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Republic of Oàgadishu
Coat of arms
• State-Governor
Salih Qader
Nureddin Kasfawwi
LegislaturePeople's Assembly
• Al-Faklan Emirate
1000 AD
• Pashli Sultanate
1462 AD
• Union of Majulan
1701 AD
• Dominion of Dakka
1946 AD
• Republic of Oàgadishu
1959 AD
• Water (%)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (IY)39.7
HDI (IY)Increase 0.681
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd-mm-yy
Driving sideright side
Calling code792

Oàgaden, officially as the Republic of Oàgadishu (Oagadisti: Jamhuuriyadda aṣ Oōägaden) is sovereign state located in western Majula. It borders Arstvin and Kagon to the south and BLANKS.

In terms of culture, religion, ethnicity and linguistics, it has been described as the "most" homogeneous country in Majula. Oàgadishu has an estimated population of around 30 million. Around 85% of its residents are ethnic Oagadistis, who have historically inhabited the southeastern part of the country. Ethnic minorities are largely concentrated in the border regions. Official languages of Oàgadishu is Oagadisti, a hybrid language mixing Arabic, Leidnish Uitkijk and obscure(extinct) local languages; the world's newest created language as foreign linguists had been invited helping creating it. Majority of the country are Malufi Irsad followers of the Ahmurriya sub-sect, originally arrived from Fahran.


Ancient Times

Ancient pyramidical structures, mausoleums, ruined cities and stone walls found throughout Oàgadishu are evidence of a thriving sophisticated civilization. The archaeological findings show that this civilization enjoyed a lucrative trading relationship with Arabekh since the second millennium BCE. This supports the hypothesis and/or the adjacent western Majulan territories corresponding with the ancient (and mythical) civilization of Mynacabeans. The Mynacabeans traded myrrh, spices, gold, ebony, short-horned cattle, ivory and frankincense with the [Blanks] through their commercial ports. An ancient Oznan diplomatic & exploration expedition was sent, it is recorded on the temple reliefs at Bahir el-Deiz, during the joint-reign of the King Paratu and Queen Ahi

Colonial Times

Republican Era

The mark of a truly independent Oagadisti state happened when Free Underground Movement; a movement of left-leaning students, syndicates and army officers decided to make a pre-emptive strike by launching a military coup after leaked information by intelligence sources informed the movement's members, colonial forces would arrest them within a few days time. General Gafaar ad-Mirghani, the first Acting-Chairman and later founder and Senior-Secretary of the Socialist Revolutionary Union, the majority of his supporters in contrast were young in comparison. The party elected Gédeon Swudahab, part of the senior military leadership as her first president; making it apparent that the military was in control.

Agitation against the colonial overlords had been brewing for years as mismanagement and natural disasters had left the country in disarray and no ending on site to the suffering of the populace.


Under the 1976 Constitution (as modified 1988, and amended in 1998) Oàgadishu is a multi-party state. All parties must be approved by the Ministry of the Interior. To date, Oàgadishu has more than "two dozen" legal political parties. According to the Constitution, no political association may be formed if it is "based on differences on regional, religious, language, gender or racial grounds" in order to avoid separatist issues.


Formally, the political framework of Oàgadishu is a form of a Semi-Presidential quasi-unitary republic. The State-Governor acts as the Head of State, the Revolutionary Command Council acts as the decision-making organ; the Acting-Chairman acts as the general staff of the grand council of government, acting as a mere technocrat and retains his own separate ministry that helps coordinating inter-services projects and cooperation while overseeing its own independent anti-corruption apparatus.

The constitution gives the State-Governor the right to appoint ministers to the RCC, to declare war and state of emergency, to issue laws (unless in case of emergency, require legislative ratification), declaration of amnesty, constitutional amendments, and to appoint civil servants and military personnel whom will be reviewed and allowance to documentation of their appointment by the public. The State-Governor is elected since the new millenia by the People's Assembly instead of the Socialist Revolutionary Union party members likewise other communist regimes as part of their democratization process; every 7 years elections take place with various NGOs branding 'partly free'.

Oàgaden's legislative process is unicameral in nature, the People's Assembly used to be dominated solely by elected members from the Socialist Revolutionary Union but since 2000, first multi-party elections were launched by several approved parties and elected by all citizens in order to break the illusion of party-elitism from top-to-bottom.

According to some reports, it is believed that elected politicians have little sway over the country. The strongman ruling the country behind-the-scenes may be Abel Basher; commander of the Republican Guard since its the only unit allowed to station army units in the vicinity of the capital.

Geography & Climate

Oàgadishu is located on the western coast of Majula, Aeia's largest continent. Bordering Arstvin to the west, the country is home to variety of geographic features and home to a diverse climate. From the unforgiving deserts on the Arstvin border, the mountain ranges further in-land to the east part of the 'Old Country', the fertile plains to the coast part of the liberated regions hosting more than half the population and hosting a significant part of the national economy.


