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{{Infobox national military
{{Infobox national military
|country                  = Charnea
|country                  = Charnea
|name                    = Charnean Army
|name                    = Charnean Army
|native_name              = {{noitalic|ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ}}</br>Iɤrudan Charna Ajhanan
|native_name              = {{noitalic|ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ}}</br>Iɤrudan Charnan Ajhanan
|image                    = [[File:CharArmy.png|200px]]
|image                    = [[File:CharArmy.png|200px]]
|caption                  = Flag of the Charnean Army
|caption                  = Flag of the Charnean Army
Line 12: Line 11:
|current_form            = 2023
|current_form            = 2023
|disbanded                =
|disbanded                =
|motto                    = ''Tachyata''<br><small>(Acronym for the phrase ''Tassɑɤen Charna Yalla Tarmat'' meaning "Charnean unity is not negotiable")</small>
|motto                    =  
|branches                = Central Army<br>Army Air Service<br>Border Guards<br>[[Civil Defense Units]]
|branches                = Central Army<br>[[Desert Rangers|Ranger Corps]]<br>Air Corps<br>[[Civil Guard (Charnea)|Civil Guard]]
|headquarters            = [[Agnannet]]
|headquarters            = [[Agnannet]]
<!-- Leadership -->
<!-- Leadership -->
|commander-in-chief      = {{nowrap|[[Amina N'Okha]]}}
|commander-in-chief      = {{nowrap|[[Khyar Aziouel]]}}
|commander-in-chief_title = Commander-in-chief
|commander-in-chief_title = Commander-in-chief
|minister                = [[Tinkerbas Bekkai]]
|minister_title          = Minister of Defense
|commander                = General [[Rezkou Goma]]
|commander                = General [[Rezkou Goma]]
|commander_title          = Chief-of-Staff
|commander_title          = Chief-of-Staff
<!-- Manpower -->
<!-- Manpower -->
|age                      = 18
|age                      = 16
|conscription            = 18 months
|conscription            = None
|active                  = 330,000
|active                  = {{unbulleted list
  | {{nowrap|330,000}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 210,000 Central Army}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 100,000 Air Corps}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 7,000 Ranger Corps}} <br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 13,000 civilian contractors}}}}
|ranked                  =  
|ranked                  =  
|reserve                  = 240,000
|reserve                  = {{unbulleted list
  | {{nowrap|160,000}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 90,000 Civil Guard}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 50,000 Border Guards}}<br />{{nowrap|&nbsp;'''∟''' 20,000 civilian contractors}}}}
|paramilitary            =  
|paramilitary            =  
<!-- Financial -->
<!-- Financial -->
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The '''Charnean Army''' ({{wp|Tamashek}}: ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ, ''Iɤrudan Charna Ajhanan'', '''ICA''') is the combined military force of the [[Charnea|Charnean]] state comprising both {{wp|Land warfare|ground-based}} and {{wp|Aerial warfare|aerial}} armed forces. [[Amina N'Okha]] serves as the formal commander-in-chief of the ICA, while its day to day operations are overseen by Minister of Defense [[Tinkerbas Bekkai]] and commanded by ICA Chief-of-Staff [[Rezkou Goma]]. The current structure of the ICA is the result of a series of sweeping military reforms that took place following the death of its former commander Martial [[Martuf Lamine]] in December 2022 and the ensuing political turmoil which took place within the Army and the broader state defense apparatus. Reforms included a reorganization of the ICA {{wp|general staff}} and high command from the ground up, a significant reduction of the officer corps and a consolidation of several previously separate organs into more centralized command and logistics structures. The ICA is currently comprised of the Central Army, incorporating formerly independent bodies such as the Armored Corps and the Counterinsurgency Corps, the Army Air Service which functions as the ICA's aerial warfare and air defense force, and the military Border Guards which make up the lightly armed border patrol and customs enforcement forces. Reservist elements of the [[Civil Defense Units]] as well as Charnean military intelligence organs such as the [[ASA]] fall under the direct authority of the ICA general staff.  
The '''Charnean Army''' ({{wp|Tamashek}}: ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ, ''Iɤrudan Charnan Ajhanan'', '''ICA''') is the combined military force of the [[Charnea|Charnean]] state comprising both {{wp|Land warfare|ground-based}} and {{wp|Aerial warfare|aerial}} armed forces. Chief of State [[Khyar Aziouel]] serves as the formal commander-in-chief of the ICA, while its day to day operations are overseen by Chief of the General Staff [[Rezkou Goma]]. The current structure of the ICA is the result of a series of sweeping military reforms that took place following the death of its former supreme commander [[Martuf Lamine]] in May of 2023 and the ensuing political turmoil which took place within the Army and the broader state defense apparatus. Reforms included a reorganization of the ICA {{wp|general staff}} and high command from the ground up, a significant reduction of the officer corps and a consolidation of forces into more centralized command and logistics structures. The reformed ICA has a three-pronged structure for its combat arms, made up of the Central Army which comprises the maneuver warfare elements of the Army, the Ranger Corps which encompasses its special forces and asymmetric warfare capabilities, and the Air Corps which acts as the air wing of the ICA. Recent reforms within the civilian government saw a push to disband many of the civilian law enforcement organs which had operated in most parts of Charnea for decades, replacing them with a fourth branch of the Army to be known as the ''Allon Arraxmat Ajhan'' or [[Civil Guard (Charnea)|Civil Guard]] which is to double as a reservist force for the rest of the military to draw upon in times of crisis. The recently reconstituted General Staff, the newly established AAA, and many other organs of the ICA are expected to suffer in the short and mid-term thanks to inexperienced officers and the disorganization which follows blanket military and police reforms. Nevertheless, national leaders remain confident that the ICA's strength, which they believe lies with its experienced non-commissioned officers, has been kept intact despite the reorganization.

