary of State for Administration'''|| 吏部尚書|| ''rjegh-be′-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Attendant Officer of Secret Correspondence|| 秘書侍郎|| 葉佳華|| 6|| Assistant to 〃
| Under-Secretary for Local Affairs || 二千石曹郎 || ''njih-sn′ing-djak-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Officer of Authorship|| 著作郎|| 陳金義</br>楊義璠</br>蔡孟花</br>陳建佑|| 6|| Government editor
| Under-Secretary for Patronage || 廕部郎 || ''′rjem-be′-rang'' ||
| Minister of Ushers|| 謁者僕射|| 芮肇雅</br>吳宜臻|| 5|| Emperor's usher and doorkeeper
| Under-Secretary for Strategy || 虞曹郎 || ''ngwja-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Director of the Interior|| 內令|| 張慶珠|| 3|| Head of Empress' offices
| Under-Secretary for Assessments || 比部曹郎 || ''prji′-be′-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Minister of the Interior|| 內僕射|| 程頤安|| 3|| Deputy 〃
|''' Secretary of State for Public Works '''|| 起部尚書 || ''k′rje-be′-′djang′-st′ja'' ||
| Lady Secretary of State|| 女尚書|| 張嬛珥</br>謝華懿</br>陳雅懷|| 3|| Empress' Secretary
| Under-Secretary for Poor Relief || 平準郎 || ''brjêng-tjun′-rang'' ||
| Lady Attendant Officer|| 女侍郎|| 朱雅婷</br>林婉君</br>魏雯婷</br>李淑媛</br>徐惠茹|| 5|| Deputy of 〃
| Under-Secretary for Railways || 鐵路郎 || ''l′ik-ragh-rang'' ||
| Marshal of the Illustrious Port|| 光祿勳|| 彭君偉|| 3|| Nominal head of Emperor's household
| Under-Secretary for Highways || 駕部郎 || ''krarh-be′-rang'' ||
| Grand Officer of the Illustrious Port|| 光祿大夫|| 陳明瑛</br>陳博惠</br>黃子封</br>酆海年</br>張君志|| 3|| No portfolio
| Under-Secretary for Unions || 工會郎 || ''kong-kobh-rang'' ||
| Meridian Grand Officer|| 中大夫|| 李佳程</br>宋立瑋</br>蔡韋苓</br>陳思亦</br>陳隆|| 7|| 〃
| Under-Secretary for Local Works || 都官曹郎 || ''ta-kwar-dzaw-rang'' ||
| Irregular Grand Officer|| 散大夫|| 鄭李山</br>林瑞盛</br>許李</br>洪承翰</br>趙俊順|| 7|| 〃
| '''Leader of the House of Commons '''|| 中書僕射 || ''trjung-st′ja-bok-m-ljagh'' ||
| Grand Officer of Remonstrance|| 諫大夫|| 蔡冬意</br>張芮伊</br>許文休</br>游如環</br>李冠勳|| 7|| 〃
| Gentlemen in Waiting || 給事中 || ''kjep-dzrje′-trjung'' ||
| Meridian General of the Curritigris Guards|| 虎賁中郎將|| 吳佳心|| 5|| Nominal commander of imperial guards
| '''Marshal of Peers '''|| 主爵中尉 || ''tjo′-tsjawk-trjung-′judh'' ||
| Director of Palace Gates|| 守宮令|| 林韻楊|| 7|| Nominal head of palace security along the outer perimeter
| Lords in Waiting || 侍中 || ''lje′-trjung'' ||
| Director of Cuisine|| 太官令|| 林哲榮|| 7|| Nominal head of palace cuisine
| Director of Imperial Stables|| 御府令|| 鄭武瑞|| 7|| Nominal head of palace stables
| Director of the Amber Gate|| 黃門令|| 方姿吟|| 7|| Nominal head of the Amber Gate, portal to the inner sanctum of the palace
| Director of the Peripheral Court|| 掖庭令|| 杜僖玲|| 7|| Nominal head of the department of concubines
| Director of Procurement|| 清商令|| 梁威廷|| 7|| Nominal head of palace procurement
| Director of the Illustrious Forest Grounds|| 華林園令|| 劉洪淳|| 7|| Nominal head of the palace gardens
| Director of the Solarium|| 暴室令|| 何以太|| 7|| Nominal head of the palace solarium and hot house
| Grand Counsel|| 太常|| 段又貴|| 3|| Nominal chief counsel to the Emperor
| Director of Histories and Auguries|| 太史令|| 林太遙|| 7|| Nominal editor of state history and chief auger
| Director of the Grand Temple|| 太廟令|| 林丹利|| 7|| Nominal head of the Great Temple, the shrine of the imperial clan
| Director of the Grand Orchestra|| 太樂令|| 陳方頤|| 7|| Nominal head of the imperial orchestra
| Director of Fanfare|| 鼓吹令|| 林群濱|| 7|| Nominal head of the imperial fanfare and processions
