Administrative Divisions of Venadia: Difference between revisions

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Red: Great City
Orange: Tysyacha
Blue: Volost

Administrative divisions of Venadia, or Political divisions of Venadia, are the various administrative entities that altogether constitute the Republic of Venadia. Venadia is a unitary state, and the internal autonomy of most administrative divisions are limited to those explicitly granted to them by the Great Veche. These divisions, with the exception of Great Cities, are then further subdivided into administrative entities of their own. The name of these local entities vary from division to division.

Three primary administrative divisions exist directly below that of the central Venadian state, those being Great City, Volost and Tysyacha. All these divisions are responsible for managing their own police forces, education up to but not including the tertiary level, environmental protection, some welfare benefits, infrastructure barring the railways and highways, courts of law and healthcare. They are provided a mixture of earmarked funds and discretionary funds from the National Budget with which to provide adequate services for their population. Individual divisions may also implement a limited series of taxes for which to fund public services, limited to property taxes (up to 0.5%) and sales taxes (up to 10%).

For the purposes of national elections, no constituency may overlap two separate divisions. Party list votes are accumulated based on larger regions rather than individual divisions, of which Venadia has 8 regions. Regions are also used for certain census-collecting activities, and in the case of the Northern and Eastern Regions, some public services.

Types of Administrative Division

Great City

Venadia has a total of two Great Cities, the cities of Venagorod and Khandagrad. The Great Cities include both the cities proper, as well as the metropolitan areas of the respective cities. Great Cities have no further formal subdivision. Great Cities are led by a Grand City Veche and a Prince appointed by the Veche who acts as the cities' executive bodies.


Venadia has a total of 13 Tysyacha, primarily located in the north-west and central areas of the country. The Tysyacha are the Venadian heartland, but in the modern day have nearly identical administrative processes as the Volosts. Tysyacha are led by a Regional Veche and its Prince, as well as a Governor appointed by the state. The Governor of a Tysyacha have very limited authority, but may veto decisions by the Regional Veche. Tysyacha are all divided into Mirs and Gorods, being the rural and urban administrative subdivisions.


Venadia has a total of 16 volosts, located primarily in the south and east of the country. The Volosts tend to be more religiously and ethnically diverse than Tysyacha, although the south-western Volosts are also Venadian-majority divisions. Like Tysyacha, Volosts are governed by a Regional Veche but lacks a locally appointed Prince. The Governor appointed by the central state acts as the head of the executive body, and possess a veto on any decision undertaken by the Regional Veche. However, Volosts also have a greater amount of local autonomy than Tysyacha and Great Cities, and may implement limited regional laws with the approval of the central government and the Governor and may levy increased regional and local taxes. The names and responsibilities of the local subdivisions in the Volosts varies.

List of Administrative Divisions

Great Cities, Volosty and Tysyacha of Venadia
Population densities of Venadian districts
Name Type Population 1000 Km^2 Density Capital Largest Ethnic Group Region
File:Venagorod flag.jpg Venagorod Great City 8,648,385 22 393 Venadian Capital Region
File:Khandagrad flag.png Khandagrad Great City 15.3 million 44 348 Venadian Kandovy Region
File:Naskoslav tysyacha flag.png Naskoslav Tysyacha 9.2 million 208 44 Borizan Venadian Capital Region
File:Khandagrad tysyacha flag.png Khandagrad Tysyacha Tysyacha 7.3 million 276 26 Khandagrad Venadian Kandovy Region
File:Chirov tysyacha flag.png Chirov Tysyacha Tysyacha 6.5 million 405 16 Chirov Venadian Capital Region
File:Venagorod tysyacha flag.png Venagorod Tysyacha Tysyacha 5.0 million 233 21 Venagorod Venadian Capital Region
File:Tonovsk tysyacha flag.png Tonovsk Tysyacha 4.3 million 262 16 Khasabodny Venadian Tarmanovy Region
File:Liskovsk tysyacha flag.png Liskovsk Tysyacha 3.9 million 161 24 Magaksary Venadian Kandovy Region
File:Arzargut tysyacha flag.png Arzargut Tysyacha 3.8 million 190 20 Krasnorod Venadian Tarmanovy Region
File:Ishichensk tysyacha flag.png Ishichensk Tysyacha 3.7 million 164 22 Novokuvsk Venadian Tarmanovy Region
File:Yelevichi tysyacha flag.png Yelevichi Tysyacha 3.5 million 159 22 Boriskovsk Venadian Tarmanovy Region
File:Svokin tysyacha flag.png Svokin Tysyacha 2.5 million 222 11 Alekseigrad Venadian Tarmanovy Region
File:Reloslav tysyacha flag.png Reloslav Tysyacha 2.1 million 138 15 Armasnoy Venadian Southern Region
File:Kostrovsk tysyacha flag.png Kostrovsk Tysyacha Tysyacha 1.2 million 1847 0.6 Kostrovsk Venadian Northern Region
File:Akhodka tysyacha flag.png Akhodka Tysyacha 0.9 million 1338 0.7 Domozov Venadian Northern Region
File:Viniya flag.png Viniya Volost 11.7 million 346 33 Viniyagorod Venadian Southern Region
File:Ilveria flag.png Ilveria Volost Volost 8.5 million 844 10 Rugagrad Venadian South-East Region
File:Kamerod flag.png Kamerod Volost 8.4 million 383 22 Kamyrino Venadian Belavenadia
File:Liga flag.png Liga Volost Volost 7.3 million 152 48 Liga White Venadian Belavenadia
File:Boldiria flag.png Boldiria Volost 6.5 million 505 13 Vysitsyn Boldirian South-East Region
File:Oskov flag.png Oskov Volost 5.9 million 169 35 Nikograd White Venadian Belavenadia
File:Undreshistan flag.png Undreshistan Volost 5.1 million 341 15 Al-Undresh Undreshistani South-East Region
File:Kirolozhsk flag.png Kirolozhsk Volost 4.9 million 311 16 Norisnovy Venadian Southern Region
File:Someria flag.png Someria Volost 4.4 million 232 19 Blaustadt Venadian South-East Region
File:Proylopol flag.png Proylopol Volost Volost 4.2 million 247 17 Proylopol Venadian Southern Region
File:Drast flag.png Drast Volost 4.1 million 192 21 Tomolevsk White Venadian Belavenadia
File:Aljeti Orkotka flag.png Aljeti-Orkotka Volost 3.0 million 760 4 Tongelsk Venadian Eastern Region
File:Koni volost flag.png Koni Volost Volost 2.9 million 1932 1.5 Vysitsyn Koni Northern Region
File:Pervous flag.jpg Pervous Volost 2.6 million 848 3 Rybiry Venadian Eastern Region
File:Jewish volost flag.png Jewish Volost Volost 1.9 million 286 6 Maxburg Jewish Eastern Region
File:Salavsk flag.png Salavsk Volost 1.3 million 130 10 Salagorod Venadian Southern Region