===Imperial Military System===
[[File:Spahi au galop.jpg|150px|thumb|left|Charnean cavalryman, 19th century]]
The military history of Charnea prior to the foundation of the modern Charnean Army functioned along the lines of member clans of a political confederation. Since the times of [[Ihemod the Inheritor|Ihemod]] in the 14th and 15th centuries, this was the ''Kel Kaharna'' governing body of the Charnean Empire. This was an evolution of the traditional means of waging war among the Tenerians, in which the confederation leader or ''Amenokal'' served as overall commander and each tribe or clan which formed part of the confederation contributed a contingent of troops most often with the clan's elder or an appointee of the elder serving as the commander of these troops subordinate to the Amenokal. This system of tribal levy was relatively effective thanks to the riding and archery skills the nomads developed from a young age in order to hunt and protect their herds of goats and camels. Upon uniting the Tenerian confederations into the Kel Kaharna, Ihemod reformed the military levy system by turning each tribe pledged to him into a permanent military unit with its tribal chief as its commander and its youth, women and associated camp and herds as logistical supports. The Tenerian confederation was effectively militarized under these reforms and transformed into a powerful nomadic army of the Ninva, which set about its campaign of conquest across the Scipian continent. This foundational system of the Charnean Empire remained in place more or less unchanged through the centuries, which the commander-clan heads of each unit eventually forming the advisory body of the Agraw Imgharan, the precursor to the modern Charnean legislature.
However, the pre-modern military system of the Charnean Empire suffered from a number of vulnerabilities. With all the nomads of a particular community grouped together in a military unit, severe battlefield losses could result in the male population of whole tribes being lost, effectively resulting in the death of that tribe and its absorption into other tribes. Additionally, the insulated nature of each tribal unit meant that over time the men of any given unit would become more loyal to their tribal leader than to the Amenokal and the Empire. This fostered a deep rooted factionalism in the Imperial Army which greatly hampered its military efficiency and effectiveness thanks to rivalries between commanders and insubordination, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Hereditary commanders likewise impeded the effectiveness of the army, rejecting new military technology and blocking the promotion of talented strategic minds to higher levels of command to preserve their own authority. The strengths of the old Ihemodian army which once threatened the whole of Scipia, adaptability and meritocratic promotion, had become its weaknesses. This was exacerbated by the era of the mining barons in Charnea in the late 19th century, in which the army commanders used their men effectively as private militaries without direction from the central command to secure mineral rich patches of land as the mining boom spread across the Ninva desert, subsequently either selling the seized land for a premium or becoming mining tycoons themselves with the backing of their tribesmen armed at the Empire's expense. The disorder caused by these practices ultimately led to the radical reformation of the army and the Empire itself in the early 20th century.
===Foundation of the ICA===
[[File:Karl Schwabe, 3 x Afrika (216c).jpg|200px|thumb|left|ICA {{wp|Camel cavalry|Camelry}} unit, 1936]]
Due to the tightly knit union of military and civil power in Charnea, it was inevitable that the much needed reform of the Empire would be coupled with a military reform. The modern Charnean Army, the ''Iɤrudan Charna Ajhanan'', was formed out of the abolition of the tribal military system of the old Empire and the rationalization and modernization of military organization, tactics, technology and logistics. The ICA did away with the practices of hereditary commanders and the tribal division of the army altogether, with men from many tribes being sorted into units together and their commanders now being appointed from above on the basis of merit rather than heritage. The old tribal chieftains retained a degree of political power through their seats in the Agraw, and continued to play a role in the Charnean elective monarchy, but no longer held any real military authority. The new leadership of the ICA quickly and enthusiastically embraced a great deal of modern military technology, ranging from artillery to water cooled machine guns and motor vehicles, no longer encumbered by the conservative thinking of the old leadership.
The new Charnean Army was armed primarily with weapons purchased from [[Alanahr]] and [[Latium]], but would begin to develop a native military industry thanks to the effects of the civilian reforms of the Empire, which saw the advent of {{wp|Developmental state|developmentalism}} and the birth of Charnean industry. The ICA was closely married to these modernizing forces in Charnean society, both as the primary beneficiary and the main enforcement body of new reforms and the policies which developed from the industrialization process. In particular, peacekeeping in the desert communities and the growing conflicts over the water supply from Charnea's underground aquifers, needed badly for the new factory districts and growing urban population yet likewise needed by traditional agricultural communities in the south and east of the country became the ICA's principal areas of concern behind national defense from foreign powers.
===Agala War===
===Agala War===
{{main|Agala War}}
{{main|Agala War}}
The Agala War (1945-1947) was a seminal conflict for the Charnean Army, serving as its first true test on the field of battle. Planners in the preceding decades had largely organized and equipped the ICA to fight a defensive war in the desert, using mobility and many time tested battle tactics of the Tenerian nomads to interdict and frustrate any attempt to invade the desert country by an foreign power. The Agala conflict, which involved the secession of the Zarma people of southern Charnea from the country, forced this military body organized for an {{wp|Defence in depth|elastic defense}} against an outside invasion to redeploy the units at its disposal in improvises offensive strategies to defeat the forces of the Agala Republic and prevent the breakaway state from asserting its independence. The war allowed the ICA to field many of its modern weapon systems, including ground-attack aircraft, a rail-supported motorized logistics system and the then cutting edge [[A45 Torka]] armored car which would become the star of the Agala campaign. The Charnean Army acquitted itself well in conventional combat early on but soon proved vulnerable to the asymmetric warfare tactics of the {{wp|Zarma people|Zarma}} partisans formed from the survivors of the Agala Republic's defeated military forces.
What appeared to be a quick victory for the better trained and equipped Charnean Army evolved into a protracted counterinsurgency in the Agala highlands in which the Zarma partisans often matched the ICA in mobility and tactical flexibility, moving with the support of Zarma tribesmen through the hills and valleys of the region and frequently outpacing their Charnean adversary attempting to pursue them. Humiliated by the victories of lightly armed tribesmen over the recently reformed and well equipped Charnean forces, the ICA leadership resorted to widespread depredations against the general Zarma populace of the Agala. In particular, the ICA culled the herds of livestock which served as the main livelihood for much of the Zarma people, creating a famine which gripped the Agala region. The military largely pulled out of the hills where they faced frequent insurgent attacks, returning to their bases in fortified towns, urban centers and army camps where they established refugee and famine relief centers, offering the Zarma people the choice between entering military custody voluntarily or facing the starvation which the ICA had engineered. Now stripped of their support network and facing food shortages themselves, the Zarma partisans were drawn out to fight in increasingly one sided engagements against the Charnean Army. The actions of the ICA aimed at defeating the partisans no matter the human cost are remembered today as the Zarma genocide, in which the culture and ancestral way of life of the Zarma people was systematically targeted and largely destroyed by Charnean soldiers throughout the course of the war.