| Director of Mausolea|| 陵令|| 林秀鄭|| 7|| Nominal head of the department of imperial mausolea
| Marshal of the Guard|| 衛尉|| 陳楊慈|| 3|| Nominal head of palace guards outside of the palace
| Director of Armouries|| 武庫令|| 賴珮云|| 7|| Nominal head of palace armouries
| Director of Public Vehicles|| 公車令|| 汪奇文|| 7|| Nominal head of transport in the palace
| Director of Guardsmen|| 衛士令|| 李建瑋|| 7|| Nominal head of guards
| Director of Crafts|| 諸冶令|| 李文頤|| 7|| Nominal head of guards' training
| Grand Valet|| 太僕|| 郭雅雯|| 3|| Nominal coachman of the Emperor
| Marshal of the Farms|| 典農都尉|| 陳云坤|| 6|| Nominal head of palace farms
| Marshal of Fanconry|| 典虞都尉|| 劉志白|| 6|| Nominal head of palace hunting grounds
| Marshal of Husbandry|| 典牧都尉|| 賴志文|| 6|| Nominal head of palace animal herds
| Director of Stagecoaches|| 車府令|| 黃維禎|| 7|| Nominal head palace carriage collection
| Director of Litters|| 乘皇廄令|| 鐘宜方|| 7|| Nominal head of palace litter collection
| Director of Horses|| 驊騮廄令|| 聶齊謙|| 7|| Nominal head of palace stables
| Minister of the Ancestry|| 龍馬廄令|| 翁建文|| 7|| Nominal head of palace stables
| Imperial Treasurer|| 少府|| 吳詩廷|| 3|| Nominal privy treasurer
| Marshal of Timbers|| 材官都尉|| 錢羣綸|| 6|| Nominal head of palace forests and timber imports
| Master of Crafts|| 左中右尚方|| 張思妤|| 8|| Nominal head of palace crafts
| Director of Meridian Treasuries|| 左右藏令|| 吳寶映|| 7|| Nominal head of emperor's private accounts
| Director of Construction|| 左校令|| 陳則昇|| 7|| Nominal head of palace construction
| Director of Bricks and Tiles|| 甄官令|| 楊淑娟|| 7|| Nominal head of bricks and ceramics in the palace
| Director of Dyes|| 平準令||葉學漢 || 7|| Nominal head of fabric dying
| Director of Involuntary Servitude|| 奚官令|| 鄭軒勳|| 7|| Nominal head of palace slaves
| Marshal of the Guard to the Empress Dowager|| 長樂衛尉|| 鄭介幸|| 3|| Nominal chief of security to the Empress Dowager
| Imperial Treasurer  to the Empress Dowager|| 長樂少府|| 許麗美|| 3|| Nominal privy treasurer of the Empress Dowager
| Grand Valet  to the Empress Dowager|| 長樂太僕|| 葉珮瑜|| 3|| Nominal Valet of the Empress Dowager
| Counsel to the Empress|| 大長秋|| 鄭禎順|| 3|| Chief counsel to the Empress
| Chancellor|| 丞相|| 陳仁玄|| 1|| Nominal head of government, reserved for retired Prime Ministers
| Member of the Epiducal Order|| 位從公|| 王軒惠</br>翁依杰|| 1|| Dignity equal to the Chancellor, reserved for retired Prime Ministers
| Holder of Staff and Prerogatives of the Excellencies|| 開府儀同三司|| 王志瑋</br>陳又亨|| 1|| Privileges of the Chancellor, reserved for retired Prime Ministers
| Member of the Order of Especial Advancement|| 特進|| 葉海承|| 2|| Reserved for head of the opposition
| Grand Minister of Imperial Commissions|| 御史大夫|| 詹淑芬|| 3|| Nominal head of ombudsman's department
| Meriidan Secretary of Imperial Commissions|| 御史中丞|| 林俊竟|| 4|| Head of control of the central government
| Attendant Imperial Commissioners|| 侍御史|| 周品辛</br>吳禎與</br>劉文齊</br>王宜杰</br>林彥儒|| 6|| Special commission for inquiries
| Secretary of Imperial Commissions|| 御史丞|| 黃雅雯|| 4|| Head of control of local governments
| Grand General|| 大將軍|| 楊又浩|| 1|| no portfolio
| Chariot General|| 車騎將軍|| 黃裕火</br>劉宜樺</br>張志英|| 2|| 〃
| Cavalry General|| 驃騎將軍|| 黃士詠</br>劉心宜</br>童妤綸</br>黃瑋平|| 2|| 〃
| Meridian Commander of the Army|| 中領軍|| 李明洪</br>陳筱萍|| 3|| 〃
| Meridian Governor of the Army|| 中護軍|| 洪采環</br>黃小美</br>吳左志|| 3||
| '''President of the Privy Council '''|| 中大夫令 || ''trjung-ladh-pja-ringh'' ||

