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| exsupervisor = Ishaq Nurqifli
| exsupervisor = Ishaq Nurqifli
| exproducer = Hanna Rogernayan
| exproducer = Hanna Rogernayan
| winner =  
| winner = "ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ" by Andi Tenriatta Namian
| vote = Each region sends five-member juries where each votes 1,3,5,7, and 10 for the best 5 songs, added with online vote using Propotional Vote.
| vote = Each region sends five-member juries where each votes 1,3,5,7, and 10 for the best 5 songs, added with online vote using Propotional Vote.
| host = Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosin-Nagan (RTHY/MN)
| host = Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosin-Nagan (RTHY/MN)
Line 19: Line 19:

This is the first time that Mosin-Nagan hosted the after the female duo Shisharin Aunashvili and Mikaela Nabarniyan (shortened to Shisha and Mika) won last year's festival held in Aaren, Daya Island with the song "პირი, თვალები, ყურები" representing Mosin-Nagan. It's the first time that the territory hosted, and the third consecutive hosting of the festival by a territory. The hosting also means that for the first time, all regions of territories of North Alezia has hosted the festival atleast once.
This is the first time that Mosin-Nagan hosted the after the female duo Shisharin Aunashvili and Mikaela Nabarniyan (shortened to Shisha and Mika) won last year's festival held in Aaren, Daya Island with the song "პირი, თვალები, ყურები" representing Mosin-Nagan. It's the first time that the territory hosted, and the third consecutive hosting of the festival by a territory. The hosting also means that for the first time, all regions of territories of North Alezia has hosted the festival atleast once.
The festival was won by Andi Tenriatta Namian with the song "ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ" representing Zafizamarrah. It is the region's sixteenth victory with the last time being 1999. The song that won is also the second song in Buginese to ever won the festival. Jury second-favourite Basna and Public favourite Pantabang Islands earned their sixth second place and second third place respectively. The song also shattered the previous record of most points accumulated, where Andi earned 416 points against Shisha and Mika's 336 points, while also setting a new record after earning 231 points in Jury. Her song also earned a vote from every single jury, which hasn't been done since three-time winner Aziz Goridagyev Novogrody did it in 1977.