The aftermath of the Agala War would prove highly consequential for the future of Charnea and its armed forces. Many soldiers and officers of the Charnean Army had ordered or themselves perpetrated serious offenses against the Army's own code of conduct, some of which were internationally recognized {{wp|War crime|war crimes}}. While some individuals of the Charnean Army received international sanctions as a result of their actions, the overwhelming majority of Charnean war criminals received full pardons from the Charnean government. Extensive records of the wartime Charnean Army were classified or destroyed after the war, frustrating any subsequent efforts to uncover the true extent of Charnean war crimes in the Agala War. Following the end of the war, the Charnean government funded a resettlement program which relocated hundreds of thousands of Zarma refugees from their ancestral homeland to the major Charnea cities, especially [[Agnannet]], where they would become a part of the industrial workforce of the nascent Charnean manufacturing and processing sectors. Alienated from their traditions and many important elements of their culture, the urbanized Zarma partially assimilated into the culture of these Tenerian cities, with less than 2,000 known speakers of the {{wp|Zarma language}} remaining in modern Charnea. The wartime actions of the Charnean Army and the Charnean government's tacit endorsement of the measures deemed justified in the name of victory fundamentally changed the nature of the Charnean Army as an institution to an increasingly insular, more opaque body with the unconditional support of the Charnean civilian government.
===Interwar Years===
===Interwar Years===

===Ninvite War===
===Ninvite War===
{{main|Ninvite War}}
{{main|Ninvite War}}
==Defense doctrine==
As a desert nation entirely engulfed within the expanse of the [[Ninva]], Charnea's production and population statistics face ever-present downward pressures due to the inter-related bottlenecks of water scarcity and insufficient production of foodstuffs which impose an upper limit on the size of the population and industrial base the Charnean economy can support. Although a savvy development scheme has proven capable of extending Charnea's limits, the persistent economic constraints the nation faces have made it unfeasible for it to raise the massive military force that would be necessary to actively patrol and defend the 12,000 kilometers of external frontiers against Charnea's many neighbors. However, the landscape of Charnea forces the population and the national industry to concentrate in six relatively compact regions scattered across the country, interlinked by the [[Xallalbatan|Great Backbone]] railway. Defending these six urban-industrial zones separated by hundreds of kilometers of desert is a challenging proposition but one that is more manageable than defending the entire ''de jure'' territory of Charnea. The Charnean national defense state has been built around a strategy of {{wp|Defence in depth|deep defense}}, prioritizing the capacity to delay the enemy, inflict casualties and threaten enemy logistics over holding ground or carrying out {{wp|Breakthrough (military)|breakthrough}} operations.
The modern Charnean Army, however, is first and foremost a counter-insurgency force. Drawing from the lessons of Charnea's 20th century wars, the defense state has recognized that the threat to Charnean national integrity does not necessarily take the form of the conventional military force of a rival nation but rather the capacity of neighboring states to influence the minority groups which inhabit the Charnean periphery. Separatist movements have indeed proven to be the single greatest foe of the Charnean Army in terms of the number of battles and conflicts fought against such forces, while the prospect of a direct invasion by a foreign enemy seeking to cut off or capture the Charnea core regions remains a dire but unlikely possibility. Air mobility and reconnaissance have been the key capabilities on which the Charnean Army has placed emphasis when it comes to its counter-insurgency operations, which have been built around the Charnean {{wp|Air assault|vertical envelopment}} tactic known as [[Ahoyy]]. Another adaptation of the Charnean Army to the difficulties of counter-insurgency has been to adopt the asymmetric warfare tactics of their enemies, giving rise to the [[Desert Rangers|Desert Ranger Corps]] which serves as an independent hybrid intelligence-covert action arm of the ICA focused on combating insurgent forces.
While the [[Agala War]] demonstrated that the Charnean Army needed to adapt to face the most immediate threats of internal guerillas rather than foreign militaries, the [[Ninvite War]] proved that counter-insurgency could not be disjointed and treated as separate from conventional warfare against an opposing military. The resulting consolidation of counter-insurgency and conventional warfare gave rise to the modern Charnean {{wp|Hybrid warfare|Hybrid Defense Doctrine}}. The aim of the modern Charnean Army is to be above all a flexible force, both in the conventional sense of utilizing various platforms to achieve superior mobility and outmaneuver the enemy, and in the broader strategic sense of using every available avenue to apply pressure on the enemy no matter how unconventional. The concrete results of the Hybrid Defense Doctrine have been to reform the post-Ninvite War ICA to seek, to the extent that is practical, to procure equipment and train in tactics which can be put to use regardless of the nature of the opposing forces. In this way, the doctrine directly informs the organizational structure and material characteristics of the Charnean Army.