Revision as of 22:29, 23 April 2020

The term Ministry here used composes of the political part of the central government of Themiclesia. Those officers in bold are formally nominated by the Chamber of Representatives and appointed by the Emperor, and they are conventionally called the Cabinet; they meet every day to discuss affairs of state and make policies upon them. The officers not in bold are appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet. There are also several purely ceremonial offices amongst the Ministry, which grants their holder little other than prestige and an income.

List of Positions

Cabinet ministers in bold.

Position Notes
Tyrannian Shinasthana Transliteration
Prime Minister 尚書令 ′djang′-st′ja-ringh
Chancellor 相邦 smjangh-prong
Vice Chancellor 丞相 gjing-smjangh
President of Tribunes 御史大夫 ngjas-srje′-ladh-pja
Gallery Marshal 郎中令 rang-trjung-ringh
Gentlemen-Cavalier Captain 中從騎尉 trjung-dzjung-gjar-′judh
Chief Usher 大謁者 ladh-′jat-tja′
Deputy Prime Minister
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
左僕射主客尚書 dzar′-bok-m-ljagh
Lord Master of the Hall 殿中監 denh-trjung-k-ram
Under-Secretary for Hemithea and Meridia 左主客郎 dzar′-tjo′-k-r′ak-rang
Under-Secretary for Casaterra 右主客郎 gwrje′-tjo′-k-r′ak-rang
Under-Secretary for Ceremonies 儀曹郎 ngjar-dzaw-rang
Comptroller of States 屬邦 tjo′-prong
Comptroller of Embassies 典客 den′-k-r′ak
Deputy Prime Minister
Secretary of State for Rites
右僕射祠部尚書 gwrje′-bok-m-ljagh
Minister for education
Under-Secretary for Cults 祠部郎 m-l′je-be′-rang
Chancellor of Academia Shinasthana 大學監 ladh-gruk-k-ram
Comptroller of the House 宗正 tsung-tjêngh
Great Chamberlain 奉常 bjong′-djang
Superintendant of Secret Books 秘書監 mbrjik-st′ja-k-ram
Secretary of State for Appropriations 度支尚書 dagh-kjê-′djang′-st′ja
Under-Secretary for Treasury 金部倉部郎 krjem-be′-ts′ang-be′-rang
Under-Secretary for Revenues 內郎 nubh-rang
Inner Administrator 內史 nubh-srje′
Great Exchequer 邦大內 prong-ladh-nubh
Minor Exchequer 邦少內 prong-sm′jawh-nubh
Exchequer of the States 屬邦內 tjo′-prong-nubh
Privy Treasurer 少府 sm′jawh-pjo′
Comptroller of Waters 水黃令 st′jur-gwrang-ringh
Marine Prefect 都水使者 ta-st′jur-srje′-tja
Secretary of State for War 邦衛尚書 prong-gwrjaih-′djang′-st′ja
Marshal of Hên-lang Guards 顯陽衛尉 nken′-lang-gwrjaih-′judh
Marshal of Middle Guards 中衛尉 trjung-gwrjaih-′judh
