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The following templates, {{Officeholder table start}}, {{Officeholder table}} and {{Officeholder table end}} can be used to create a uniform lists in a table format across different types of executives (e.g. politicians, military officers, government officials and others).


Officeholder table start

Parameter Description Example Default value
showorder = y Creates a column for numbering the persons who is displayed in the list.   not displayed
showseat = y Creates a column for seat numbers. This parameter can be used in the lists of members of legislative Assemblies.   not displayed
showimage = y Creates a column for portrait photos.   not displayed
image_title Headline for image. It is used with the parameter showimage = y. Portrait empty
officeholder_title Title of the position of the list relates to. Minister of Finance Name
showtitle = y Creates the column title. It can be used in lists where different officeholders had different titles.   not displayed
showtermstart = n Hides the column for the start of the term of service.   displayed
showtermend = n Hides the column for the end of the term of service.   displayed
showtimeinoffice = y Creates the column time in office.   not displayed
showparty = n Hides the column for political party.   displayed
showotherparty = y Displays a column for alternative party.   not displayed
otherparty_title Title for the column alternative party. It is used with the parameter showotherparty = y.   not displayed
showelection = y Creates column for elections. It can be used in lists of officeholders that are elected to the position.   not displayed
election_title Headline for election. It is used with the parameter showelection = y. Presidential election Election
showconstituency = y Creates the column constituency. It can be used in the lists of members of legislative Assemblies.   not displayed
showdefencebranch = y Creates a column for military branches. It can be used in lists of military officers.   not displayed
showpreviousoffice = y Creates a column for the previous office of the listed person.   not displayed
defence_branch_title = y Headline for the column military branch. It is used with the parameter showdefencebranch = y. Defence branch Defence branch
showaltofficeholder = y Creates a column for alternative officeholders (e.g. head of government or deputy).   not displayed
alt_officeholder_title Headline for the column alternative officeholder. It is used with the parameter showaltofficeholder = y. Vice President
showcoalition = y Creates a column for the parties in a coalition government. It can be used in lists of heads of government.   not displayed
showcabinet = y Creates a column for cabinets.   not displayed
showref = y Creates a column for citing sources.   not displayed


The template {{Officeholder table start}} create table headers and is added into the top of the table. Then put in a {{Officeholder table}} for each new officeholders in chronological order, with the first one in the top. The template {{Officeholder table end}} completes the table and are placed at the bottom of the table.

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder                     = 
| showseat                      = 
| showimage                     = 
| officeholder_title            = 
| showtitle                     = 
| showtermstart                 = 
| showtermend                   = 
| showparty                     = 
| showotherparty                = 
| otherparty_title              = 
| showelection                  = 
| election_title                = 
| showconstituency              = 
| showtermlenght                = 
| showdefencebranch             = 
| defence_branch_title          = 
| showpreviousoffice            = 
| showaltofficeholder           = 
| alt_officeholder_title        = 
| showcabinet                   = 
| cabinet_title                 = 
| showref                       = 