The Mosin-Naganese Territorial Government immediately gave permission to the government of the city of Trishi to host the festival without holding a bid process first. This is due to the inability of other cities in the territory to host as they don't have any suiting venue to host the festival. Trishi hosting the festival was met with initial skepticism, due to its' inexperience on hosting, some even suggesting that Mosin-Nagan don't have the ability to host at all, added with some suggestion that the festival should be moved to Tel Hadiv or Yezateinu instead. However, the competition was deemed successful with minimal help from Tel Hadiv.
The Mosin-Naganese Territorial Government immediately gave permission to the government of the city of Trishi to host the festival without holding a bid process first. This is due to the inability of other cities in the territory to host as they don't have any suiting venue to host the festival. Trishi hosting the festival was met with initial skepticism, due to its' inexperience on hosting, some even suggesting that Mosin-Nagan don't have the ability to host at all, added with some suggestion that the festival should be moved to Tel Hadiv or Yezateinu instead. However, the competition was deemed successful with minimal help from Tel Hadiv.
The host city, Trishi, was and still is the capital of Mosin-Nagan. In 2004, the city houses 176,000 people. A unique feature of Trishi other than being a holiday destination for people who wanted to enjoy beaches in occasionally low temperatures, is that the city is not gathered in one place unlike other cities in North Alezia at the time. The city was separated in separate pieces where other places got to be Trishi's "Sattelite Cities"
The Mosin-Naganese hosts decided to hold the competition in what they say "the only venue in Mosin-Nagan, let alone Trishi that can host an event as massive as the AleziRadio Festival of Songs", which according to them is the Trishi Arena, where a name change would occur in 2018 changing its name into the "Trishi Gneigas Arena" Before it was expanded in 2007, the Arena could hold 15,000 people. And following the Mosin-Naganese Environmental Code, it is the first venue that hosts the AleziRadio Festival of Songs to be powered entirely of renewable sources such as wind turbines and solar panels.
It is the first time in the festival's history to introduce a change to the competition annually held a day before the festival called "the Independence Award". This year, instead of one for every region and territory, the festival organizers allowed all 18 participants to participate in the Award.
Initially there were proposals to introduce semifinals and give the participating regions and territories one to two more songs to send. But the plan was eventually shot down, due to what according to both AleziRadio and most of the regional broadcasters call "a majestic national hassle"
Graphic wise, the logo from last year was re-used with new identities, this time using blue and green into the mix, representing the sea and land while also representing Mosin-Nagan. Another feature is the bouquet of flowers on the left representing Mosin-Nagan's floral richness.
This festival is also the first time since 1985 to not include a group, and the first time since 1971 that every song was sung by a soloist.
Risli Yalevich returned after earning sixth place for Pyalivostok last year.
The list of conductors can be seen below.
{| class="wikitable"
! Region !! Conductor
| Basna || Ali Hisauradin
| Zafizamarrah || Andi Harunaddin Dami
| Pyalivostok || Lisa Navianova
| Tel Hadiv || Dorothy Weiss
| Mosin-Nagan || Ami Navidayan
| Bristol || Ann-Roberts Hailings
| Aramna || Helga Robbine
| Pantabang Islands || Cherea Alisaunitaian
| Daya Island || Amilea Samidana
==Commentators and Spokepersons==
The name written in bold is the spokeperson for that region or territory.
{| class="wikitable"
! Region !! Radio Broadcaster !! Commentators
| '''NATIONWIDE''' || ABA ||
*English: Azza Ruzindari (AR-P1), Anria Marindaruddin (ABA Channel One)
*Arabic : Farah Al Fattaharin (AR-P2), Nur Hasan Yusril (ABA Channel One, broadcasted a day after the live competition)
| Zafizamarrah || Radio Zafizamarrah ||
* Arabic: Mafzali Amiruddin (RZ-P1)
* Buginese: '''Andi Zahranita Narinda (RZ-PB)
| Pantabang Islands || Radio Zafizamarrah / Pa'ana'taba'angi ||
* Alezian : Ya'en Rama'i Dadon (RZ/P A)
* French : '''Samuel Na'ikane'i Salem (RZ/P Francais)
* Dutch : Emilio Saalvendijk (RZ/P Nederlandse)
| Tel Hadiv || Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu ||
* Hebrew : '''Sheila Rayeshmaim (RTH-Y-P1)
| Bristol || Royal Radio of Bristol ||
* English : Lisa Albertsen (RRB)
* French : '''Enis Tauberin (RFrB)
| Pyalivostok || Radio Pyalivostok ||
* Russian : '''Ani Yozyk (RP)