Marshal of South Palace Guards 南宮衛尉 gweng-l′junh-gwrjaih-′judh
Marshal of Pek Guards 北宮衛尉 pek-kjung-gwrjaih-′judh
Capital Marshal 中尉 trjung-′judh
Master of the Horse 太僕 ladh-bok
Pass Marshal 備塞尉 brjegh-segh-′judh
Comptroller of Manufactories 將作少府 dzjangh-dzak-sm′jawh-pjo′
Under-Secretary for Munitions 寺工室郎 m-lje′-kong-stjit-rang
Under-Secretary for Militias 中外兵郎 trjung-ngwadh-prjang-rang
Under-Secretary for Territorial Forces 別兵郎 brjat-prjang-rang
Under-Secretary for War Departments 諸曹郎 tjo-dzaw-rang
Secretary of State for the Navy 航尚書 gang-′djang′-st′ja
Under-Secretary for Shipbuilding 章部郎 tjang-be′-rang
Secretary of State for Home Affairs 民部尚書 mrjing-be′-′djang′-st′ja
Under-Secretary for Census 左民曹郎 dzar′-mrjing-dzaw-rang
Under-Secretary for Census 右民曹郎 gwrje′-mrjing-dzaw-rang
Under-Secretary for Police 良人郎 rjang-njing-rang
Under-Secretary for Lakes and Fisheries 水部郎 st′jur-be′-rang
Under-Secretary for Surveys 左田部郎 dzar′-lin-be′-rang
Under-Secretary for Surveys 右田部郎 gwrje′-lin-be′-rang
Secretary of State for Administration 吏部尚書 rjegh-be′-′djang′-st′ja
Under-Secretary for Local Affairs 二千石曹郎 njih-sn′ing-djak-dzaw-rang
Under-Secretary for Patronage 廕部郎 ′rjem-be′-rang
Under-Secretary for Strategy 虞曹郎 ngwja-dzaw-rang
Under-Secretary for Assessments 比部曹郎 prji′-be′-dzaw-rang
Secretary of State for Public Works 起部尚書 k′rje-be′-′djang′-st′ja
Under-Secretary for Poor Relief 平準郎 brjêng-tjun′-rang
Under-Secretary for Railways 鐵路郎 l′ik-ragh-rang
Under-Secretary for Highways 駕部郎 krarh-be′-rang
Under-Secretary for Unions 工會郎 kong-kobh-rang
Under-Secretary for Local Works 都官曹郎 ta-kwar-dzaw-rang
Leader of the House of Commons 中書僕射 trjung-st′ja-bok-m-ljagh
Gentlemen in Waiting 給事中 kjep-dzrje′-trjung
Marshal of Peers 主爵中尉 tjo′-tsjawk-trjung-′judh
Lords in Waiting 侍中 lje′-trjung
President of the Privy Council 中大夫令 trjung-ladh-pja-ringh

List of Defunct Positions

Position Shinasthana Year abolished Rank Portfolio
Secretary of State for the Navies 海軍尚書 1963 3 Navy
Secretary of State for the Air Force 空軍尚書 1963 3 Air Force
Secretary of State for the Army 陸軍尚書 1963 3 Air Force
Under-Secretary of State for Maritime Infantry 水兵郎 1867 6 Marine Corps
Under-Secretary of State for Confidential Affairs 機要郎 1963 6 Military commanders allowed to report to the Government directly
Under-Secretary of State for Military Affairs 軍務郎 1963 6