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|common_name =        Camia
|common_name =        Camia
|status =            <!--Status of country, especially useful for micronations-->
|status =            <!--Status of country, especially useful for micronations-->
|image_flag =        <!--e.g. Flag of country.svg-->
|image_flag =        Camia_flag.gif
|alt_flag =          <!--alt text for flag (text shown when pointer hovers over flag)-->
|alt_flag =          <!--alt text for flag (text shown when pointer hovers over flag)-->
|flag_border =        <!--set to no to disable border around the flag-->
|flag_border =        <!--set to no to disable border around the flag-->
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|symbol_type =        <!--emblem, seal, etc (if not a coat of arms)-->
|symbol_type =        <!--emblem, seal, etc (if not a coat of arms)-->
|symbol_footnote =    <!--optional reference or footnote for the symbol caption-->
|symbol_footnote =    <!--optional reference or footnote for the symbol caption-->
|national_motto =    ''Vi(s) et voluntas/tes''
|national_motto =    ''vis et voluntas''<br>/wiːs ɛt woluntaːs/
|englishmotto =      (by) strength and will
|englishmotto =      strength and will
|national_anthem =    ''Blood of our forefathers''
|national_anthem =    ''Blood of our forefathers''
|royal_anthem =      <!--in inverted commas and wikilinked if link exists-->
|royal_anthem =      <!--in inverted commas and wikilinked if link exists-->
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|sovereignty_type =  Independence from [[Themiclesia]]
|sovereignty_type =  Independence from [[Themiclesia]]
|sovereignty_note =  (Sept. 29, 1703)
|sovereignty_note =  (Sept. 29, 1703)
|established_event1 = Din dynasty established
|established_event1 = Din dynasty  
|established_date1 =  Jan. 5, 1701
|established_date1 =  1701
|established_event2 = First Republic established
|established_event2 = First Republic  
|established_date2 =  Oct. 3, 1757
|established_date2 =  1745
|established_event3 = Second Republic established
|established_event3 = Second Republic  
|established_date3 =  Mar. 21, 1799
|established_date3 =  1823
|established_event5 = Military dictatorship
|established_event5 = Military dictatorship
|established_date5 =  Feb. 29, 1872
|established_date5 =  1899
|established_event6 = Second Republic restored
|established_event6 = Second Republic restored
|established_date6 =  Feb. 5, 1893
|established_date6 =  1915
|established_event13 = <!--(up to 13 distinct events may be included)-->
|established_event13 = <!--(up to 13 distinct events may be included)-->
|established_date13 =
|established_date13 =
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===Themiclesian rule===
===Themiclesian rule===
Under the direction of Emperor Tjaw-mjen (孟昭文帝, ''mrangs-tjaw-mjen-tis'') of the [[Meng-Rjang Dynasty|Meng Dynasty]] (孟, 543–752), Themiclesia began to fortify the trade routes its merchants treaded, establishing several fortifications along them.  During this period, these fortifications did not, generally, attempt or imply control over territory beyond the routes.  In the following [[Dzi dynasty|Dziai Dynasty]] (齊, 752–1020), these fortifications were used to establish military dominance over aboriginal societies in their vicinities; in 815, a marshalling of all fortresses' soldiers in one expedition overwhelmed the aboriginal coalition decisively at modern-day Keuruu, which affirmed Themiclesia's political dominance over the continent.  In reference to contrasting architecture, they named Themiclesians as the "People of the Wide House".  Later in the Dziai Dynasty, the continent was split into two regions; the area east of the Camian Mountains was called the Left, and west of it, the Right.  In contrast with the Meng policy of appeasement and gift-exchanges, the Dziai regarded any non-submitting aboriginals as non-human and permitted its soldiers to do whatever they liked with them; since these soldiers were mostly violent (or even organized) criminals, disputes regularly occurred between them, merchants, and aboriginals.
Under the direction of Emperor Tjaw-mjen (孟昭文帝, ''mrangh-tjaw-mjen-têgh'', r. 620 – 632) of the [[Mrangh]] (孟, 543 – 752), Themiclesia began to fortify the trade routes its merchants treaded, establishing fortresses along them.  During this period, these fortifications did not, generally, imply control over territory beyond the routes.  In the following [[Dzi dynasty|Dzi Dynasty]] (齊, 752 – 1020), these fortifications were used to establish military dominance over aboriginal societies in their vicinities.  In 792, a marshalling of fortress troops overwhelmed the aboriginal coalition decisively at modern-day Keuruu, affirming Themiclesia's military control of much of the continent.  On a pretext of registering natural resources, the [[Comptroller of Waters and Marine Prefect|Marine Prefect]] established an administration in continental Columbia that would last almost the next millennium.