The majority of the peacetime active forces are volunteer professional soldiers hailing from [[Tenerians|nomadic Tenerian]] populations indigenous to the [[Ninva Desert|Ninva desert]]. These demographics have historically joined the ICA in large numbers due to the general poverty and lack of work opportunities available to the nomadic communities of the Ninva, deeply influencing the way of life of the nomads as well as the ICA's military culture. The overwhelming majority of nomads in the army are career soldiers for whom service in the ICA is their primary means of income and a represents a lifelong career. Being accustomed to a hardy life in desert conditions with few modern comforts, the Tenerian nomads are thought to be well suited to life in the Charnean Army. However, the nomads in Charnea suffer from a general lack of good education and in particular a dearth the advanced degrees needed to operate sophisticated modern military hardware. This shortfall motivated the foundation of the Charnean Army Vocational School in [[Awakar City]], an institute established to streamline the learning process for nomad recruits to achieve suitable levels of education and technical expertise needed to operate a modern military force. 275,000 of the 330,000 active personnel of the ICA are Tenerian nomads, with an additional 50,000 registered as reservists, accounting for roughly one in three adult male nomads. In the past, major conflicts such as the [[Ninvite War]] have seen the mobilization of the entire male population and even portions of the female contingent of the nomads. As a result, the history of modern warfare in Charnea is reflected in the demographic fluctuations of the nomad population.  
The nature of the manpower available to the military has a profound effect on the military culture of the Charnean Army. Since the industrialization of Charnea over the 1920s, the manpower of the Charnean Army has been overwhelmingly drawn from the rural [[Tenerians|Tenerian]] population known as Kel Ajama Tenerians or simply Ajamites. The Ajamites represent a subset of Tenerians who did not take part in the initial urbanization waves and retained the ancestral nomadic customs of the Tenerians, and as a result did not benefit from the increases in standard of living that their urban cousins enjoyed through the success of Charnean industry. Lacking access to education and job opportunities, the Kel Ajama became an economically depressed demographic and as a result have flocked to the Charnean Army as a means to make a decent living and escape poverty. On the other side of the equation, the Charnean Army sought out Ajamite recruits over others as they were both pre-adapted to operations in the desert environment through their nomadic upbringing, and would accept a more modest rate of pay compared to their urban counterparts. Ajamite soldiers also have the tendency to stay in the Army for far longer periods than urban Tenerians as military service is perceived as a career unto itself rather than a temporary step to develop skills or a more lucrative career in the civilian sector. The result has been a general militarization of the Kel Ajama and by the same token the infusion of the austere culture of the nomadic desert-dwellers into the Charnean Army. Ajamites, who make up just 10% of the overall population, account for roughly 75% (aprox. 367,000) of the Army's servicemembers. This figure in turn represents 4 out of every 5 Ajamite males between the ages of 16 and 45.
The quarter of the Charnean Army which is not Ajamite can be further subdivided into a urban Tenerians and a multitude of non-Tenerian minority groups. Urban Tenerians generally fill the more technically demanding specialist roles in the Army which require extensive education and familiarity with specialized technological equipment. These positions normally correspond to low to mid-level officer ranks, making the urban Tenerians on average the highest paid demographic contingent of the Army. On the other end of the spectrum are the non-Tenerians, namely Charnean {{wp|Arabs|Gharibs}} and {{wp|Copts|Deshrians}}, who fill the lowest paid ranks of paramilitary auxiliary units of the Charnean Army. The Ranger Corps is predominantly composed of non-Tenerian manpower, although it is a relatively small formation of just 7,000 total members.  
The general mobilization that accompanied the escalation of the Ninvite War represents the only time in Charnea's modern history that a system of conscription has been put into practice. Under normal conditions, even during a mobilization for counter-insurgency operations, the Charnean Army operates as an effectively volunteer-only force thanks in no small part to the disproportionate numbers of Ajamite volunteers available for service. The 16-45 demographic, considered to be military-aged by the Charnean Army, is nevertheless required to register with the ICA Mobilization Office in case of the need for a mass mobilization in an emergency. However, those inscribed in the Mobilization Officer registers are not required to to preform any compulsory service. Charnean doctrine with regards to mobilization primarily relies on the use of standing police units and paramilitaries as a pool of reserve manpower to get the Army through the initial stages of a conflict and buy time for civilians to be mobilized and receive adequate training before being sent as reinforcements to the Army.

Approximately one half of the ICA's current total manpower are conscripts called up for a period of compulsory national service between the ages of 18 and 35 and recalled for refresher training every five to eight years. The great majority of ICA reservist forces are made up of these conscripted forces. The nomads are legally except from conscription into the ICA due to their special status and close relationship with the military. Therefore, the conscript forces of the ICA are made up entirely of sedentary, city-dwelling Tenerian populations as well as Charnean minority demographics such as the [[Ashkans]], [[Deshrians]] and the {{wp|Afro-Arabs|Charnean Gharib}} community. These forces are organized into the [[Civil Defense Units]], an organization separate from the Central Army hierarchy made responsible for training and mobilizing reservist manpower into their own units in case of conflict.

Line 93: Line 96:
| Hewwa<br/>ⵁⴻⵡⵡⴰ || Squad || 12 || OR-5
| Hewwa<br/>ⵁⴻⵡⵡⴰ || Squad || 12 || OR-5
The main body of the ICA is the Central Army which represents the whole of the standing ground combat forces of Charnea. The Central Army is made up of 16 army Divisions, each at a nominal strength of 15,000 men, which are grouped into 4 Corps of 60,000 men each. As a whole, the Central Army has an active manpower of 240,000 troops. Each Corps of the central army, numbered I-IV, is responsible for one of the four military quarters of Charnea which are arranged east to west due to the great longitudinal expanse of the country. Each of the four divisions of a given Corps are equipped to promote independent operations in line with the Charnean doctrine of {{wp|desert warfare}}, which emphasizes strategic and tactical mobility and flexibility, in particular large logistical support units integrated at the divisional level to enable the division and each of its subordinate units to maneuver with relative freedom in the hostile environment of the [[Ninva Desert|Ninva]] which makes up the overwhelming majority of the Charnean territory. Units of the Central Army have a high degree of integrated logistical and fire support from the divisional all the way down to the battalion and even company unit level in keeping with its doctrine of flexible operations. These units are equipped with a wide variety of combat vehicles and transports to enable their highly vehicular and mobile approach to military operations, ranging from modified civilian trucks, to armored cars and armored fighting vehicles of various types. The higher end of the Central Army's divisions may field a number of [[Equipment_of_the_Charnean_Army#Combat_Vehicles|V-74 and Tizurdam]] main battle tanks, while the more lightly equipped divisions may field large numbers of the old [[A45 Torka]] armored cars and a variety of thin-skinned vehicles and unarmored trucks serving as weapon carriers. The versatile and ubiquitous [[A84 Inabarom]] is the workhorse of the Central Army, being found in every division in significant numbers.  
The main body of the ICA is the Central Army which represents the whole of the standing ground combat forces of Charnea. The Central Army is organized into 17 independent divisions with a nominal strength of 12,000, alongside the 6,000 military and civilian personnel of the Central Command. Logistical, medical, fire support and mobility are fully integrated at the divisional level in order to enable each ICA division to operate independently in the field as needed. This is backed by the Charnean practices of flexible operations and the constant shuffling of all 17 active divisions all across the country to respond to geographically dispersed threats, rotate troops in and out of active combat zones, and as a measure to prevent commanders from forming ties with local figures which could lead to military corruption. This philosophy of autonomous units with integrated support structures continues from the divisional level all the way down to the battalion or even company level, enabling the larger Central Army formations to break up into smaller self-sustaining units as the situation demands. In order to maximize their tactical and operational mobility, the Central Army is primarily equipped with a number of wheeled fighting vehicles ranging from armored cars to wheeled {{wp|Infantry fighting vehicle|IFVs}}. Wheeled platforms are preffered due to their lower cost and superior land speed compared to tracked vehicles, despite the latter's better ground pressure and thus superior performance in sandy desert terrain. Unarmored [[Tohil Carryall|Carryall]] trucks are also used in large numbers for logistics and fire support roles.  