| Basna || Radio Basna Raya ||
* Indonesian : '''Hanzari bin Soeradi (RBR)
| Mosin-Nagan || Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosinannaganyan ||
* Georgian : '''Ami Riki (RTH-Y / MN)
| Daya Island || Radio Pyalivostok / Dayain Saari ||
* Finnish : '''Denaya Maaristo (RP / DS)
* Swedish : Lovera (RP / DS / Svensk)
| Aramna || Araminhaes Radioues ||
* Aramnan : '''Anne Lozeinnavais (ARR)
| ''South Alezia || Televisie Alezie-Suid || ''no commentary and no jury
==Participating Entries and Results==
* "*" = the singer won the '''Independence Award''' which was held the day before the competition.
* The song for the '''Independence Award''' for the year was "My Little Pandan Tree" sung by Uzairi Hami in 1922
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! No. !! Region !! Singer !! Song !! Translation !! Language !! Place !! Points
| 01 || Mosin-Nagan || Alli Karel || მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! || The Mosin-Naganese Tango! || Georgian || 7 || 130
| 02 || Pyalivostok || Elli Sakoleva || Не || Don't || Russian || 12 || 77
| 03 || Zafizamarrah || Andi Aminaturidah || ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ || Don't Leave Me || Buginese || 4 || 238
|- style="font-weight:bold;background:silver"
| 04 || Basna || '''Zahruddin* || Semuanya || All || Indonesian || 2 || 255
| 05 || Bristol || Michael Ross || For Every Way I'll Go || - || English || 10 || 93
| 06 || Pyalivostok || Risli Yalevich || Минуты превратились в часы || Minutes turned into Hours || Russian || 18 || 8
| 07 || Aramna || Carlouse Dannanovais || Klop! || Clap! || Aramnan || 16 || 24
|- style="font-weight:bold;background:gold"
| 08 || Zafizamarrah || Andi Tenriatta Namian || ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ || He's My First Love || Buginese || 1 || 416
| 09 || Aramna || Eldi Sammoulinet || Grandiose || -none- || Aramnan || 6 || 160
| 10 || Basna || Anzari Loutfi || Di Antara Kau dan Dia || Between You and Him || Indonesian || 15 || 29
| 11 || Bristol || Anne Roubinet || Mais ce n'est pas mon destin || But It's Not My Fate || French || 14 || 42
| 12 || Daya Island || Ani Sounnerbou || Igen, igen, igen || Again, Again, Again || Swedish || 13 || 48
| 13 || Mosin-Nagan || Hari David || Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული || Save My Soul || Georgian || 11 || 89
| 14 || Daya Island || Lilia Kaasulainen || Kylmä sydän lämmittää || My Cold Heart Warms || Finnish || 5 || 208
| 15 || Tel Hadiv || Yossi Neshzar || תודה לה || Thank Her || Hebrew || 8 || 130
|- style="font-weight:bold;background:sienna"
| 16 || Pantabang Islands || Dessi Dora || Bande-annonce du film || Movie Teaser || French || 3 || 245
| 17 || Pantabang Islands || Karri Na'ukane'i Makarina || Ka'e kaha'aka'i || The Beach || Alezian || 17 || 19
| 18 || Tel Hadiv || Anishza Meszerin || כן, כן, לא, לא || Yeah, Yeah, No, No || Hebrew || 9 || 130
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!  !! MN-1 !! MN-2 !! MN-3 !! MN-4 !! MN-5 !! PY-1 !! PY-2 !! PY-3 !! PY-4 !! PY-5 !! ZF-1 !! ZF-2 !! ZF-3 !! ZF-4 !! ZF-5 !! BN-1 !! BN-2 !! BN-3 !! BN-4 !! BN-5 !! BR-1 !! BR-2 !! BR-3 !! BR-4 !! BR-5 !! AR-1 !! AR-2 !! AR-3 !! AR-4 !! AR-5 !! DI-1 !! DI-2 !! DI-3 !! DI-4 !! DI-5 !! TH-1 !! TH-2 !! TH-3 !! TH-4 !! TH-5 !! PI-1 !! PI-2 !! PI-3 !! PI-4 !! PI-5 !! JURY TOTAL !! PUBLIC TOTAL !! GRAND TOTAL
| მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 5 ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  || 7 || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 7 ||  || 5 ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 63 || 67 || 130
| Не || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  || 3 ||  || 5 ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  || 7 ||  || 1 || 5 || 5 ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 7 || 1 ||  ||  || 63 || 14 || 77
| ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ || 7 || 7 || 7 || 5 || 1 || 7 || 3 ||  || 1 || 5 || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  || 7 || 10 ||  || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 5 || 7 || 10 ||  || 7 ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  || 5 || 7 || 10 ||  ||  ||  || 10 || 7 || 7 || style="font-weight:bold;background:silver" | 150 || 88 || 238
| Semuanya ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  || 5 ||  ||  ||  || 10 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 10 || 5 || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 5 ||  || 7 ||  || 5 ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  || 5 || style="font-weight:bold;background:sienna" | 110 || style="font-weight:bold;background:sienna" | 145 || style="font-weight:bold;background:silver" | 255