The aggressive policy and poor conduct of Themiclesian soldiers encouraged alliances to form between aboriginal societies and the emergent Hallian settlers, who were more willing to interact as peers and with less coercion.
In reference to contrasting architecture, some aboriginal nations called the Themiclesians the "People of the Wide House".  Later in the Dzi Dynasty, the continent was split into two "routes", centred on the paths of trade: the area east of the Camian Mountains was called the Left Route, and west of it, the Right Route.  In contrast with the Meng policy of appeasement and gift-exchanging, the Dzi regarded hostile aboriginal as non-human and commanded its forces to annexe their territories.  This' was highly unconventional for the Themiclesian court, which generally prohibited regional military commanders from opening war autonomously.

===Colonial administration===
===Colonial administration===
In 1529, after the Yi dynasty of [[Menghe]] collapsed, Themiclesia rebuilt its navy in an attempt to recover positions it lost in Meridia in the late 1300sCombined with increasing Casaterran presence on the Columbia, it also decided that a regular army was needed to address Casaterran threats.  A regular army was built because settlement in the continent was insufficient to sustain a militia, like the government preferred.  When it came to selecting troops, most of the prefectural militias were entirely distraught at the thought of being stationed for years or decades in a foreign land, without contact with their families; local gentry also did not wish to depopulate Themiclesia by encouraging emigration, which would reduce their source of tenants.  In 1530 it was decided to conscript recidivist, violent criminals, mostly coming form local revolts and groups of highwaymen and bandits; in the edict, it is said that if "some are incurably violent, then let them be violent where it helps the country".  While the effectiveness of such an army was questionable, it was an improvement over having no army at allTo secure their loyalties, the state offered to award them ten ''kw'rjiang'' of land in Camia and indemnity for their prevoius crimes, upon completion of a very long (usually 16 to 20 years) term of service.  This army was then merged into the system of fortifications that dotted the trade routes, which had begun to expand into communities through unsanctioned settlement.  These fortifications were originally managed by the Department of Ports and Passes, under which they served a notionally financial—collecting tolls on passing persons and duties on goods—purpose; after their merger, they became known as the Colonial Army.  A similar model was pursued to fortify Meridian positions.
In the 14th century, the Yi dynasty of [[Menghe]] expelled Themiclesians from their colonial possessions in Meridia, through the naval battles at [[Battle of Portcullia|Portucllia]] (1325) and [[Battle of Tups|Dubh]] (1352), and forced Themiclesia to end military ventures in the Meridian Ocean after the Siege of Kien-k'ang (1385)Limited to Columbia, the court built a regular army to address Casaterran incursions on the continent they still (partly) controlled, out of penal labour camps inmates, promising pardon and lands in the continent for 20 years of serviceThe lure of free land also attracted dispossessed Themiclesians to enlist.  This army utilized the fortifications that dotted the trade routes, which connected communities founded by unsanctioned settlement.  Once discharged from service, they received frontier lands organized into settlements.