The Central Army is supported by the forces of the Army Air Service, an equivalent to the independent Air Force branch of other militaries that is subordinated to the Army's command structure. The Air Service is staffed by 60,000 personnel, divided into five groups termed Air Divisions. Four of these are the Corps air wings, attached to each of the Central Army's Corps units with the purpose of supporting the logistical and air support requirements of that Corps and its divisions. These Air Divisions are primarily equipped with {{wp|attack helicopter|attack helicopters}}, {{wp|Attack aircraft|ground-attack aircraft}} and logistical support craft including fixed and rotary wing transport aircraft and carry out a combination of {{wp|close air support}}, {{wp|tactical bombing}} and logistical support missions. The fifth Air Division is represents the Air Service Reserve made up of fighters and strategic air defense units which serve primarily to counter enemy air threats exceeding the scale and purview of any Central Army Corps, equipping the most modern multirole aircraft and long ranged ground-based air defense systems.  
The Central Army is supported by the forces of the Army Air Corps, an equivalent to the independent Air Force branch of other militaries that is subordinated to the Army's command structure. The Air Corps is staffed by 100,000 personnel. The Air Corps is subdivided into Tactical Air Groups, which are attached to the Central Army divisions and exist to provide the necessary airborne fire support and airlift capabilities for their missions, as well as eastern and western Strategic Air Groups which encompass the independent aerial warfare capabilities of the Air Corps, primarily long ranged bomber wings and strategic air defense units. The Tactical Air Groups are primarily equipped with {{wp|attack helicopter|attack helicopters}}, {{wp|Attack aircraft|ground-attack aircraft}} and logistical support craft including fixed and rotary wing transport aircraft and carry out a combination of {{wp|close air support}}, {{wp|tactical bombing}} and logistical support missions. Close integration with lower level units of the Central Army has produced the well-known Ahoyy Companies, hybrid counter-insurgency formations specializing in airmobile warfare.  

The smallest organ of the ICA is the Border Guard force, made up of 10 motorized brigades dispersed across the thousands of kilometers of Charnea's external border and organized with a devolved command structure. The equipment of the Border Guards is generally older and lighter grade than that which is issued to the Central Army, lacking almost entirely in heavy weapons and having no fully enclosed armored fighting vehicles. Some Border Guards units are equipped with armored cars and scout cars such as the A45 Torka, while the majority make use of unarmored trucks and patrol vehicles. Border Guard units also operate unarmed or lightly armed aircraft, particularly turboprop fixed wing aircraft which are able to operate from air bases with unpaved runways and little supporting infrastructure and can conduct a large number of sorties at a lower cost as a means to conduct aerial patrols of the border regions. Much of the Charnean border zone which the Border Guards patrol consists of remote, sparsely populated or unpopulated and often inhospitable areas. As a result, the Border Guards must often play the role of first responders and rescue forces in the event of an emergency in these areas. The Border Guards have been known to inadvertently rescue stranded travelers discovered in the course of regular anti-smuggling and border security operations, who may have likely died in the desert had they not been found and extracted from the area.  
The smallest organ of the ICA's combat arms are the [[Desert Rangers|Desert Ranger Corps]], an independent force comprising roughly 7,000 personnel. Their stated mission is expansive and covers most aspects of asymmetric and irregular warfare as well as covert operations, although they are best defined as a semi-autonomous military intelligence organ of the Charnean Army. The Rangers' organization consists of a main body of intelligence personnel with a focus on {{wp|Human intelligence (intelligence gathering)|human intelligence}} and {{wp|Entryism|infiltration}}, with a much smaller complimentary force of highly trained special operations troops of acting on key intelligence gathered by their counterparts. Although they are specialized for counter-insurgency operations within Charnea, the Rangers have shown themselves capable in limited foreign deployments and are also earmarked as {{wp|Stay-behind|stay-behind forces}} in the event of a hostile invasion of Charnean territory.  

In place of a conventional reservist system, the Charnean Army operates a popular mobilization organization known as the [[Civil Defense Units]]. The Civil Defense Units are an umbrella organization coordinating the activity of different types of military and paramilitary groups active throughout the country. The largest contingents of the CDU are pro-government militias, commonly [[Deshrians|Deshrian]] [[Coptic Nazarism|Coptic Nazarist]] militant groups, which are given a state sanction to conduct operations in support of the Charnean Army and its military objectives. In exchange for funding, weapons and legal status, these militias are integrated into the CDU command structure and placed under the supervision of ICA officers and can be issued orders to carry out missions by these officers. Members of the CDU militias are required to register as military reservists, and can be called to muster by a mobilization order similarly to a conventional conscript. Conscripted units also make up part of the CDU, serving as a full time active corps of uniformed servicemembers for the force. The majority of conscripts completing the compulsory national service period do so as part of the CDU. The conscripted portion of the force are used to maintain auxiliary army bases, serve as maintenance personnel for ICA equipment stockpiles, and receive basic military training or refresher training in the process, making up roughly 35,000 active members of the CDU at any one time. An additional 5,000 full time members of the CDU paramilitary groups which maintaign their respective bases and administer their members form a total of 40,000 full time members of the CDU active in peacetime. Part-time CDU personnel, which includes paramilitary police units, represent an additional 60,000 peacetime personnel. In total, the Civil Defense Units are able to mobilize 240,000 personnel and organize them into fighting units in relatively short order, and would service as the primary recruitment and mobilization organ for the ICA in the case of a protracted war requiring the mobilization of the Charnean population into military service.  
There are two law enforcement organs under the auspices of the Charnean Army. The first and largest of these are the Civil Guard, which is planned to peak at a strength of 90,000. They function as a military {{wp|Gendarmerie|gendarmerie}} intended to replace civilian police forces in many Charnean municipalities over concerns of corruption and infiltration by criminal elements. These new military law enforcement officers are expected to be drawn from a stock of new recruits trained for civilian policing tasks, although reserve and retired Central Army forces have been employed in these roles as a stopgap measure to make up the necessary numbers of officers as the organization emerges from its infancy. Civil Guards are organized in a similar principle to their combat arms counterparts, forming local units according to the security needs of the area. Their status as military personnel would also allow command staff to frequently shuffle personnel from place to place, a measure which is believed to greatly mitigate the risk of corruption. Deploying law enforcement personnel to areas with which they have no personnel connection is also intended to reduce the risk of corruption or criminal infiltration. Unlike the Civil Guard, the ICA Border Guards are treated as an integrated element of the Central Army rather than a separate service branch. However, they are both intended to function as a reserve manpower pool for the ICA combat arms to draw upon as needed.  