The country's climate can be characterized by a long, semi-hot, and dry summer, and a cold, rainy and sometimes snowy winter(concentrated solely to the mountainous older parts of the country region). Fall is a transitional season with a lowering of temperature and little rain; spring occurs when the winter rains cause the vegetation to revive. Topographical variation creates local modifications of the basic climatic pattern. Along the coast, summers are warm and humid, with little. Heavy dews form, which are beneficial to agriculture. The daily range of temperature is not wide. A west wind provides relief during the afternoon and evening; at night the wind direction is reversed, blowing from the land out to sea.

Winter is the rainy and snowy season, with major precipitation falling after early January. Rainfall is generous, falling in heavy cloudbursts. The amount of rainfall varies greatly from one year to another. Snow is common in inland mountainous areas, with temperatures reaching an average of 1 Celsius in December, −9 Celsius in January, and 2 Celsius in February. A hot wind blowing from the south or the east, may cause sudden increase in temperatures, mostly in spring. Bitterly cold winds often come from the western coastal regions. Along the coast the proximity to the sea provides a moderating influence on the climate, making the range of temperatures narrower than it is inland, but the temperatures are cooler due to more rain.

In the eastern parts of the country the high increase in altitude produces cold winters with more precipitation and snow. The summers have a wider daily range of temperatures and less humidity. In the winter, frosts are frequent but snows are rarely heavy; in fact, snow covers the highest peaks for much of the year. In the summer, temperatures may rise as high as 34 Celius during the day, but they fall far lower at night. Inhabitants of the coastal cities, as well as visitors, seek refuge from the humidity of the coast by spending much of the summer in the mountains, where numerous summer resorts are located because of the altitudes. The influence of the [SEA] is abated by the altitude and, although the precipitation is even higher than it is along the coast, the range of temperatures is wider and the winters are more severe. Much of the mountains, the steep slopes of the mountains, and the heavy rainstorms give a soft character to it due to its composition in limestone.

The Arstvin Depression has a hot, sunny and dry climate producing fully desert or semi-desert conditions with average 8 hours of sunshine making it unbearable living in the region as average temperature is 36C. The region is home to few hundred thousands partaking jobs primarily in the oil industry, rock-salt extraction, sulfur extraction and sand mining(sand mining operations are banned elsewhere around the country due climate damages post-war period and to contain illegal construction projects).


One of the major environmental issues in Oàgadishu was water supply. The country has great water resources than originally believed; however, it is at increasing risk of shortages, particularly during the dry summers due to lack of storage capacity as increasing demand for irrigation during that period. Large-scale projects to improve water supply are funded by the government and by foreign agencies, it is an extreme opinion amongst some individuals fearing desertification of the country due to deforestation that happened uncontrollably in late 80's. With the annexation of the new territories westward and increased GDP, large scale forestations and water resource managements were launched especially in the 90's


According to the official statistical body of Oàgadishu in 2011, the non-government agency Oàgaden Statistical Agency, the country's population is 31 million persons and is dominated by the Oàgadisti ethnic group(roughly more than 95%). The constitution recognizes Malufi Irsad(79%) following predominately Ahmurriya teachings as the "prevailing faith of the nation" but guarantees religious freedom as part of it's secular policies, Christianity is the second largest religion and protected under minority religious laws but most members are natives as well. Although most of it's citizens might identify culturally Irsadic, roughly 3 out 10 people are irreligious. Officially a secular country with no official religion since the constitutional amendment in 1984 and later reforms strengthened after the Irsadic uprising of '85 and the appliance of laicism in the country, currently all public schools from elementary to high school hold mandatory religion classes which mostly focus on Malufi Irsad were children learn prayers and other religious practices unless belonging specifically recognized religious minorities hence allowing absentation(for atheists there is no option) . The teaching of religious practices in public grade schools remains controversial.

Oagadisti Religious Survey of 2015

  Malufi (91%)
  Rafada (5%)
  Eucidean (1%)
  Puritan (2%)
  Other (1%)

Oàgadisti society had undergone rapid changes over the 20th century as a series of wars and rebellions have shaped rapidly the demographic scene in the nation. After the annexation of western Oàgaden following the brutal '79 war followed by massive casualties and the crushing of the Irsadic uprising few years later.

A relatively high percentage of Oàgadisti have gained access to basic education since the 1980's in higher numbers but in recent years the trend focusing on acquiring higher education diplomas has decreased as work demand from the increasing mechanization and industrialization of the country became high especially in the 90's followed by the distribution of land to smaller landowners and creation of more worker cooperatives.