The history of the Colonial Army would prove inextricable from that of early CamiaThe colony was formally divided into counties in 1536, conceding to the existence of large agricultural and commercial communities forming thereThe original land grants to the criminal soldiers, at ten ''kw'rjiang per capita'', ultimately meant to isolate them and lead an existence in solitude, was exceedingly generous compared to land grants to peasants (at 0.1 ''kw'rjiang'') and militiamen (at 0.2 ''kw'rjiang'') in Themiclesia-proper.  It is believed that the court did not want these former criminals to form communities and trade with each other, so they had to be given enough land to produce everything they needed; it was indeed seen that grants typically had both arable areas and woodlands.  But with tales of former criminals enjoying vast swathes of virgin land, landless tenants began to emigrate to the west, seeking to become a tenant to these landlords who were desperate for assistance.  With a surge in population in the 1500s, disinherited young men have been known to commit capital crimes to be sent into the Colonial Army, for its generous terms.  Soon, the government recognized this absurdity and permitted landless vagrants to join its ranksYet since the Colonial Army was originally a penal unit, the government often ordered it to engage recklessly, without due regard for their lives.  Conversely, it was also not as tightly disciplined and supervised as the home militia, and violence within the ranks was virtually unchecked.  Enlistment was therefore considered both dangerous and disreputable, suitable for the destitute, the vagrants, and the roughs who had "nothing but a body to offer".
As Secretary of Passes (備塞丞) originally administered modern Camia, the Colonial Army was entrusted with both its protection and administrationThis quasi-military administration persisted for over a century until counties were formally established in 1506Though conceptually a militarized colony for veterans, many Themiclesians still left their homes for Camia, where there was sufficient land to settle. The cession of ′An-goi (安和) to Hallia in 1536 may also have been a component the impetus for firmer administration to impede Hallian settlementThe Marine Prefect's administration was frequently in conflict with settlers of all nationalities, since its tasks involved expropriating resources from the entire continent.

In 1585, the Camian Colonial Army was divided into the Left Division and Right Division.  It was briefly considered in Themiclesia to place them under the War Secretary's jurisdiction, but they remained under the Appropriations Secretary.  Ultimately, this may be connected to their early reliance upon the Navy's armoury (海寺工, ''hme'-lje-kong'') for weapons and armour, before establishing their own munitions, and shipment of supplies by the Navy, which answered to the same officer.  Themiclesia never established a prefecture in Camia to govern its 36 counties, leaving them answering directly to the central government.  The home militia in Themiclesia was organized by prefecture and, during peace, subordinate to the prefecture, but Colonial Army operated without civil control from Camia locally.  This has been connected to the Colonial Army's later hubris towards Camian government, disregarding the civil administration as something it had made possible rather than was deigned to serve.  As settlement by Sylvans, Hallians, and later Anglians intensified, the 17th century was one of increasing autonomy for Camia.  Military decisions and supplies required immediately, resources from local bodies were increasingly diverted to the Colonial Army rather than the Themiclesian exchequer; the latter were made up for in other taxes.  Dissatisfied with demands from the central government, many colonists believed that they were over-taxed compared to subjects in the metropole. Families originating from the initial settlement of soldiers also protested that the government promised the ten ''kw'rjiang'' of land would be tax-free, since the soldiers were deemed exiles after service.
While Camia was geographically disparate from Themiclesia, the government never established a prefecture in Camia, leaving the counties answering directly to the central government.  Thus, the Colonial Army operated without civil oversight from magistrates.  This has been connected to the Colonial Army's later hubris towards Camian government.  As settlement by Sylvans, Hallians, and later Anglians intensified, the 17th century was one of increasing autonomy for Camia.  Military decisions and supplies required immediately, resources from local bodies were increasingly diverted to the Colonial Army rather than the Themiclesian exchequer.  Dissatisfied with demands from the central government, many colonists believed that they were over-taxed compared to metropolitan subjects.
In 1604, the first royal colony of Anglia was set up in the southern Camia...