| For Every Way I'll Go ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || 7 ||  ||  || 10 ||  || 5 ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 || 10 || 7 ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 45 || 48 || 93
| Минуты превратились в часы ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || style="font-weight:bold;background:red" | 0 || 8 || 8
| Klop! ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  || 3 || 3 ||  || 1 ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 14 || 10 || 24
| ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ || 10 || 3 || 5 || 10 || 7 || 3 || 7 || 1 || 10 || 7 || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX || 5 || 5 || 5 || 7 || 1 || 10 || 10 || 7 || 10 || 1 || 1 || 7 || 1 || 5 || 7 || 1 || 10 || 3 || 3 || 7 || 5 || 10 || 3 || 3 || 1 || 10 || 3 || 7 || 10 || 10 || style="font-weight:bold;background:gold" | 231 || style="font-weight:bold;background:gold" | 185 || style="font-weight:bold;background:gold" | 416
| Grandiose || 3 ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  || 5 ||  || 7 ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 39 || 121 || 160
| Di Antara Kau dan Dia ||  ||  ||  || 3 || 5 ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 19 || 10 || 29
| Mais ce n'est pas mon destin || 1 || 5 || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  || 1 || 5 ||  ||  || 3 ||  || 5 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 5 ||  ||  ||  || 35 || 7 || 42
| Igen, igen, igen ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 7 || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  || 3 ||  ||  || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || 39 || 9 || 48
| Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX || 1 || 1 ||  || 5 ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  || 1 || 7 ||  || 7 ||  || 3 ||  ||  || 3 ||  || 5 || 5 || 7 || 5 || 3 ||  ||  || 10 || 1 ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 82 || 7 || 89
| Kylmä sydän lämmittää ||  || 10 || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 7 ||  ||  ||  || 7 || 7 || 1 || 1 || 5 || 7 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX || 10 ||  ||  || 7 || 10 || 5 ||  || 3 || 5 || 3 || 101 || 107 || 208
| תודה לה ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || 3 || 10 ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 10 ||  || 1 || 5 ||  || 3 ||  || 7 || 1 || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  ||  || 5 || 3 ||  || 64 || 66 || 130
| Bande-annonce du film ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  || 5 || 5 || 3 ||  ||  || 1 || 1 ||  ||  || 3 ||  || 5 ||  ||  || 3 || 10 ||  ||  || 7 || 10 ||  ||  || 1 || 10 ||  || 3 || 1 || 1 ||  || 3 || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX || 75 || style="font-weight:bold;background:silver" | 170 || style="font-weight:bold;background:sienna" | 245
| Ka'e kaha'aka'i ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX || 3 || 16 || 19
| כן, כן, לא, לא ||  || 1 ||  || 7 ||  || 10 ||  ||  ||  || 3 || 3 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 || 5 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || XX || XX || XX || XX || XX ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || 37 || 93 || 130
===Online Vote Results===
According to the AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2004 Public Vote Collection Committee, Exactly 1,145,861,624 votes combined from online and televoting (including those who voted more than once) were valid which were sent over ARFOS Week.
For the first time in the festival's history, the exact amount of votes a song earned was also released for further transparency.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! No. !! Song !! Votes !! Percentage !! Points
| 01 || მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! || 79,288,393 || 5.71% || 67
| 02 || He || 16,229,312 || 1.17% || 14
| 03 || ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ || 104,488,329 || 7.53% || 88
| 04 || Semuanya || 172,484,329 || 12.42% || 145
| 05 || For Every Way I'll Go || 56,686,448 || 4.08% || 48
| 06 || Минуты превратились в часы || 9,555,583 || 0.69% || 8
| 07 || Klop! || 11,294,392 || 0.81% || 10
| 08 || ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ || 219,382,333 || 15.80% || 185
| 09 || Grandiose || 143,299,120 || 10.32% || 121
| 10 || Di Antara Kau dan Dia || 12,288,439 || 0.89% || 10
| 11 || Mais ce n'est pas mon destin || 8,388,219 || 0.60% || 7
| 12 || Igen, igen, igen || 11,192,382 || 0.81% || 9
| 13 || Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული || 7,774,382 || 0.56% || 7
| 14 || Kylmä sydän lämmittää || 127,282,182 || 9.17% || 107
| 15 || תודה לה || 77,824,283 || 5.61% || 66
| 16 || Bande-annonce du film || 201,299,392 || 14.50% || 170
| 17 || Ka'e kaha'aka'i || 19,293,281 || 1.39% || 16
| 18 || כן, כן, לא, לא || 110,291,291 || 7.94% || 93