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[[Category:Militaries (Ajax)]]

Latest revision as of 02:47, 19 October 2023

Charnean Army
ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ
Iɤrudan Charnan Ajhanan
Flag of the Charnean Army
Founded1 October 1921; 103 years ago (1921-10-01)
Current form2023
Service branchesCentral Army
Ranger Corps
Air Corps
Civil Guard
Commander-in-chiefKhyar Aziouel
Chief-of-StaffGeneral Rezkou Goma
Military age16
Active personnel
  • 330,000
      210,000 Central Army
      100,000 Air Corps
      7,000 Ranger Corps
      13,000 civilian contractors
Reserve personnel
  • 160,000
      90,000 Civil Guard
      50,000 Border Guards
      20,000 civilian contractors
Budget$30 billion (2023)
Percent of GDP5% (2023)
Foreign suppliersMutul
Related articles
RanksSee Ranks

The Charnean Army (Tamashek: ⵉⵖⵔⵓⴷⴰⵏ ⵞⴰⵔⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵊⵁⴰⵏⴰⵏ, Iɤrudan Charnan Ajhanan, ICA) is the combined military force of the Charnean state comprising both ground-based and aerial armed forces. Chief of State Khyar Aziouel serves as the formal commander-in-chief of the ICA, while its day to day operations are overseen by Chief of the General Staff Rezkou Goma. The current structure of the ICA is the result of a series of sweeping military reforms that took place following the death of its former supreme commander Martuf Lamine in May of 2023 and the ensuing political turmoil which took place within the Army and the broader state defense apparatus. Reforms included a reorganization of the ICA general staff and high command from the ground up, a significant reduction of the officer corps and a consolidation of forces into more centralized command and logistics structures. The reformed ICA has a three-pronged structure for its combat arms, made up of the Central Army which comprises the maneuver warfare elements of the Army, the Ranger Corps which encompasses its special forces and asymmetric warfare capabilities, and the Air Corps which acts as the air wing of the ICA. Recent reforms within the civilian government saw a push to disband many of the civilian law enforcement organs which had operated in most parts of Charnea for decades, replacing them with a fourth branch of the Army to be known as the Allon Arraxmat Ajhan or Civil Guard which is to double as a reservist force for the rest of the military to draw upon in times of crisis. The recently reconstituted General Staff, the newly established AAA, and many other organs of the ICA are expected to suffer in the short and mid-term thanks to inexperienced officers and the disorganization which follows blanket military and police reforms. Nevertheless, national leaders remain confident that the ICA's strength, which they believe lies with its experienced non-commissioned officers, has been kept intact despite the reorganization.


Agala War

The Agala War (1945-1947) was a seminal conflict for the Charnean Army, serving as its first true test on the field of battle. Planners in the preceding decades had largely organized and equipped the ICA to fight a defensive war in the desert, using mobility and many time tested battle tactics of the Tenerian nomads to interdict and frustrate any attempt to invade the desert country by an foreign power. The Agala conflict, which involved the secession of the Zarma people of southern Charnea from the country, forced this military body organized for an elastic defense against an outside invasion to redeploy the units at its disposal in improvises offensive strategies to defeat the forces of the Agala Republic and prevent the breakaway state from asserting its independence. The war allowed the ICA to field many of its modern weapon systems, including ground-attack aircraft, a rail-supported motorized logistics system and the then cutting edge A45 Torka armored car which would become the star of the Agala campaign. The Charnean Army acquitted itself well in conventional combat early on but soon proved vulnerable to the asymmetric warfare tactics of the Zarma partisans formed from the survivors of the Agala Republic's defeated military forces.

What appeared to be a quick victory for the better trained and equipped Charnean Army evolved into a protracted counterinsurgency in the Agala highlands in which the Zarma partisans often matched the ICA in mobility and tactical flexibility, moving with the support of Zarma tribesmen through the hills and valleys of the region and frequently outpacing their Charnean adversary attempting to pursue them. Humiliated by the victories of lightly armed tribesmen over the recently reformed and well equipped Charnean forces, the ICA leadership resorted to widespread depredations against the general Zarma populace of the Agala. In particular, the ICA culled the herds of livestock which served as the main livelihood for much of the Zarma people, creating a famine which gripped the Agala region. The military largely pulled out of the hills where they faced frequent insurgent attacks, returning to their bases in fortified towns, urban centers and army camps where they established refugee and famine relief centers, offering the Zarma people the choice between entering military custody voluntarily or facing the starvation which the ICA had engineered. Now stripped of their support network and facing food shortages themselves, the Zarma partisans were drawn out to fight in increasingly one sided engagements against the Charnean Army. The actions of the ICA aimed at defeating the partisans no matter the human cost are remembered today as the Zarma genocide, in which the culture and ancestral way of life of the Zarma people was systematically targeted and largely destroyed by Charnean soldiers throughout the course of the war.