In the 1600s, Anglians began to arrive in significant numbers on the west coast of the Halu'an SeaWhile the majority of them settled south of modern-day Camia, a portion found their way into the more settled regionsThey may have preferred access to a relatively stable and mature governance that was not, in most places, hostile to settlers from a different culture; Anglians could register their lands, on condition that they pay the same taxes as the Themiclesians did, and receive the same protectionFurthermore, the presence of the Colonial Army meant that Anglians did not need to participate in a militia like their southern cousins did, and they were also not required to take an oath of allegiance to the Themiclesian crown; their allegiance, under Themiclesian law, was deemed good as they remitted taxesThey did not, however, fully integrate into Themiclesian society; instead, they formed homogeneous communities and practiced their peculiar religions.  Interaction with Themiclesian authorities was by interpretation, but such instances were understood to be infrequent.  While Themiclesia sent magistrates centrally, most disputes were not tabled before the magistrate's justiciar; accredited communal aldermen resolved most civil disputes and misdemeanoursThemiclesian control over Anglian communities was weak beyond the annual tax assessment.
The Anglian royal colony gradually expanded the territories it controlled northwards, sometimes coming into conflict with Themiclesians; however, their efforts were limited by a Themiclesian regular army stationed locally.  The Themiclesians and Tyrannians concluded a treaty that prohibited the Marine Prefect from expropriating woods and minerals from the areas between Anglian settlements in the early 1600s, which meant increased demands on the areas developed and settled by ThemiclesiansOf the three arms of government in Camia, only the army admitted officers of local rearing, while the civil administration and the Marine Prefect's officers were all imported from the metropoleThis fact grew to disturb the newborn Camian gentry at the same time Tyrannian influence was recognized. 
The Anglian colonists...
===Kingdom and First Republic===
{{main|Camian Kingdom}}
After annexing the Anglian royal colony, the Compact declared Din Mang (known as Daniel Mang to contemporary Tyrannians), to be the King of Camia in 1701.  According to Themiclesian historians, the new king received by proxy the rites of kingship according to Themiclesian tradition in 1703, an event recorded on the [[Gold Tub of Camia]].  In the same year, the Royal Constitution was promulgated to satisfy Tyrannian leaders that were concerned if they would become a discriminated class in the new kingdom; the document did not guarantee any civil liberties but did make provisions against "arbitrary government" that both Tyrannian and Themiclesian elites felt to be problematicNevertheless, the resulting form of government irritated the Tyrannians, as it ignored most of their demands even though not despotic.
The king led a government that historians most often describe as a simplified version of the Themiclesian one, eliminating many positions of little political import that are retained purely for traditionThe Compact did not form any official institution, but its members controlled most of the bureaucracy's armsThe king has a "certain ceremonial character" according to Camian historian C. Reading, who also says that the king had little power independent from the Compact.  

===First Republic===
After a failed royal coup to wrest power from the the Compact in 1743, Tyrannian leaders advised that the Compact should be broadened to include themselves, who were under-represented in the government.

===Second Republic===
===Second Republic===
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===Modern period===
===Modern period===