Latest revision as of 09:47, 1 August 2022

AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2004
ARFOS 2004.png
Final16th of May 2004
VenueTrishi Arena, Trishi, MN
Presenter(s)Antalya Nisvirdayan, Ovi Lashvili
Musical directorEddy Roziels
Directed byNaslunika Alvinayan
Executive supervisorIshaq Nurqifli
Executive producerHanna Rogernayan
Host broadcasterRadio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosin-Nagan (RTHY/MN)
Number of entries18
Voting systemEach region sends five-member juries where each votes 1,3,5,7, and 10 for the best 5 songs, added with online vote using Propotional Vote.
Winning song"ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ" by Andi Tenriatta Namian

AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2004 is the fourty-seventh edition of the annual AleziRadio Festival of Songs. The competition was held as usual in 16th of May 2004 by the authorities of Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosin-Nagan (RTHY/MN).

This is the first time that Mosin-Nagan hosted the after the female duo Shisharin Aunashvili and Mikaela Nabarniyan (shortened to Shisha and Mika) won last year's festival held in Aaren, Daya Island with the song "პირი, თვალები, ყურები" representing Mosin-Nagan. It's the first time that the territory hosted, and the third consecutive hosting of the festival by a territory. The hosting also means that for the first time, all regions of territories of North Alezia has hosted the festival atleast once.

The festival was won by Andi Tenriatta Namian with the song "ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ" representing Zafizamarrah. It is the region's sixteenth victory with the last time being 1999. The song that won is also the second song in Buginese to ever won the festival. Jury second-favourite Basna and Public favourite Pantabang Islands earned their sixth second place and second third place respectively. The song also shattered the previous record of most points accumulated, where Andi earned 416 points against Shisha and Mika's 336 points, while also setting a new record after earning 231 points in Jury. Her song also earned a vote from every single jury, which hasn't been done since three-time winner Aziz Goridagyev Novogrody did it in 1977.

The Mosin-Naganese Territorial Government immediately gave permission to the government of the city of Trishi to host the festival without holding a bid process first. This is due to the inability of other cities in the territory to host as they don't have any suiting venue to host the festival. Trishi hosting the festival was met with initial skepticism, due to its' inexperience on hosting, some even suggesting that Mosin-Nagan don't have the ability to host at all, added with some suggestion that the festival should be moved to Tel Hadiv or Yezateinu instead. However, the competition was deemed successful with minimal help from Tel Hadiv.

The host city, Trishi, was and still is the capital of Mosin-Nagan. In 2004, the city houses 176,000 people. A unique feature of Trishi other than being a holiday destination for people who wanted to enjoy beaches in occasionally low temperatures, is that the city is not gathered in one place unlike other cities in North Alezia at the time. The city was separated in separate pieces where other places got to be Trishi's "Sattelite Cities"

The Mosin-Naganese hosts decided to hold the competition in what they say "the only venue in Mosin-Nagan, let alone Trishi that can host an event as massive as the AleziRadio Festival of Songs", which according to them is the Trishi Arena, where a name change would occur in 2018 changing its name into the "Trishi Gneigas Arena" Before it was expanded in 2007, the Arena could hold 15,000 people. And following the Mosin-Naganese Environmental Code, it is the first venue that hosts the AleziRadio Festival of Songs to be powered entirely of renewable sources such as wind turbines and solar panels.

It is the first time in the festival's history to introduce a change to the competition annually held a day before the festival called "the Independence Award". This year, instead of one for every region and territory, the festival organizers allowed all 18 participants to participate in the Award.

Initially there were proposals to introduce semifinals and give the participating regions and territories one to two more songs to send. But the plan was eventually shot down, due to what according to both AleziRadio and most of the regional broadcasters call "a majestic national hassle"

Graphic wise, the logo from last year was re-used with new identities, this time using blue and green into the mix, representing the sea and land while also representing Mosin-Nagan. Another feature is the bouquet of flowers on the left representing Mosin-Nagan's floral richness.

This festival is also the first time since 1985 to not include a group, and the first time since 1971 that every song was sung by a soloist.

Risli Yalevich returned after earning sixth place for Pyalivostok last year.


The list of conductors can be seen below.

Region Conductor
Basna Ali Hisauradin
Zafizamarrah Andi Harunaddin Dami
Pyalivostok Lisa Navianova
Tel Hadiv Dorothy Weiss
Mosin-Nagan Ami Navidayan
Bristol Ann-Roberts Hailings
Aramna Helga Robbine
Pantabang Islands Cherea Alisaunitaian
Daya Island Amilea Samidana

Commentators and Spokepersons

The name written in bold is the spokeperson for that region or territory.

