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Traditional Jesasang ancestral offering table set up for the Chusŏk festival in autumn.

There are a total of 10 public holidays in the Socialist Republic of Menghe, which collectively add up to 17 days off over the course of a year. On these days, government offices, state-owned enterprises, and Menghean embassies overseas are closed. Private businesses are not required to close, but most recognize public holidays anyway, and some grant extended holidays for Menghean New Year. The four Southwestern Semi-Autonomous Provinces also have two additional public holidays (four days off) for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Menghean public holidays are divided into two types: Holidays (휴일 / 休日, hyuil) and Festivals (명절 / 名節, myŏngjŏl). Holidays are patriotic celebrations honoring events in modern history, and are based on the Gregorian calendar, while Festivals are traditional celebrations based on the Menghean lunisolar calendar. Traditional festivals will not fall on the same Gregorian date every year, and extended holidays may be adapted to better align with weekends. To clarify these policies, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announces the official annual schedule of holidays one year in advance, and publishes projected holiday dates online for the coming twenty years.

National holidays

English name Menghean name Date Comments Days off
Menghean New Year 正朝 / 정조
1st day of the
1st lunar month
A three-day public holiday which includes the days before and after the lunar new year. It usually falls between January 21 and February 20. 3
Liberation Day 光復日 / 광복일
February 26th Commemorates the end of the Menghean War of Liberation and the restoration of Menghe's independence. 1
Pure Brightness Festival 清明節 / 청명절
15th day after
the spring equinox
Traditional holiday in which families provide gifts and offerings to departed ancestors. Also known as "tomb-sweeping day." Falls on April 4, 5, or 6. 1
Labor Day 勞動日 / 로동일
first Monday
in May
Holiday dedicated to the achievements of the labor movement and the Menghean socialist movement, as well as the indispensable role of workers in Menghe's economic growth. Originally celebrated on May 1st. 1
National Day 建國紀念日 / 건국 기념일
gŏnguk ginyŏm-il
May 25th Celebrates the formal establishment of the Socialist Republic of Menghe, which replaced the temporary Interim Council for National Restoration, and the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution. Since 1990, Menghe has held its main military parade on National Day, using the holiday as an opportunity to showcase new equipment. 1
Dragon Boat Festival 龍船節 / 룡선절
5th day of the
5th lunar month
Traditional festival celebrating loyalty and filial piety, usually falling in late May or early June. Also known as the "Double 5 festival" for the lunisolar date on which it falls. 1
Memorial Day 顯忠日 / 현충일
2nd Monday in July Dedicated to Menghean soldiers who lost their lives in recent military conflicts, most notably the Pan-Septentrion War, Menghean War of Liberation, and Innominadan Crisis. 1
Mid-Autumn Festival 秋夕 / 추석
15th day of the
8th lunar month
Traditional harvest festival celebrated during the full moon of the 8th lunar month, usually around the autumn equinox (mid-September to early October). 3
Revolution Day 革命日 / 혁명일
December 21st The anniversary of the Decembrist Revolution. Celebrated with a pre-dawn torchlight parade at Heroes' Square in Donggyŏng, the epicenter of the coup, followed by speeches from political leaders. Combined with Dongji to produce the five-day Yusin Week. 2
Dongji Festival 冬至 / 동지
Winter solstice The traditional winter solstice holiday, which falls on December 21st, 22nd, or 23rd. Combined with Revolution Day to produce the five-day Yusin Week. 3

Regional holidays

As part of their special status, the four semi-autonomous provinces of Uzeristan, Daristan, Siyadag, and Argentan-in-Menghe are given additional public holidays. These fall on the Shahidic holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and are celebrated with one and three days off, respectively. Like traditional Menghean holidays, these are based on a lunar calendar, albeit on the distinct Shahidic lunar calendar, and their exact Gregorian dates vary.

Extended holidays

Fireworks in Sunju celebrating Menghe's 29th National Day in 2017.

Certain important traditional festivals - namely, Menghean New Year, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dongji - are given extended holidays, meaning that state employees do not have to go to work the day before or the day after. Dongji is combined with Revolution Day to form the five-day Yusin Week (유신 주간 / 維新週間) holiday, which lasts from December 20th to December 24th. If one of these extended holidays overlaps with a weekend, workers who normally have the weekend off get an extra day off on the preceding Monday or the following Friday; if a three-day holiday falls directly on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, workers who normally have the weekend off get Friday off as well, and many private workplaces will also grant a day off on Monday to allow a full week's vacation.

These extended holiday periods exist to allow workers time to travel home and see their extended families, an important tradition in Menghean culture. Over the course of the Menghean economic miracle, millions of rural working-age men and women left their home villages to find work in the cities, and only return home during extended holidays. Menghe's high-speed rail system was specifically designed to handle the elevated volume of travelers before and after important family holidays.

While state regulations do not formally require private workplaces to close on public holidays, many do. All of Menghe's ten largest Jachi-hoesa grant extended Menghean New Year holidays to their employees, guaranteeing at least a full week off depending on where the holiday period falls. In smaller businesses, workers may choose to apply vacation days adjacent to a holiday period, extending their time off or merging it with an adjacent weekend.

Flag raising regulations

On Hyuil holidays (Liberation Day, Labor Day, National Day, Memorial Day, and Revolution Day), citizens are encouraged to fly the national flag outside their houses as a show of patriotism. The strictness of "encouragement" has varied over the course of the 20th century; during the Pan-Septentrion War, flying the national flag on patriotic holidays was made compulsory, and during the Disciplined Society Campaign of the mid-1990s overzealous Party officials subjected noncompliant households to public criticism.

Today, failure to fly the flag on these days is not punishable by legal action, but may be met with social criticism from one's peers. In rural counties, teams of Youth Vanguard and Joguk Janyŏ still circulate during national holidays to "investigate" any houses not flying the national flag and distribute flags from their own supply, but this is rare in urban areas. As an alternative or supplement to the national flag, especially patriotic citizens may display the portrait of Choe Sŭng-min or the flag of the Greater Menghean Empire, depending on the nature of the holiday.

See also