Camia is a unitary, presidential republic.  The structure of government was laid out in the ''Act of Parliament, 1934'' in consequence of the Great Revolution that dissolved the military dictatorship and restored the Second Republic, which then dissolved itself by that Act and constituted the Third Republic.  Under the Second Republic, Parliament was sovereign, and that the act was passed unanimously in both the House of Commons and the Senate, it was thought to be the only body having the necessary power to alter the structure of government and lay down a new constitution.  However, questions then arose regarding future amendments to the constitution, if the original body passing it and setting the precedent no longer existed.  Subsequently, in 1935, a plebescite was called to affirm the Act of Parliament, 1934 and a number of other legislations before it that were deemed to be constitutionally significant; amongst them were the ''Bill of Rights of 1757'', the ''Local Government Act, 1824'', the ''Constitutional Act, 1838'', the ''Bribery Act, 1844'', the ''Judicature Act, 1850'', the ''Members of Parliament Act, 1856'', and the ''Representation of the People Act, 1859''.  Then the constitution was codified into its modern form in 1951.
===Constitutional laws===
The ''Act of Parliament, 1934'' provides that Camia is a unitary, presidential republic.  Under the Second Republic, Parliament was sovereign, but in 1935, a plebescite was called to affirm that the sovereign power was vested in the whole body of citizens, and an effort to confirm laws of constitutional importance occurred.  Amongst them were the ''Bill of Rights of 1757'', the ''Local Government Act, 1824'', the ''Constitutional Act, 1838'', the ''Bribery Act, 1844'', the ''Judicature Act, 1850'', the ''Members of Parliament Act, 1856'', and the ''Representation of the People Act, 1859''.  The constitution was codified into its modern form in 1953.
The president and vice president are together directly elected by electors under universal suffrage and serves fixed-length terms of six years; there are no statutory limits on how many terms a president may serve consecutively or in total.  The candidates with most votes becomes president and vice president, regardless of the actual share of votes he receives.  Candidates for the presidency and vice presidency must be at least 40 years of age and an elector.  The president is head of state and government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, issues secondary legislation, appoints civil and military officers, and oversees the executive branch.  While the vice president has few duties enshrined by the constitution, other statutes have imposed on him a range of duties.
Substantive administrative duties are carried out by a number of government departments, each of which is led by an officer appointed and dismissed by the presidnet.  By convention, the chief officers of the government departments form the Camian cabinet, on which the president and vice president are co-chairpersons.  During the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was regarded as unlawful for the president or vice president to enact major policies or issue ordinances without consultation with the cabinet, but this rule was broken during the [[Pan-Septentrion War]].  The modern constitution does not require consultation, though it would be highly unusual for the chief executive to omit it frequently.  At any rate, the relationship between government departments and the chief executive is regulated by statute for the most part, so open disagreements are infrequent.
The Camian armed forces are regarded as part of the executive for legislative and legal purposess, as clarified in the constitution of 1953.
The legislature of Camia is bicameral, with a higher house, the Senate, and a lower house, the House of Assembly.  The constitutional laws do not limit the national legislature's powers, though the president may refuse to enforce laws if the Court of Appeal considers them repugnant to any of them.  Bills must obtain the support of both houses to become statute.  Once passed, the president may decide to return the bill for further discussion; if the legislature pass the bill again with a 2/3 majority, the president must enforce it.
Each of Camia's 17 counties elects two senators for a fixed term of six years.  The Assembly is composed of members elected under the {{wp|first-past-the-post}} system in single-seat constituencies, each with around 100,000 people.  Members serve terms of three years.  There is no limit on re-election for members of either house.  Both houses are co-equal in their powers, except the Senate may not propose or reject bills of supply.  Both houses elects their own officers, sets its own agenda and rules, and punishes offenders of its rules.  Both are quorate with half of all members present. 
The seat of the national legislature is the Houses of Parliament, though this is no longer the official title of the legislature.  The Senate and House of Assembly occupy the west and east wings of the building respectively.  In the tradition of the Anglian parliament, the Senate is themed in red, while the House of Assembly is green.  Members of the public may visit either house, unless the house orders the galleries to be cleared of visitors.
The constitution provides the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and courts of other jurisdictions that the legislature may establish.  Unlike some other states but consonant with the nomenclature of both Anglia and Themiclesia, the Court of Appeal is senior to the Supreme Court.  While the executive and legislative branches have been the topic of political reform, the judicature has been relatively stable historically, the Supreme Court tracing its history to the 1700s.

The president and vice president are together directly elected by electors under universal suffrage and serves fixed-length terms of six years; there are no statutory limits on how many terms a president may serve consecutively or in totalThe candidature with most votes becomes president and vice president, regardless of the actual share of votes he receives.  Candidates for the presidency and vice presidency must be at least 40 years of age and an elector.  The president is head of state and government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, issues ordinances (secondary legislation), appoints civil and military officers, and oversees the executive branch.   
According to the constitution, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal suits unless provided otherwise by statute and appellate jurisdiction over all inferior courts established by the legislatureIt has been debated whether the legislature could create courts not inferior to the Supreme Court, though the Court of Appeal implicitly denied this deciding that the Supreme Court had jurisdiction over the Court-martial of Appeal, even though it was not specified this way.  The word "appellate jurisdiction" was originally limited to errors manifest, but since the 1950s it has become acceptable to dispute questions of fact before the Supreme Court.   

The legislature of Camia is bicameral, with a higher house called the Senate and a lower house called the House of Assembly.  The terms "higher house" and "lower house" are statutory.  Each of Camia's 17 prefectures elects two senators for a fixed term of six years.  The Assembly is composed of members elected under the {{wp|first-past-the-post}} system in single-seat constituencies, each with around 100,000 people.  Members serve terms of three years.  There is no limit on re-election for members of either house.  Both houses are co-equal in their powers, except the Senate may not propose or reject bills of supply.  Both houses elects their own officers, sets its own agenda and rules, and punishes offenders of its rules.  Both are quorate with half of all members present.  Bills must obtain the support of both houses to become statute.  Once passed, the President may decide to return the bill for further discussion; if the legislature pass the bill again with a 2/3 majority, the president must promulgate the bill and enforce it.
The Court of Appeal has appellate jurisdiction over the Supreme Court.  The Chief Justice of Appeal is regarded as the most senior judge in Camia.