Oàgadishu is a newly industrialized country. Its economy is heavily export-dependent, with exports accounting for more than two-thirds of its GDP. Economic growth is expected to post 4.1% growth in 2018 with it's currency increasingly used in the local region. The economy is a transitional mixed economy as the government is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy but process is slow despite the initial fast-track trend of the 90's for a more careful structural approach to avoid state income embezzled as part of the anti-corruption campaign. However, telecommunications and transportation sectors remain dominated by government-owned companies due to lack of investors.

The agricultural sector dominates the national economy, roughly 45% - nevertheless 20% of the population is reported working on agriculture oriented sector industries as their primary occupation, mostly family business; in autumn and spring due to higher demand for hands on fruit collection it may rise as high as 30%(as many are employed at summers in the tourist industry). Coffee production is overwhelmingly dominating the agriculture sector as the top exporter product of Oàgadishu of coffee on international level and has contributed primarily to the better standard of living of the population. Other principal crops include beans, oilseeds, cereals, potatoes, fruits and vegetables. It is universal in almost every household growing up its own spare home-grown vegetables as a pre-emptive measure of emergency(as previous years, Oagadishu wasn't provided assistance).


The government provides universal healthcare and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. All residents are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental human right, the Ministry of Public Health assumes the fiscal and administrative responsibility. The Public Healthcare Service (PHS) is the publicly funded national healthcare system. Primarily funded through the general taxation system and through National Insurance Institute(i.e childbirth, extraordinary events injuries such as from war or natural disasters, cosmetic surgery deemed medically necessary) and overseen by the Ministry of Public Health. Some services, such as emergency treatment and treatment of infectious diseases are free for everyone; part of it's core principle free at the point of use. access the full breadth of critical and non-critical medical care, without payment except for some specific PHS services, for example eye tests, dental care, prescriptions and aspects of long-term care. These charges are usually lower than equivalent services provided by a private provider and many are free to vulnerable or low-income patients. Despite the overly 'socialist' medical administration, the nation suffers to this date lack of medical staff despite the increase of apprenticing nurses and doctors.

Oagadistis can increase their medical coverage and improve their options by participating in private health insurance plans which citizens may choose. Although the healthcare in private hospitals is superior in quality as private hospitals offer overall superior patient care and amenities than public hospitals, such as private rooms designed as hotel rooms, Internet and television access, restaurant-quality food, and extra beds for visitors to stay overnight. In addition they provide dental care as patients must rely on the private sector for dental services, being personally responsible for covering the costs. Fertility treatments for young women and most cosmetic surgeries take place inside these private institutions. These private clinics have attracted an increasing amount of health tourists generating revenues of around $40 million a year for the tourist sector, hard currency payments by foreigners assist in private-funded research.

Economic constraints and restrictions on medicines have forced the healthcare system to incorporate alternative and herbal solutions to healthcare issues, which can be more accessible and affordable. Officially recognizing natural and traditional medicine and began its integration into the already well established Western medicine model. The PHS covers roughly 90% from 23% in 2018 of medical care across the country but the lack of coverage in many has received heavy criticism.

The Social Care Agency is the publicly funded executive agency responsible for the provision of social care services across the country. It is free of charge to all citizens. For services such as A&E(Adult and elderly, not be confused with emergency services type of specialized nursing care) patients simply walk in, state their name and date of birth, are given treatment and then leave. Patients are unaware of costs incurred by them using the service. Social services are provided by local governments, the national sovereign fund also provides economic assistance; especially on child welfare issues.


Since the 1970s, in a centralized system that was designed to significantly reduce the rate of illiteracy, the RCC issued a decree by which school attendance became compulsory for all children aged between 6 and 16 years who have the ability to track their learning through the 20 facilities built since independence, now the literacy rate is around 87.9%.

From the fourth year, Leidensh is taught and it is also the language of instruction for science classes. Since 2000, Arabic has been introduced into the curriculum for nine years. In 2000, new programs at elementary schooling allows children to start at the age of five. Apart from the 122 higher degree institutions(ranging from universities to technic schools) . After nine years of primary school, students can go to the high school or to an educational institution. The school offers two programs: general or technical. At the end of the third year of secondary school, students pass the exam of the baccalaureate, which allows once it is successful to pursue graduate studies in universities and institutes.

Education is officially compulsory for children between the ages of six and 16. Helping shape an illiterate albeit older generation as the continued trend of youth(especially men) dropping out of school to pursue manufacturing, mining and agricultural careers since they tend to be more profitable.

Oàgadishu has 26 universities and 67 institutions of higher education, which must accommodate a million Oagadistis and foreign students in 2000. The Oarahooro University, founded in 1789(a former madrasa), is the oldest, it offers education in various disciplines (law, medicine, science and letters). Few of these universities and almost all of the institutions of higher education were founded after the independence of the country. Even if some of them offer instruction in Arabic like areas of law and the economy, most of the other sectors as science and medicine continue to be provided primarily in Oagadisti and Leidensh.