{{Officeholder table
| order                         = 
| seat                          = 
| image                         = |bSize = |cWidth = |cHeight = |oTop = |oLeft = 
| military_rank                 = 
| officeholder                  = 
| officeholder_sort             = 
| officeholder_altname          = 
| officeholder_note             = 
| acting                        = y 
| born_year                     = 
| died_year                     = 
| substitute                    = 
| title                         = 
| term_start                    = 
| term_end                      = 
| timeinoffice                  = 
| died                          = y 
| party                         = 
| party_entry                   = 
| party_exit                    = 
| party_note                    = 
| party2                        = 
| party2_entry                  = 
| party2_exit                   = 
| party2_note                   = 
| party3                        = 
| party3_entry                  = 
| party3_exit                   = 
| party3_note                   = 
| party4                        = 
| party4_entry                  = 
| party4_exit                   = 
| party4_note                   = 
| party5                        = 
| party5_entry                  = 
| party5_exit                   = 
| party5_note                   = 
| otherparty                    = 
| otherparty_entry              = 
| otherparty_exit               = 
| otherparty_note               = 
| otherparty2                   = 
| otherparty2_entry             = 
| otherparty2_exit              = 
| otherparty2_note              = 
| otherparty3                   = 
| otherparty3_entry             = 
| otherparty3_exit              = 
| otherparty3_note              = 
| otherparty4                   = 
| otherparty4_entry             = 
| otherparty4_exit              = 
| otherparty4_note              = 
| otherparty5                   = 
| otherparty5_entry             = 
| otherparty5_exit              = 
| otherparty5_note              = 
| election                      = 
| election2                     = 
| election3                     = 
| election4                     = 
| election5                     = 
| constituency                  = 
| defence_branch                = 
| previous_office               = 
| alt_officeholder              = 
| alt_officeholder_sort         = 
| alt_officeholder_party        = 
| alt_officeholder_term_start   = 
| alt_officeholder_term_end     = 
| alt_officeholder2             = 
| alt_officeholder2_party       = 
| alt_officeholder2_term_start  = 
| alt_officeholder2_term_end    = 
| alt_officeholder3             = 
| alt_officeholder3_party       = 
| alt_officeholder3_term_start  = 
| alt_officeholder3_term_end    = 
| alt_officeholder4             = 
| alt_officeholder4_party       = 
| alt_officeholder4_term_start  = 
| alt_officeholder4_term_end    = 
| alt_officeholder5             = 
| alt_officeholder5_party       = 
| alt_officeholder5_term_start  = 
| alt_officeholder5_term_end    = 
| coalition                     = 
| coalition_term_start          = 
| coalition_term_end            = 
| coalition2                    = 
| coalition2_term_start         = 
| coalition2_term_end           = 
| coalition3                    = 
| coalition3_term_start         = 
| coalition3_term_end           = 
| coalition4                    = 
| coalition4_term_start         = 
| coalition4_term_end           = 
| coalition5                    = 
| coalition5_term_start         = 
| coalition5_term_end           = 
| cabinet                       = 
| cabinet_term_start            = 
| cabinet_term_end              = 
| cabinet2                      = 
| cabinet2_term_start           = 
| cabinet2_term_end             = 
| cabinet3                      = 
| cabinet3_term_start           = 
| cabinet3_term_end             = 
| cabinet4                      = 
| cabinet4_term_start           = 
| cabinet4_term_end             = 
| cabinet5                      = 
| cabinet5_term_start           = 
| cabinet5_term_end             = 
| ref                           = 

{{Officeholder table end}}


Political lists


The following example show a people, who has served as the Minister of Justice of Sweden. One shows a how the regular table looks like, while the other shows how it looks like when the person served as an acting minister.

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder                     = y
| showimage                     = y
| showtermlenght                = y
| showaltofficeholder           = y
| alt_officeholder_title        = [[Prime Minister of Sweden|Prime Minister]]
| officeholder_title            = Minister of Justice
{{Officeholder table
| order                         = –
| officeholder                  = [[Anna-Greta Leijon]]
| image                         = Anna-Greta Leijon.JPG
| officeholder_sort             = Leijon, Anna-Greta
| born_year                     = 1939
| term_start                    = {{Start date|1983|11|11}}
| term_end                      = {{Start date|1983|11|15}}
| timeinoffice                  = {{Age in years and days|1983|11|10|1983|11|15}}
| party                         = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| alt_officeholder              = [[Olof Palme]]
| alt_officeholder_sort         = Palme, Olof
| alt_officeholder_party        = Swedish Social Democratic Party
| acting                        = y
{{Officeholder table
| order                         = 39
| officeholder                  = [[Beatrice Ask]]
| image                         = Beatrice Ask 1c310 7102.jpg|bSize = 100px|cWidth = 100|cHeight = 125|oTop = 7|oLeft = 0
| officeholder_sort             = Ask, Beatrice
| born_year                     = 1956
| term_start                    = {{Start date|2006|10|6}}
| term_end                      = {{Start date|2014|10|3}}
| timeinoffice                  = {{Age in years and days|2006|10|6|2014|10|3}}
| party                         = Moderate Party
| alt_officeholder              = [[Fredrik Reinfeldt]]
| alt_officeholder_sort         = Reinfeldt, Fredrik
| alt_officeholder_party        = Moderate Party
{{Officeholder table end}}
No. Portrait Minister of Justice Took office Left office Time in office Party Prime Minister
Anna-Greta Leijon
Leijon, Anna-GretaAnna-Greta Leijon
(born 1939)
November 11, 1983 (1983-11-11)November 15, 1983 (1983-11-15)5 days Social DemocratsPalme, OlofOlof Palme (S/SAP)
Beatrice Ask
Ask, BeatriceBeatrice Ask
(born 1956)
October 6, 2006 (2006-10-06)October 3, 2014 (2014-10-03)7 years, 362 days ModerateReinfeldt, FredrikFredrik Reinfeldt (M)