Region Radio Broadcaster Commentators
  • English: Azza Ruzindari (AR-P1), Anria Marindaruddin (ABA Channel One)
  • Arabic : Farah Al Fattaharin (AR-P2), Nur Hasan Yusril (ABA Channel One, broadcasted a day after the live competition)
Zafizamarrah Radio Zafizamarrah
  • Arabic: Mafzali Amiruddin (RZ-P1)
  • Buginese: Andi Zahranita Narinda (RZ-PB)
Pantabang Islands Radio Zafizamarrah / Pa'ana'taba'angi
  • Alezian : Ya'en Rama'i Dadon (RZ/P A)
  • French : Samuel Na'ikane'i Salem (RZ/P Francais)
  • Dutch : Emilio Saalvendijk (RZ/P Nederlandse)
Tel Hadiv Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu
  • Hebrew : Sheila Rayeshmaim (RTH-Y-P1)
Bristol Royal Radio of Bristol
  • English : Lisa Albertsen (RRB)
  • French : Enis Tauberin (RFrB)
Pyalivostok Radio Pyalivostok
  • Russian : Ani Yozyk (RP)
Basna Radio Basna Raya
  • Indonesian : Hanzari bin Soeradi (RBR)
Mosin-Nagan Radio Tel Hadiv - Yezateinu / Mosinannaganyan
  • Georgian : Ami Riki (RTH-Y / MN)
Daya Island Radio Pyalivostok / Dayain Saari
  • Finnish : Denaya Maaristo (RP / DS)
  • Swedish : Lovera (RP / DS / Svensk)
Aramna Araminhaes Radioues
  • Aramnan : Anne Lozeinnavais (ARR)
South Alezia Televisie Alezie-Suid no commentary and no jury

Participating Entries and Results

  • "*" = the singer won the Independence Award which was held the day before the competition.
  • The song for the Independence Award for the year was "My Little Pandan Tree" sung by Uzairi Hami in 1922
No. Region Singer Song Translation Language Place Points
01 Mosin-Nagan Alli Karel მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! The Mosin-Naganese Tango! Georgian 7 130
02 Pyalivostok Elli Sakoleva Не Don't Russian 12 77
03 Zafizamarrah Andi Aminaturidah ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ Don't Leave Me Buginese 4 238
04 Basna Zahruddin* Semuanya All Indonesian 2 255
05 Bristol Michael Ross For Every Way I'll Go - English 10 93
06 Pyalivostok Risli Yalevich Минуты превратились в часы Minutes turned into Hours Russian 18 8
07 Aramna Carlouse Dannanovais Klop! Clap! Aramnan 16 24
08 Zafizamarrah Andi Tenriatta Namian ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ He's My First Love Buginese 1 416
09 Aramna Eldi Sammoulinet Grandiose -none- Aramnan 6 160
10 Basna Anzari Loutfi Di Antara Kau dan Dia Between You and Him Indonesian 15 29
11 Bristol Anne Roubinet Mais ce n'est pas mon destin But It's Not My Fate French 14 42
12 Daya Island Ani Sounnerbou Igen, igen, igen Again, Again, Again Swedish 13 48
13 Mosin-Nagan Hari David Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული Save My Soul Georgian 11 89
14 Daya Island Lilia Kaasulainen Kylmä sydän lämmittää My Cold Heart Warms Finnish 5 208
15 Tel Hadiv Yossi Neshzar תודה לה Thank Her Hebrew 8 130
16 Pantabang Islands Dessi Dora Bande-annonce du film Movie Teaser French 3 245
17 Pantabang Islands Karri Na'ukane'i Makarina Ka'e kaha'aka'i The Beach Alezian 17 19
18 Tel Hadiv Anishza Meszerin כן, כן, לא, לא Yeah, Yeah, No, No Hebrew 9 130