The judicature of Camia consists of the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and other courts.  Judges and masters (a class of officials who maintain court records) are appointed for life and protected against arbitrary dismissal and reductions in remuneration by the executive; however, they can be imprisoned by higher courts for misbehaviour, without losing their status or income as judges or masters.  Statutes maintain that certain qualifications are necessary for the bench, including standards of personal character.  The Supreme Court has original and appellate jurisdiction in all civil and criminal suits, while the Court of Appeal has appellate jurisdiction over the Supreme Court.  In certain cases where the Court of Appeal may reserved a question of law for the Senate, which may resolve it by a 2/3 majority.  The Supreme Court has three benches of six justices each; each case heard by the Supreme Court is decided by one bench.  If an appeal is sought, the two benches uninovlved compose of the Court of Appeal and make a decision by simple majority.  The head of the Supreme Court is the Chief Justice, and other members, Puisne Justices; when hearing cases as the Court of Appeal, the titles are Chief or Puisne Justice of Appeal.
Judges and masters of the courts are appointed for life and protected against arbitrary dismissal and reductions in remuneration; however, they can be punished by higher courts for misbehaviour, without losing their status or income as judges or masters.  Statutes maintain that certain qualifications are necessary for the bench.


Latest revision as of 22:57, 16 August 2020

Republic of Camia
Camia, 昭昌
Flag of Camia
Motto: vis et voluntas
/wiːs ɛt woluntaːs/
strength and will
Anthem: Blood of our forefathers
Map of Camia
Map of Camia
CapitalCooking / Tiung-kyaeng (中京)
Official languagesTyrannian, Shinasthana
GovernmentUnitary presidential republic
• President
• Vice President
House of Commons
Independence from Themiclesia 
(Sept. 29, 1703)
• Din dynasty
• First Republic
• Second Republic
• Military dictatorship
• Second Republic restored
• 2017 estimate
19,254,200 (31)
• Density
69/km2 (178.7/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2018 estimate
• Total
$758,394,000,000 (36)
• Per capita
$39,894 (17)
GDP (nominal)2018 estimate
• Total
$690,188,000,000 (31)
• Per capita
$36,315 (21)
Currencyhyan (緍) (HYA)
Time zoneUTC+2
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd
Driving sideright
Calling code+3

The Republic of Camia is a country on the western coast of the Halu'an Sea, in the western part of the continent Hemithea. It borders Suularko to the north and Novnoebiya to the west. The county has 19.25 million inhabitants, and its capital city, Tiung-kyaeng, is situated to the northeast.


The capital city's name, Cooking, is an imprecise transliteration of the Themiclesian name Tiung-kyaeng (中京, lit. "middle capital"). Tiung-kyaeng was originally named Yen-k'ang (延康, lit. "prolong prosperity") under the Din Dynasty and the First Republic. It is a popular myth that the original name references the name of the Themiclesian capital Kien-k'ang (建康, lit. "establish properity"), signifying a cultural tie with Themiclesia, the metrepole of Camia during the colonial period. But Yen-k'ang, long before being capital city of Camia, already bore that name, so it is unlikely this name was chosen to depict Camia as a successor to Themiclesia. Nevertheless, this myth was taken as fact during the Revolution of 1799 and changed to Tiung-kyaeng, to sever the semantic connection to Themiclesia.

Geography and climate


Prehistory and early trade routes

Themiclesian rule

Under the direction of Emperor Tjaw-mjen (孟昭文帝, mrangh-tjaw-mjen-têgh, r. 620 – 632) of the Mrangh (孟, 543 – 752), Themiclesia began to fortify the trade routes its merchants treaded, establishing fortresses along them. During this period, these fortifications did not, generally, imply control over territory beyond the routes. In the following Dzi Dynasty (齊, 752 – 1020), these fortifications were used to establish military dominance over aboriginal societies in their vicinities. In 792, a marshalling of fortress troops overwhelmed the aboriginal coalition decisively at modern-day Keuruu, affirming Themiclesia's military control of much of the continent. On a pretext of registering natural resources, the Marine Prefect established an administration in continental Columbia that would last almost the next millennium.