The aftermath of the Agala War would prove highly consequential for the future of Charnea and its armed forces. Many soldiers and officers of the Charnean Army had ordered or themselves perpetrated serious offenses against the Army's own code of conduct, some of which were internationally recognized war crimes. While some individuals of the Charnean Army received international sanctions as a result of their actions, the overwhelming majority of Charnean war criminals received full pardons from the Charnean government. Extensive records of the wartime Charnean Army were classified or destroyed after the war, frustrating any subsequent efforts to uncover the true extent of Charnean war crimes in the Agala War. Following the end of the war, the Charnean government funded a resettlement program which relocated hundreds of thousands of Zarma refugees from their ancestral homeland to the major Charnea cities, especially Agnannet, where they would become a part of the industrial workforce of the nascent Charnean manufacturing and processing sectors. Alienated from their traditions and many important elements of their culture, the urbanized Zarma partially assimilated into the culture of these Tenerian cities, with less than 2,000 known speakers of the Zarma language remaining in modern Charnea. The wartime actions of the Charnean Army and the Charnean government's tacit endorsement of the measures deemed justified in the name of victory fundamentally changed the nature of the Charnean Army as an institution to an increasingly insular, more opaque body with the unconditional support of the Charnean civilian government.

Interwar Years

Ninvite War

Defense doctrine

As a desert nation entirely engulfed within the expanse of the Ninva, Charnea's production and population statistics face ever-present downward pressures due to the inter-related bottlenecks of water scarcity and insufficient production of foodstuffs which impose an upper limit on the size of the population and industrial base the Charnean economy can support. Although a savvy development scheme has proven capable of extending Charnea's limits, the persistent economic constraints the nation faces have made it unfeasible for it to raise the massive military force that would be necessary to actively patrol and defend the 12,000 kilometers of external frontiers against Charnea's many neighbors. However, the landscape of Charnea forces the population and the national industry to concentrate in six relatively compact regions scattered across the country, interlinked by the Great Backbone railway. Defending these six urban-industrial zones separated by hundreds of kilometers of desert is a challenging proposition but one that is more manageable than defending the entire de jure territory of Charnea. The Charnean national defense state has been built around a strategy of deep defense, prioritizing the capacity to delay the enemy, inflict casualties and threaten enemy logistics over holding ground or carrying out breakthrough operations.

The modern Charnean Army, however, is first and foremost a counter-insurgency force. Drawing from the lessons of Charnea's 20th century wars, the defense state has recognized that the threat to Charnean national integrity does not necessarily take the form of the conventional military force of a rival nation but rather the capacity of neighboring states to influence the minority groups which inhabit the Charnean periphery. Separatist movements have indeed proven to be the single greatest foe of the Charnean Army in terms of the number of battles and conflicts fought against such forces, while the prospect of a direct invasion by a foreign enemy seeking to cut off or capture the Charnea core regions remains a dire but unlikely possibility. Air mobility and reconnaissance have been the key capabilities on which the Charnean Army has placed emphasis when it comes to its counter-insurgency operations, which have been built around the Charnean vertical envelopment tactic known as Ahoyy. Another adaptation of the Charnean Army to the difficulties of counter-insurgency has been to adopt the asymmetric warfare tactics of their enemies, giving rise to the Desert Ranger Corps which serves as an independent hybrid intelligence-covert action arm of the ICA focused on combating insurgent forces.

While the Agala War demonstrated that the Charnean Army needed to adapt to face the most immediate threats of internal guerillas rather than foreign militaries, the Ninvite War proved that counter-insurgency could not be disjointed and treated as separate from conventional warfare against an opposing military. The resulting consolidation of counter-insurgency and conventional warfare gave rise to the modern Charnean Hybrid Defense Doctrine. The aim of the modern Charnean Army is to be above all a flexible force, both in the conventional sense of utilizing various platforms to achieve superior mobility and outmaneuver the enemy, and in the broader strategic sense of using every available avenue to apply pressure on the enemy no matter how unconventional. The concrete results of the Hybrid Defense Doctrine have been to reform the post-Ninvite War ICA to seek, to the extent that is practical, to procure equipment and train in tactics which can be put to use regardless of the nature of the opposing forces. In this way, the doctrine directly informs the organizational structure and material characteristics of the Charnean Army.


The nature of the manpower available to the military has a profound effect on the military culture of the Charnean Army. Since the industrialization of Charnea over the 1920s, the manpower of the Charnean Army has been overwhelmingly drawn from the rural Tenerian population known as Kel Ajama Tenerians or simply Ajamites. The Ajamites represent a subset of Tenerians who did not take part in the initial urbanization waves and retained the ancestral nomadic customs of the Tenerians, and as a result did not benefit from the increases in standard of living that their urban cousins enjoyed through the success of Charnean industry. Lacking access to education and job opportunities, the Kel Ajama became an economically depressed demographic and as a result have flocked to the Charnean Army as a means to make a decent living and escape poverty. On the other side of the equation, the Charnean Army sought out Ajamite recruits over others as they were both pre-adapted to operations in the desert environment through their nomadic upbringing, and would accept a more modest rate of pay compared to their urban counterparts. Ajamite soldiers also have the tendency to stay in the Army for far longer periods than urban Tenerians as military service is perceived as a career unto itself rather than a temporary step to develop skills or a more lucrative career in the civilian sector. The result has been a general militarization of the Kel Ajama and by the same token the infusion of the austere culture of the nomadic desert-dwellers into the Charnean Army. Ajamites, who make up just 10% of the overall population, account for roughly 75% (aprox. 367,000) of the Army's servicemembers. This figure in turn represents 4 out of every 5 Ajamite males between the ages of 16 and 45.

The quarter of the Charnean Army which is not Ajamite can be further subdivided into a urban Tenerians and a multitude of non-Tenerian minority groups. Urban Tenerians generally fill the more technically demanding specialist roles in the Army which require extensive education and familiarity with specialized technological equipment. These positions normally correspond to low to mid-level officer ranks, making the urban Tenerians on average the highest paid demographic contingent of the Army. On the other end of the spectrum are the non-Tenerians, namely Charnean Gharibs and Deshrians, who fill the lowest paid ranks of paramilitary auxiliary units of the Charnean Army. The Ranger Corps is predominantly composed of non-Tenerian manpower, although it is a relatively small formation of just 7,000 total members.