MN-1 MN-2 MN-3 MN-4 MN-5 PY-1 PY-2 PY-3 PY-4 PY-5 ZF-1 ZF-2 ZF-3 ZF-4 ZF-5 BN-1 BN-2 BN-3 BN-4 BN-5 BR-1 BR-2 BR-3 BR-4 BR-5 AR-1 AR-2 AR-3 AR-4 AR-5 DI-1 DI-2 DI-3 DI-4 DI-5 TH-1 TH-2 TH-3 TH-4 TH-5 PI-1 PI-2 PI-3 PI-4 PI-5 JURY TOTAL PUBLIC TOTAL GRAND TOTAL
მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! XX XX XX XX XX 7 5 10 10 7 5 7 5 7 63 67 130
Не 5 XX XX XX XX XX 3 5 3 7 1 5 5 10 1 10 7 1 63 14 77
ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ 7 7 7 5 1 7 3 1 5 XX XX XX XX XX 7 10 5 5 7 10 7 10 5 7 10 10 7 7 150 88 238
Semuanya 1 5 10 10 10 10 10 5 XX XX XX XX XX 10 7 5 7 5 10 5 110 145 255
For Every Way I'll Go 1 1 7 10 5 XX XX XX XX XX 3 10 7 1 45 48 93
Минуты превратились в часы XX XX XX XX XX 0 8 8
Klop! 1 1 3 3 3 1 XX XX XX XX XX 1 1 14 10 24
ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ 10 3 5 10 7 3 7 1 10 7 XX XX XX XX XX 5 5 5 7 1 10 10 7 10 1 1 7 1 5 7 1 10 3 3 7 5 10 3 3 1 10 3 7 10 10 231 185 416
Grandiose 3 3 5 7 7 7 3 XX XX XX XX XX 1 3 39 121 160
Di Antara Kau dan Dia 3 5 10 XX XX XX XX XX 1 19 10 29
Mais ce n'est pas mon destin 1 5 3 3 3 XX XX XX XX XX 1 5 3 5 1 5 35 7 42
Igen, igen, igen 10 10 7 3 XX XX XX XX XX 3 5 1 39 9 48
Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული XX XX XX XX XX 1 1 5 1 10 1 7 7 3 3 5 5 7 5 3 10 1 7 82 7 89
Kylmä sydän lämmittää 10 10 7 7 7 1 1 5 7 3 XX XX XX XX XX 10 7 10 5 3 5 3 101 107 208
תודה לה 5 1 3 10 10 10 1 5 3 7 1 XX XX XX XX XX 5 3 64 66 130
Bande-annonce du film 3 5 5 3 1 1 3 5 3 10 7 10 1 10 3 1 1 3 XX XX XX XX XX 75 170 245
Ka'e kaha'aka'i 3 XX XX XX XX XX 3 16 19
כן, כן, לא, לא 1 7 10 3 3 1 3 3 5 XX XX XX XX XX 1 37 93 130

Online Vote Results

According to the AleziRadio Festival of Songs 2004 Public Vote Collection Committee, Exactly 1,145,861,624 votes combined from online and televoting (including those who voted more than once) were valid which were sent over ARFOS Week.

For the first time in the festival's history, the exact amount of votes a song earned was also released for further transparency.

No. Song Votes Percentage Points
01 მოსინ-ნაგანური ტანგო! 79,288,393 5.71% 67
02 He 16,229,312 1.17% 14
03 ᨕᨐᨊ ᨈ ᨔᨒᨕᨗᨀ 104,488,329 7.53% 88
04 Semuanya 172,484,329 12.42% 145
05 For Every Way I'll Go 56,686,448 4.08% 48
06 Минуты превратились в часы 9,555,583 0.69% 8
07 Klop! 11,294,392 0.81% 10
08 ᨕᨒᨙᨊ ᨌᨋᨁ ᨑᨗᨕᨚᨒᨚᨀᨘ 219,382,333 15.80% 185
09 Grandiose 143,299,120 10.32% 121
10 Di Antara Kau dan Dia 12,288,439 0.89% 10
11 Mais ce n'est pas mon destin 8,388,219 0.60% 7
12 Igen, igen, igen 11,192,382 0.81% 9
13 Გადაარჩინე ჩემი სული 7,774,382 0.56% 7
14 Kylmä sydän lämmittää 127,282,182 9.17% 107
15 תודה לה 77,824,283 5.61% 66
16 Bande-annonce du film 201,299,392 14.50% 170
17 Ka'e kaha'aka'i 19,293,281 1.39% 16
18 כן, כן, לא, לא 110,291,291 7.94% 93