In reference to contrasting architecture, some aboriginal nations called the Themiclesians the "People of the Wide House". Later in the Dzi Dynasty, the continent was split into two "routes", centred on the paths of trade: the area east of the Camian Mountains was called the Left Route, and west of it, the Right Route. In contrast with the Meng policy of appeasement and gift-exchanging, the Dzi regarded hostile aboriginal as non-human and commanded its forces to annexe their territories. This' was highly unconventional for the Themiclesian court, which generally prohibited regional military commanders from opening war autonomously.

Colonial administration

In the 14th century, the Yi dynasty of Menghe expelled Themiclesians from their colonial possessions in Meridia, through the naval battles at Portucllia (1325) and Dubh (1352), and forced Themiclesia to end military ventures in the Meridian Ocean after the Siege of Kien-k'ang (1385). Limited to Columbia, the court built a regular army to address Casaterran incursions on the continent they still (partly) controlled, out of penal labour camps inmates, promising pardon and lands in the continent for 20 years of service. The lure of free land also attracted dispossessed Themiclesians to enlist. This army utilized the fortifications that dotted the trade routes, which connected communities founded by unsanctioned settlement. Once discharged from service, they received frontier lands organized into settlements.

As Secretary of Passes (備塞丞) originally administered modern Camia, the Colonial Army was entrusted with both its protection and administration. This quasi-military administration persisted for over a century until counties were formally established in 1506. Though conceptually a militarized colony for veterans, many Themiclesians still left their homes for Camia, where there was sufficient land to settle. The cession of ′An-goi (安和) to Hallia in 1536 may also have been a component the impetus for firmer administration to impede Hallian settlement. The Marine Prefect's administration was frequently in conflict with settlers of all nationalities, since its tasks involved expropriating resources from the entire continent.

While Camia was geographically disparate from Themiclesia, the government never established a prefecture in Camia, leaving the counties answering directly to the central government. Thus, the Colonial Army operated without civil oversight from magistrates. This has been connected to the Colonial Army's later hubris towards Camian government. As settlement by Sylvans, Hallians, and later Anglians intensified, the 17th century was one of increasing autonomy for Camia. Military decisions and supplies required immediately, resources from local bodies were increasingly diverted to the Colonial Army rather than the Themiclesian exchequer. Dissatisfied with demands from the central government, many colonists believed that they were over-taxed compared to metropolitan subjects.

In 1604, the first royal colony of Anglia was set up in the southern Camia...


The Anglian royal colony gradually expanded the territories it controlled northwards, sometimes coming into conflict with Themiclesians; however, their efforts were limited by a Themiclesian regular army stationed locally. The Themiclesians and Tyrannians concluded a treaty that prohibited the Marine Prefect from expropriating woods and minerals from the areas between Anglian settlements in the early 1600s, which meant increased demands on the areas developed and settled by Themiclesians. Of the three arms of government in Camia, only the army admitted officers of local rearing, while the civil administration and the Marine Prefect's officers were all imported from the metropole. This fact grew to disturb the newborn Camian gentry at the same time Tyrannian influence was recognized.

The Anglian colonists...

Kingdom and First Republic

After annexing the Anglian royal colony, the Compact declared Din Mang (known as Daniel Mang to contemporary Tyrannians), to be the King of Camia in 1701. According to Themiclesian historians, the new king received by proxy the rites of kingship according to Themiclesian tradition in 1703, an event recorded on the Gold Tub of Camia. In the same year, the Royal Constitution was promulgated to satisfy Tyrannian leaders that were concerned if they would become a discriminated class in the new kingdom; the document did not guarantee any civil liberties but did make provisions against "arbitrary government" that both Tyrannian and Themiclesian elites felt to be problematic. Nevertheless, the resulting form of government irritated the Tyrannians, as it ignored most of their demands even though not despotic.

The king led a government that historians most often describe as a simplified version of the Themiclesian one, eliminating many positions of little political import that are retained purely for tradition. The Compact did not form any official institution, but its members controlled most of the bureaucracy's arms. The king has a "certain ceremonial character" according to Camian historian C. Reading, who also says that the king had little power independent from the Compact.  

After a failed royal coup to wrest power from the the Compact in 1743, Tyrannian leaders advised that the Compact should be broadened to include themselves, who were under-represented in the government.