Prime Minister

An other example of a political list is the use of the template {{Officeholder table coalition}}, and the parameter order2 = y with political party. The following list show persons, who has served as Prime Minister of Denmark.

{{Officeholder table start
| showorder                        = y
| showimage                        = y
| officeholder_title               = Prime Minister
| showtermlenght                   = y
| showelection                     = y
| showcoalition                    = y
| showcabinet                      = y
| party_col                        = 1
{{Officeholder table
| order2                           = 40
| image                            = Lars Løkke Rasmussen - 2009.jpg
| officeholder                     = [[Lars Løkke Rasmussen]]
| officeholder_sort                = Rasmussen, Lars Løkke
| born_year                        = 1964
| term_start                       = 5 April 2009
| term_end                         = 3 October 2011
| timeinoffice                     = {{age in years and days|2009|4|5|2011|10|3}}
| alt_party                        = Venstre (Denmark)
| election                         = —
| cabinet                          = [[Lars Løkke Rasmussen I Cabinet|L.L. Rasmussen]]
| coalition                        = {{Officeholder table coalition
  | party    = Venstre (Denmark)
  | party2   = Conservative People's Party (Denmark)
{{Officeholder table
| order2                           = 41
| image                            = Helle Thorning-Schmidt portrait.jpg
| officeholder                     = [[Helle Thorning-Schmidt]]
| officeholder_sort                = Thorning-Schmidt, Helle
| born_year                        = 1966
| term_start                       = 3 October 2011
| timeinoffice                     = {{age in years and days|2011|10|3}}
| alt_party                        = Social Democrats (Denmark)
| election                         = [[Danish general election, 2011|2011]]
| cabinet                          = [[Helle Thorning-Schmidt I Cabinet|Thorning-Schmidt I]]
| coalition                        = {{Officeholder table coalition
  | party    = Social Democrats (Denmark)
  | party2   = Danish Social Liberal Party
  | party3   = Socialist People's Party (Denmark)
| coalition_term_start             = 2011
| coalition_term_end               = 2014
| cabinet2                         = [[Helle Thorning-Schmidt II Cabinet|Thorning-Schmidt II]]
| coalition2                       = {{Officeholder table coalition
  | party    = Social Democrats (Denmark)
  | party2   = Danish Social Liberal Party
| coalition2_term_start            = 2014
{{Officeholder table end}}
No. Portrait Prime Minister Took office Left office Time in office Party Election Coalition Cabinet
Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Rasmussen, Lars LøkkeLars Løkke Rasmussen
(born 1964)
5 April 20093 October 20112 years, 181 daysVenstreTemplate:Officeholder table coalitionL.L. Rasmussen I
Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Thorning-Schmidt, HelleHelle Thorning-Schmidt
(born 1966)
3 October 201128 June 20153 years, 268 daysSocial Democrats2011Template:Officeholder table coalition
(2011 – 2014)
Template:Officeholder table coalition
(since 2014)
Thorning-Schmidt I
Thorning-Schmidt II

Supporting template

See also