The general mobilization that accompanied the escalation of the Ninvite War represents the only time in Charnea's modern history that a system of conscription has been put into practice. Under normal conditions, even during a mobilization for counter-insurgency operations, the Charnean Army operates as an effectively volunteer-only force thanks in no small part to the disproportionate numbers of Ajamite volunteers available for service. The 16-45 demographic, considered to be military-aged by the Charnean Army, is nevertheless required to register with the ICA Mobilization Office in case of the need for a mass mobilization in an emergency. However, those inscribed in the Mobilization Officer registers are not required to to preform any compulsory service. Charnean doctrine with regards to mobilization primarily relies on the use of standing police units and paramilitaries as a pool of reserve manpower to get the Army through the initial stages of a conflict and buy time for civilians to be mobilized and receive adequate training before being sent as reinforcements to the Army.



Charnean Unit International Equivalent Troop Numbers Commander Rank
Army 100,000 - 200,000 OF-10
Corps 60,000 OF-9
Division 15,000 OF-7
Brigade 2,000 - 5,000 OF-5
Regiment 1,000 OF-4
Battalion 500 OF-3
Company 100 - 250 OF-2
Platoon 24-50 OR-9
Section 12-25 OR-6
Squad 12 OR-5

The main body of the ICA is the Central Army which represents the whole of the standing ground combat forces of Charnea. The Central Army is organized into 17 independent divisions with a nominal strength of 12,000, alongside the 6,000 military and civilian personnel of the Central Command. Logistical, medical, fire support and mobility are fully integrated at the divisional level in order to enable each ICA division to operate independently in the field as needed. This is backed by the Charnean practices of flexible operations and the constant shuffling of all 17 active divisions all across the country to respond to geographically dispersed threats, rotate troops in and out of active combat zones, and as a measure to prevent commanders from forming ties with local figures which could lead to military corruption. This philosophy of autonomous units with integrated support structures continues from the divisional level all the way down to the battalion or even company level, enabling the larger Central Army formations to break up into smaller self-sustaining units as the situation demands. In order to maximize their tactical and operational mobility, the Central Army is primarily equipped with a number of wheeled fighting vehicles ranging from armored cars to wheeled IFVs. Wheeled platforms are preffered due to their lower cost and superior land speed compared to tracked vehicles, despite the latter's better ground pressure and thus superior performance in sandy desert terrain. Unarmored Carryall trucks are also used in large numbers for logistics and fire support roles.

The Central Army is supported by the forces of the Army Air Corps, an equivalent to the independent Air Force branch of other militaries that is subordinated to the Army's command structure. The Air Corps is staffed by 100,000 personnel. The Air Corps is subdivided into Tactical Air Groups, which are attached to the Central Army divisions and exist to provide the necessary airborne fire support and airlift capabilities for their missions, as well as eastern and western Strategic Air Groups which encompass the independent aerial warfare capabilities of the Air Corps, primarily long ranged bomber wings and strategic air defense units. The Tactical Air Groups are primarily equipped with attack helicopters, ground-attack aircraft and logistical support craft including fixed and rotary wing transport aircraft and carry out a combination of close air support, tactical bombing and logistical support missions. Close integration with lower level units of the Central Army has produced the well-known Ahoyy Companies, hybrid counter-insurgency formations specializing in airmobile warfare.

The smallest organ of the ICA's combat arms are the Desert Ranger Corps, an independent force comprising roughly 7,000 personnel. Their stated mission is expansive and covers most aspects of asymmetric and irregular warfare as well as covert operations, although they are best defined as a semi-autonomous military intelligence organ of the Charnean Army. The Rangers' organization consists of a main body of intelligence personnel with a focus on human intelligence and infiltration, with a much smaller complimentary force of highly trained special operations troops of acting on key intelligence gathered by their counterparts. Although they are specialized for counter-insurgency operations within Charnea, the Rangers have shown themselves capable in limited foreign deployments and are also earmarked as stay-behind forces in the event of a hostile invasion of Charnean territory.

There are two law enforcement organs under the auspices of the Charnean Army. The first and largest of these are the Civil Guard, which is planned to peak at a strength of 90,000. They function as a military gendarmerie intended to replace civilian police forces in many Charnean municipalities over concerns of corruption and infiltration by criminal elements. These new military law enforcement officers are expected to be drawn from a stock of new recruits trained for civilian policing tasks, although reserve and retired Central Army forces have been employed in these roles as a stopgap measure to make up the necessary numbers of officers as the organization emerges from its infancy. Civil Guards are organized in a similar principle to their combat arms counterparts, forming local units according to the security needs of the area. Their status as military personnel would also allow command staff to frequently shuffle personnel from place to place, a measure which is believed to greatly mitigate the risk of corruption. Deploying law enforcement personnel to areas with which they have no personnel connection is also intended to reduce the risk of corruption or criminal infiltration. Unlike the Civil Guard, the ICA Border Guards are treated as an integrated element of the Central Army rather than a separate service branch. However, they are both intended to function as a reserve manpower pool for the ICA combat arms to draw upon as needed.


Commissioned Ranks

OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OA
ⵣⴻⴳⵔⴻⵜ ⴰⵎⵏⴻⵔ
Zegret Amner
Major General
ⴰⵎⴰⴷⵀⴰⵍ ⴰⵎⵏⴻⵔ
Amadhal Amner
Lieutenant General
See OF-5 ⴰⵍⴽoⵍⵏⴻⵍ
ⵎⴰⵙⵙⵉ ⵏ'ⴰⵍⵍⴰⵖ
Massi N'Allaɣ

Enlisted Ranks

OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1
ⵣⴻⴳⵔⴻⵜ ⴰⵊⵓⵜⴰⵏ
Zegret Ajutan
ⵣⴻⴳⵔⴻⵜ ⴽⵓⵎⴰⵏⴷⵉ
Zegret Kumandi
See OR-1 See OR-1 ⵉⵙⴻⵔⴷⵓⵙⵙⴰ