Second Republic

Military rule

Third Republic

Pan-Septentrion War

Modern period


Constitutional laws

The Act of Parliament, 1934 provides that Camia is a unitary, presidential republic. Under the Second Republic, Parliament was sovereign, but in 1935, a plebescite was called to affirm that the sovereign power was vested in the whole body of citizens, and an effort to confirm laws of constitutional importance occurred. Amongst them were the Bill of Rights of 1757, the Local Government Act, 1824, the Constitutional Act, 1838, the Bribery Act, 1844, the Judicature Act, 1850, the Members of Parliament Act, 1856, and the Representation of the People Act, 1859. The constitution was codified into its modern form in 1953.


The president and vice president are together directly elected by electors under universal suffrage and serves fixed-length terms of six years; there are no statutory limits on how many terms a president may serve consecutively or in total. The candidates with most votes becomes president and vice president, regardless of the actual share of votes he receives. Candidates for the presidency and vice presidency must be at least 40 years of age and an elector. The president is head of state and government, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, issues secondary legislation, appoints civil and military officers, and oversees the executive branch. While the vice president has few duties enshrined by the constitution, other statutes have imposed on him a range of duties.

Substantive administrative duties are carried out by a number of government departments, each of which is led by an officer appointed and dismissed by the presidnet. By convention, the chief officers of the government departments form the Camian cabinet, on which the president and vice president are co-chairpersons. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was regarded as unlawful for the president or vice president to enact major policies or issue ordinances without consultation with the cabinet, but this rule was broken during the Pan-Septentrion War. The modern constitution does not require consultation, though it would be highly unusual for the chief executive to omit it frequently. At any rate, the relationship between government departments and the chief executive is regulated by statute for the most part, so open disagreements are infrequent.

The Camian armed forces are regarded as part of the executive for legislative and legal purposess, as clarified in the constitution of 1953.


The legislature of Camia is bicameral, with a higher house, the Senate, and a lower house, the House of Assembly. The constitutional laws do not limit the national legislature's powers, though the president may refuse to enforce laws if the Court of Appeal considers them repugnant to any of them. Bills must obtain the support of both houses to become statute. Once passed, the president may decide to return the bill for further discussion; if the legislature pass the bill again with a 2/3 majority, the president must enforce it.

Each of Camia's 17 counties elects two senators for a fixed term of six years. The Assembly is composed of members elected under the first-past-the-post system in single-seat constituencies, each with around 100,000 people. Members serve terms of three years. There is no limit on re-election for members of either house. Both houses are co-equal in their powers, except the Senate may not propose or reject bills of supply. Both houses elects their own officers, sets its own agenda and rules, and punishes offenders of its rules. Both are quorate with half of all members present.

The seat of the national legislature is the Houses of Parliament, though this is no longer the official title of the legislature. The Senate and House of Assembly occupy the west and east wings of the building respectively. In the tradition of the Anglian parliament, the Senate is themed in red, while the House of Assembly is green. Members of the public may visit either house, unless the house orders the galleries to be cleared of visitors.


The constitution provides the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and courts of other jurisdictions that the legislature may establish. Unlike some other states but consonant with the nomenclature of both Anglia and Themiclesia, the Court of Appeal is senior to the Supreme Court. While the executive and legislative branches have been the topic of political reform, the judicature has been relatively stable historically, the Supreme Court tracing its history to the 1700s.

According to the constitution, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal suits unless provided otherwise by statute and appellate jurisdiction over all inferior courts established by the legislature. It has been debated whether the legislature could create courts not inferior to the Supreme Court, though the Court of Appeal implicitly denied this deciding that the Supreme Court had jurisdiction over the Court-martial of Appeal, even though it was not specified this way. The word "appellate jurisdiction" was originally limited to errors manifest, but since the 1950s it has become acceptable to dispute questions of fact before the Supreme Court.

The Court of Appeal has appellate jurisdiction over the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice of Appeal is regarded as the most senior judge in Camia.

Judges and masters of the courts are appointed for life and protected against arbitrary dismissal and reductions in remuneration; however, they can be punished by higher courts for misbehaviour, without losing their status or income as judges or masters. Statutes maintain that certain qualifications are necessary for the bench.





See also